sounds like things are going well.
i was thinking about my hip vs my knee replacements the other day and the long term (so far) of both has been different. i really only feel my knees are downgraded any when i either kneel or the one or two times i've fallen on them. that's a pain that's hard to describe. with the hip, for maybe a year or two only occasionally, i would feel a sort of weakness. not nearly as bad as the pre-replacement discomfort, but it's more like you know something is keeping you from that 100% feeling. it's diminished over past few years, but at least for a while it was something i noticed. i could also add that of the three people i know locally who have had joint replacements, two rarely bring it up and one complains about them constantly... usually as a predictor of weather. ... of course it's been close to 6 months since i've had a substantial chat with anyone.