In the Press and Power Clean I'm seeing some good gains. When I started a month back doing 20kg Presses, that really was work for me, while for most exercises I've started out with what I know to be well-below my 5RM's. What I have noticed is that for most exercises, the difficulty of each lift doesn't seem to be increasing, and squatting on Mondays is usually easier than squatting on Fridays.
I haven't been in the gym during this trip, and I really look forward to getting back in there either on Thursday (the day I get home) or Friday. I did, however, go for a 40min jog 2 evenings ago with my girlfriend and a mutual friend (who's actually responsible for my girlfriend and I meeting a year ago), played frisbee for about an hour yesterday and plan on going to the beach tomorrow afternoon.
I haven't been in the gym during this trip, and I really look forward to getting back in there either on Thursday (the day I get home) or Friday. I did, however, go for a 40min jog 2 evenings ago with my girlfriend and a mutual friend (who's actually responsible for my girlfriend and I meeting a year ago), played frisbee for about an hour yesterday and plan on going to the beach tomorrow afternoon.