I like the pledge
Make a promise to yourself today
The Challenge pledge
On this date, ___________________________, 2008, I made a commitment to myself to take care of my amazing body.
I joined the three-month self Challenge, and I promise to…
Love myselLf! It’s my body. No one else can take care of it for me, so I’m going to make time to exercise, even on busy days.
Nurture myselLf! I know I need healthy food—and plenty of it. I will eat well. And that includes dessert, because moderation, not deprivation, is the route to being healthy and happy.
ChallLLenNge myselLf! I recognize that working hard to achieve my goals will make me a stronger person, and I want to be able to do whatever I set my mind to, now and in the future.
CelLebrate myselLf! Every step I take toward being my healthiest deserves a little applause. That’s why I will pause to recognize my success and feel proud of my accomplishments.
You get only one body to live in and love during this lifetime, so vow
to yourself right here, right now, to
keep yours healthy and strong.
Sign this pledge, then hang it where
you can easily see it. You’ll always
be reminded of the moment you decided to become your best self.