Whatever could her favorite color be?
And probably fatigue, but I assume that's covered by technique given that hardly anyone keeps form when too tired.The biggest take away from this weeks study is that the type of shoe has minimal effect on running related injuries, the biggest factor being training and technique.
The worst cases are the ones who are afraid to get told off so they'll lie about it. Because then we can't get to the bottom of what's keeping them from doing what their body needs them to do so we can't fix the problem.A big part of dealing with not only elite athletes but also general population is exercise compliance hence the psychology and behavioural subjects in the course, if the client will not comply with the exercise prescription then it is like butting your head against a brick wall it gets you nowhere towards helping the clients with their goals.
Are you able to take any pain killers or anti-inflammatories, Tru that bring relief or are you like me & allergic to the NSAID family? I hope you're not in too much pain. Pain really messes with your brain. Good luck with catching up with uni.