Weight-Loss Santa's Slimmers--team Thread

Thanks BB, I'll keep that in mind for next week.

Bonus update: I only managed the extra hour for the exercise this week, we got home from shopping around 7pm and I just dont feel like getting on the elliptical after a full day. I'll just have to get all my protein bonus points this week, which should be no problem since I usually eat a lot of protein.
Hi everyone,
had a good week with weight loss. I gained a bit of water weight last week and thankfully it came off this week. Not sure how the protein thing is going to go with me. I would have to eat 110g! I have no idea how I am going to do that. But I will put my best foot forward. Have a great week.
Congrats to everyone who dropped weight this week! woohooo! For those you haven't, I'm sure next week will be better! Here are a few things that are high in protein that may help you on for this week's bonus:

cottage cheese (14g for 1/2c)
yogurt (~8g for 8oz)
low fat milk (~8g for 8oz)
Peanut Butter (Non of that lowfat crap... just regular PB)- 6-8g protein for 2tb depending on what brand
unsalted almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc etc etc (~16g for 1/4c)
chicken breast
tilapia (high in protein, low in fat and calories)

Heck, the list goes on... but here are just a few. Good luck, everyone!

Hey Teammates and welcome aboard, Heretic!!

How's everyone doing?

I'm having a hard time with the protein. 2 days in a row of 105+ grams of protein so far...blech! My body is just not used to that much, and I have some serious tummy bloat going on.

I don't eat fish at all, so I'll be depending on boneless/skinless chicken breast and eggs a lot this week. I just might grow a beak and feathers before the week is over...LOL!

Good luck all!
Wow, I just never seem to have a problem with the protein. I guess for weight-loss reasons I try to center my meals around it so that's probably why. Today I got 135 grams of protein and 2110 calories, which was definitely too high in the calories but alas, I'll just have to do nice and low all next week to make up for it :cuss:.
Starting Weight: 208.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 195.0 lbs

Week 1 Nov 10th: 208.2 lbs. (.6 lbs lost)
Week 2 Nov 17th: 207.7 lbs. (.5 lbs lost)
Week 3 Nov 24th: 207.2 lbs. (.5 lbs lost)
Week 4 Dec 1st: 206.2 lbs. (1 lb lost)
Week 5 Dec 8th: 206.2 lbs. (0 lb lost) Sorry. :(
Week 6 Dec 15th:205.0

Final Weigh-in Dec 22nd:

Weekly Bonuses (put an * for each day completed)
Wk 1: *******
Wk 2: *******
Wk 3:*******(and I wrote 5 things I was thankful for)
Wk 4: 30 minutes extra exercise
Wk 5: ****- 4 days of 103g of protein.
Wk 6: 2 days of strength training 30 minute sessions.
Wk 7:

3hrs of Weekly Exercise (Y/N)
Wk 1: YES
Wk 2: YES
Wk 3: YES
Wk 4: YES
Wk 5: YES
Wk 6: YES
Wk 7
Last edited:
I've added Yarmiah to Grinches Losin' Inches. I'm still waiting for 3 people to log their stats. These people are on Snowblowin' the Pounds and Santa's Slimmers. The other three teams have all logged in.

Here are the team totals so far:
Total points (just adding everyone's points up) and then adjusted points (adjusted for team size, because some teams have more people). Right now, Twas the Night Before Weigh In has 6 people, so their points are the same adjusted and unadjusted. Everyone else has 7, so their adjusted points are 6/7 of their total points.
Hey everyone,

good job with this week's accomplishments! I'll be leaving for Hawaii on Tuesday, but I'll keep in touch with Bikinibound as to what the following challenges will be and I'll post her my bonuses and weigh ins. Wishing everyone a lovely holiday season and good luck with your weight loss.

So I accidentally deleted my post...I'm hoping bikinibound has the point totals so far, otherwise I'll try and go back and remember what i did. Sorry!
Hey team mates, just wanted to say hi to everyone and see what's going on with you. How do you think you'll do with this week's strength training challenge? I've hurt my shoulder so I will need to make an extra effort to do my strength training regardless. I've been working from home all week and usually I only make it to the gym when I'm working downtown, so I will need to push myself to somehow get to the gym tomorrow. Thursday I'll be back at work so that's easier, but I'm off fridays so let's see how I get myself over there tomorrow. Like anyone cares? Ahh, just sharing what a pain this'll be but I guess that's the point of this challenge and I'm liking the motivation its giving me.

I do sincerely hope that we dont come in last so let's try really hard to get as many points as we can (and I'm clearly no one to talk here LOL).

Go team! Go team! We're awesome! *does a cheer and burns 50 calories*
I already did 1 30 minute session, so I just have 1 more. I think that is the challenge. Anyway it will make up for not doing so hot with the protein challenge. WOW a couple more weeks and we are done. That went fast.
I agree, I don't want to come in last either. So come on team let's move!!!:party:

So I accidentally deleted my post...I'm hoping bikinibound has the point totals so far, otherwise I'll try and go back and remember what i did. Sorry!

Here are your weekly pts thus far:
kerich1117 WK1-24 Wk 2-27 WK 3-24 WK 4-22 WK 5-35 TOTAL-132
And here are your weights:
Start--141.5 Goal-134.5 Wk1-136.6 Wk2-136.0 Wk3-135.5 Wk4-135.2 Wk5-133.0
Thanks bikinibound!

This week has been going pretty well...i worked out hardcore sunday and monday but then exam and final papers hit so it was the library instead of the gym. I've been around 133.0 this whole week and am having trouble going any lower. I guess its because I'm pretty close to my goal weight but i'm impatient. I have a final this morning but i can hit the gym today and tomorrow so i'm hoping that will get me .5 lbs at least by weigh in.

Keep up the good work everyone!
I made sure to get over to the gym this morning to get in my 2 30 min strength training sessions for this week's bonus. I dont usually go to the gym on fridays but I went just to get my points :rolleyes:. What a damn motivator this challenge is if you take it seriously.

I wish yall would check in more and tell your teammates what's going on with you, whether good or bad, but I understand people are busy.

Have a great day and weigh-in everyone!
Ha I'll try. Finals are done tomorrow so my life will be significantly less stressful. I had a great workout yesterday, what a stress reliever. I'm so sad to leave my gym for a month for break. My gym at home just doesn't compare to the school's gym. Two more days of good workouts!
my finals are now over! and I can relax until late January. I will be quite a bit less busy, and plenty of time to devote to figuring out this weight loss thing!
I need to get on here more and post. I was having a great week but then I had a couple of Holiday Parties and now it is not looking too good. Might see a gain tomorrow. I really didn't eat a lot, but it wasn't great either. I was reading another thread and I realized that I need to stop weighing myself everyday. I was ready to put the scale away for a month, but I have this challenge so a week will have to do.