Ryan's Journal

Thanks nicolaw. Fortunately, the food available to me at home is pretty consistent, so it's not something I have to think about too much to get at least half-right.
I just finished another squat workout, with the repeat goal of 200 reps total throughout the session. It was definitely easier to get through this time around than on Monday. I didn't do any push ups today, or upper-body work at all, for that matter. I want to see how saw my middle and lower traps are tomorrow from the squats without anything else to interfere. As per Monday, I used my big 6' stick during standard squats and for my clean-and-snatches.

1. 50 squats - 50 total
2. 20 bulgarian split squats (R) - 70 total
3. 20 bulgarian split squats (L) - 90 total
4. 10 clean and snatches - 100 total
5. 30 squats - 130 total
6. 20 bulgarian split squats (R) [I was very pleased to see that I wasn't too shaky to feel the need to stop at 10] - 150 total
7. 20 bulgarian split squats (L) - 170 total
8. 20 squats - 190 total
9. 10 clean and snatches - 200 total

I made like a good boy and even stretched afterwards.
I managed to forget to train yesterday (I've never done that before), but ended up going to the old TAFE gym today where I used to study for Cert III,IV and Diploma. I asked about the pilates course there, having found that I'd be about 10x more employable with that qualification (plus it's something I've been interested in doing for a long time now). There's a pilates course there starting up after Easter, for 6 weeks on Saturdays, and it'll cost $450.

At the gym, I continued with my high reps squat idea, but used an empty bar instead of just a staff as I would at home. It wasn't a full-weight bar - it would have been 10-15kg, but I'm not sure on the exact measurements. Even so, it was a very light weight, but still made a noticeable difference.

- 30 squats
- 15 split squats (R)
- 15 split squats (L)
- 20 squats
- 5 split squats (R)
- 5 split squats (L)
- 8 deadlifts w/ 40kg on the bar
- 5 deadlifts w/ 40kg on the bar
- 5 clean and snatch
- 5 clean and snatch
Last Wednesday night, I went to play tennis with some of the men from church. I think it's safe to say that this did not help my recovery from my session at the SBIT gym at all, as on Thursday I wasn't able to stand up without using my arms. I was able to walk straight again yesterday, and did 2 x 20 min walks today, going to and from my pastor's house.
During the last couple days, I've been contemplating doing a 3x5 program based on Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength but with some more back exercises (looking at his program and the results other people claim to get out of it inspired the full-body program I was doing at the start of this journal). So I'm trying to follow his recommendations more specifically than I was before. I was going to do some planning today and start on it next week, but after going into the TAFE gym with plans on continuing with the high rep style training I've been doing, the urge to try this out get a hold of me, and I had my first SS session instead.

During my brief planning earlier today, I set some weight goals for 6 weeks (18 sessions) from now, and worked back to figure out my starting weights.

Squat 80x5
Bench Press 65x5
Deadlift 90x5
Press 42.5x5
Power Clean 50x3
Row 52.5x5
Chins +15x5

Squat 18x2.5 = 45
Deadlift 9x5 = 45
Chin Ups 9x1.25 = 11.25
All others 9x2.5 = 22.5

Starting Weights:
Squat 80-45 = 35
Bench Press 65-22.5 = 42.5
Deadlift 90-45 = 45
Press 42.5-22.5 = 20
Clean 50-22.5 = 27.5
Row 52.5-22.5 = 30
Chins 15-11.25 = 3.75
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Wed 24/03/10

2x5x20kg -- In the first warm-up set, it felt like my hip was restricting ROM. Some dynamic stretches had me feeling fine in the second set, though.
1x3x25kg -- ETA: As I started loading up the bar even a tiny bit, I noticed a very sharp straining pain in my wrist using the thumb-over grip recommended in the book, and found I was only able to hold the bar steady using a thumb-under grip.

Bent Over Row:
2x5x20kg -- I was originally planning on doing bench press at this point in time, but the bench was taken. I think this might actually be a better time in my session to do my rows than before or after deadlifts, which of course are also back oriented, so they could take some edge out of my rows or vice-versa.

Bench Press:

1x5x45kg -- I was disappointed after this set when I realised I was at the end of my workout. The Starting Strength program calls for 3x5 work sets on most exercises, but only 1x5 deadlifts. I finished the one set, expecting to do 2 more, then realised that I'd done all I was supposed to do.
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Even though it's obvious you aren't, I just felt like saying it anyways:

You're lazy. Do better.

I know, I'm a bastard. But no ones giving you a hard time. Unacceptable!

Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength

I read and heard many good things about this book. I should buy it.

I was disappointed after this set when I realised I was at the end of my workout. The Starting Strength program calls for 3x5 work sets on most exercises, but only 1x5 deadlifts. I finished the one set, expecting to do 2 more, then realised that I'd done all I was supposed to do.

To fix that state of disappointment all you had to do is 2 more sets, don't let the book tell you to be disappointed because it did not address your high level of drive and determination. Don't hold back such behaviors - 2 more sets of dead lifts yields more adaption than one. You we're already mentally prepared to do them. This is like throwing away motivation.

Also, I haven't worked out in weeks. Are you going to let this happen?
It did feel exactly like throwing away motivation, but I can't judge the quality of the program by not adhering to it. The only thing I'm (consciously) changing is adding additional rows which I need for posture, and chin ups which I need for competition purposes. I have noticed in previous programs that if I do the same volume of squats and deadlifts, I always feel it much more in my hamstrings the next day than my quads, and even today I feel it slightly more in my hamstrings than quads, so I'm not overly worried that I may not be making the same adaptations that I could be making with more work. This feels very counter-intuitive to me, but hey, if in 6 weeks I can do 90kg for 5 reps, it's been a success.
TBH, secure people have very good intuitions. You seem like you are your own person, quite easily too, which leads me to assume you are secure and confident in yourself. When this happens, your intuition is a damned good tool to use and listen to. Basically, you have been seeing your own previous progressions and as a result your intuition becomes shaped in accordance to what you have learned and gone through. This, basically, is your own body talking to you.

Not trying to force any point of views onto you, but, in my experience, if it feels right it is right.

Your body told you to do more, because it knows you can do it, IMO.

So, listening to your intuition and getting more results or listening to a book and getting less, this is how I see it, not sure about your point of view though- but, I leave that to you.

Tonight, I will workout, I don't care what comes up, I will at least do one set of exercises as my work is physically demanding already, I run and lift stuff all day long...I will post the workout when it is completed. Then you can proceed to slaughter my ass even though I don't deserve it :sport2:
Yesterday's Workout: 26/03/10

2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 2 x 35kg
3 x 5 x 37.5kg
I was far more comfortable with the thumb-over grip this time than last time.

2 x 5 x 10kg
1 x 5 x 12.5kg
1 x 3 x 15kg
1 x 2 x 17.5kg
3 x 5 x 20kg

Power Clean
2 x 3 x 20kg
1 x 3 x 22.5kg
1 x 2 x 25kg
1 x 1 x 25kg
5 x 3 x 27.5kg
I was worried my technique might not be up to scratch, but I spent a couple minutes practicing the main positions beforehand, gradually putting the movements together before continuing into the first listed warmup set. Once I got into the swing of it, my form was pretty good for most reps (although there was 1 rep in there where I brought the bar too close to my body or my timing was off, and I slammed it into my diaphragm. That was a quality epic fail, and I was fortunate enough to have witnesses.

2 x 5 x -20kg
1 x 5 x Bodyweight (BW) -- this was harder than expected, but I decided to push ahead as I'd planned earlier.
1 x 3 x BW
1 x 2 x BW
1 x 5 x 3.75kg -- I had to stop at 4 reps, then rest a few seconds before I could complete the 5th rep.
1 x 3 x 3.75kg
1 x 3 x BW
I definitely seem to have overshot my chin up capacity. This is sad, because I know for a fact that 6 months ago I'd have been laughing at the idea of going this easy on chins - I recall doing 13 reps at BW and 6 reps with 10kg. Oh well. I decided to make the warm up a lot lighter for the next session, and only go up to BW.
Today's Workout: 29/03/10

2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 2 x 35kg
3 x 5 x 40kg
So far, on 2 out of 3 sessions, someone at the gym (first one of the cert iv students, then today one of the teachers) has questioned me on my squatting technique, particularly the issue of me having the bar just below the spine of the scapula, rather than just above which is what we've all been traditionally taught. I've found that this low bar position recommended by Rippetoe forces my back into a stronger position and works my middle and lower traps (the parts of the trapezius you actually WANT to be working) more, whereas the higher bar position just makes it easier for me to drop my chest, all the while crushing my ribs and supraspinatus.

Bent Over Row:
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 22.5kg
1 x 3 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg (please forgive me for doing a 3rd rep, it was an accident, I swear)
3 x 5 x 32.5kg

Bench Press:
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 35kg
1 x 2 x 40kg
3 x 5 x 45kg
During one of my weight-changes, I mustn't have been paying much attention to my surroundings, because I accidentally elbowed someone else's bar. My elbow's been sore since. This things happen.

2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 40kg
1 x 2 x 45kg
1 x 5 x 50kg
Today's Workout: 31/03/10


2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 2 x 35kg
3 x 5 x 42.5kg

3 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 3 x 20kg
1 x 2 x 20kg
3 x 5 x 22.5kg

Power Clean
2 x 3 x 20kg
1 x 3 x 22.5kg
1 x 2 x 25kg
1 x 1 x 27.5g
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 1 x 30kg and then I felt a sharp pain through the back of my right shoulder, so called it quits for the day in case of injury. Upon palpation afterwards, either my terres major or terres minor on that shoulder was particularly sensitive. I checked the same location on my left side, and there was no pain or soreness, so I think it's safe to say I've located the correct muscle. I'll be trying to do as little with my shoulders as possible for the next couple days, then spend the weekend massaging and stretching.
So, I spent a week not training, doing what I could to rehab my shoulder. This week I'm attempting to repeat last week's sessions without any complications.

Wed 07/04/10


Bent Over Row

Bench Press

I haven't been able to update since my last workout so far, because the internet in my house has been dead for the last couple days. But I think it's been properly fixed now.

Fri 09/04/10



1x4xBW plus 3 negatives

Power Clean

This time there were no problems with my shoulder, which I'm very grateful for. I forgot about order and did chin ups before power cleans...no biggies there. I'll be getting back into progressions this week :)
Mon 12/04/10



Bent Over Row

Bench Press
I'm looking forward to this Friday when squats and bench press are the same weight, and next week onwards where squats overtake bench press the way they should.

Wed 14/04/10



Power Clean


I also spent about 15min on an exercise bike afterwards, then 5-10min stretching.
Friday 16/04/10


2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 40kg
1 x 2 x 45kg
3 x 5 x 50kg

Bent Over Row
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 2 x 35kg
3 x 5 x 37.5kg

On squat and bent over row, I was using a bar that's slightly lighter than the normal bar I'd try to use because the 20kg bars were all taken. I tried to correct the weights by putting 1.25's on each side, but may have still ended up 1-2kg out from where I'd aimed to be.

Bench Press
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 40kg
1 x 2 x 42.5kg
2 x 5 x 45kg -- I noticed the weight was lighter than I expected, then when I looked I realised that after 40kg I'd gone up in 2.5kg increments; I should have done 1 x 2 x 45 and 3 x 5 x 50, so I treated this as an extended warm up (perhaps not a bad idea since I'd been waiting around for the bench for about 10 minutes after rows).
3 x 5 x 50kg

2 x 5 x 40kg
1 x 5 x 45kg
1 x 3 x 50kg
1 x 2 x 55kg
1 x 5 x 60kg

I'm looking forward to the next week, since I will finally be squatting more than I bench press, and the weights I'm using are starting to look less pitiful.

I'll be going on a trip for a week, startingt his coming Friday. I plan on making arrangements to have access to a gym while I'm away.
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Mon 19/04/10




Power Clean
On the 3rd working set, I failed to get under the bar and seemed to only achieve a high pull. I think I was just low on energy. I'd only had one meal so far during the day and hadn't slept as long as I'd have liked to the night before, so no surprise, really. It felt like my body just forgot how to lift. After finishing all the normal sets, I did two back-off sets (one at 30kg, one with the empty bar) to see if my technique would be better without the load. I think I was just tired and running low on glycogen.

Chin Ups
Basically, in the work sets I failed to get 5 reps per set. I don't think my bodyweight's increased since the last time I did chins, so I expect that this, too, is the result of poor sleep and nourishment on the day. I'll try for 3x5x2.5 this Friday (if I'm able to get into a gym while I'm away) and see if my luck's any better.
Wed 21/04/10


2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 40kg
1 x 2 x 50kg
3 x 5 x 55kg

Bent Over Row
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 25kg
1 x 3 x 30kg
1 x 2 x 35kg
3 x 5 x 40kg

Bench Press
2 x 5 x 20kg
1 x 5 x 30kg
1 x 3 x 40kg
1 x 2 x 50kg
3 x 5 x 52.5kg

The bench rack in the gym has always been on a slightly skewed angle to the tiling on the ceiling, which has always bothered me. Today I made myself proud by fixing up the angle.

2 x 5 x 40kg
1 x 5 x 50kg
1 x 3 x 55kg
1 x 2 x 60kg
1 x 5 x 65kg

I'm getting excited about the next 3 deadlift workouts, knowing that they'll be at 70, 75 and 80kg. This is feeling very promising. I'm definitely looking forward to the day when I surpass my PR's.
Glad to see your keeping up a good journal.

Sadly, I sold all my Olympic gear. Looking at this makes me want to challenge my old one rep maxes on the DL and various compounds.

You must be seeing some good gains in your strength with those. I'm seeing good ones anyhow.