Runner's Club

No, I mean online. I should really be doing other things or running or something, but I'm on here. :toetap05: Not good, Trops

And I mean that in the nicest, most helpful way possible :D

It will make you feel BETTER....probably. Ideally.
It's 7:30 here and dark. If I have time later I will probably jump rope, but with the way things are going today, it might be an off day. If so I'll set the alarm for early and get up and go in the morning.

Don't worry, I'm not throwing in the towel.
Yesterday I ran for the first time since running in Hawaii in the vog and the 85 degree weather. Whatever, it was 81 degrees yesterday....

I ran 8 minutes on pavement, to and from beach, and 37 minutes on the actual sand. It was a beautiful sunny day and I had my dorky Amphipod water bottle belt on, sports sunglasses, iPod, and sports watch. I now could give 2 shits what I look like, as running and being comfortable means more to me than looking good while I'm doing it.

Yesterday I went to a party where two of my (chubby) homegirls got drunk and wrestled in a kiddie pool filled with water and Jello to raise money for my gay friend's bon voyage to OR and beauty school. I didn't get enough sleep again, and I'm running on low energy. I pretty much need to SLEEP WELL for the rest of the month. The running will always be there. No exercise today I don't think.....
Oh, I wish I had the luxury of running in sand. I bet it's quite the workout. I'm having a run-free day today but I got by the last three days pretty well. :hurray: My running intervals are much longer and I've added an extra 10 minutes to the whole workout. Plus, I feel like I've lost 10 pounds in just boat. Haha.

Saturday run? Damn... suppose I have to. :willy_nilly:
I ran for an hour and 22 minutes in the Forest of Nisene Marks on Tuesday, and Wednesday I tried to run a bit before my company's event, but couldn't go more than a little over a mile before I had to walk. Then I sprinted and walked for a couple bouts. Then there was the steep steep hill that is my road back to my house....

Yesterday was HIIT kickboxing and I just finished a 50 minute run to and on the beach for lunch. My 1st half marathon looms in the distance and I'm starting to worry. My pace is awful these days--9 to 11 minutes says my Nike +iPod. Granted it's trail running and beach running, but STILL. Whatever happened to my 6:53 pace? Being 26 sucks compared to being 24 :(

I'm not going to get discouraged though. Why would I ever do that?

All I can do is continue training, and push myself a little harder. Work and friends seriously interfere with my training and I'm struggling with that. I sort of have to tell people straight up "How about October?" and it seems rude. But they understand....
Re-connecting with old friends, working 6 days a week, doing yoga 30 minutes to 2 hours almost every day, and new belly dancing classes have made it very difficult to train for my halfer :( I'm going to run today and do yoga tonight, my halfer is in 2 weeks minus 1 day!!! :eek:

I WON :hurray:

Well, I came in first for women and beat last year's time by 9 seconds, although the dude at the clock said they might round to 10 seconds ;) I made it to the top 10 list at #9 and will be looking at the Santa Cruz Sentinel to see if they put me in the paper like they did last year :D

Race: 10K through hills, elevation gain of 800 ft :eek: Time: 48:49 vs. last year's 48:58, pace of 7:52 min miles on average.

Notes: I was actually slower than last year and it was more difficult for me. Last year I started out slower because I didn't want to be a hotshot and get in front of a bunch of men--I ended up being stuck behind a bunch of men who were actually slower than me before I could pass them (trail is very narrow). This year I started at the beginning where (dare I say? yeah why not) I belonged, so I didn't get stuck, but 9 seconds to me seems not very much--if I was running like I did last year....but there's always the factor that maybe I wore myself out this year early, and last year I actually was doing an involuntary strategy by running the high incline slower and saving energy...I dunno, it's hard to say. ALSO: a man and a teenage boy would have come in before me, pushing me to 11th, but they unfortunately went the wrong way!!! :( I felt bad for the teenage boy because when we were at the start line, we were talking and he was worried about getting lost. I assured him he'd be fine as long as he paid attention to the flags. He was #3 until he got lost. Poor kid. But hell, he learned a lesson and it made me get to the top 10 so......what can I say? I honestly would say I'd rather have him not get lost and me not make it to the top 10 because the look of disappointment on his face was hard to take, but there is nothing I can do about it. *shrugs*

Overall, the results are good. It is nice to come in from a race and watch a bunch of men in good shape come in after you :p I'm not going to lie. The #2 woman said "Good race," and remarked how she saw me in front of her but "it wasn't going to happen," and I still congratulated her. I stayed and clapped for the runners coming in after me before I took off to get a black bean and shrimp burrito :D

I have to shower and go to work at the winery, but I will say this:

Running races SUCKS. I hate it, and it's a terrible mental battle. I only do it because I'm good and I win sometimes. I suspect I still have asthma because I'm always gasping for breath. My legs, however, still carry me. I was in a constant battle with my brain the whole time "I can't do it" "yes I can" "Just ___ more minutes/miles" "I'm going to walk" "No I'm not" "This is awful" "No it's fine" "Some girl is going to beat me" "No, you are PEERLESS" "You shouldn't be doing so much yoga" "Yoga is beneficial for racing" "No it isn't" "I should have trained more".......

But overall I had a good attitude. I smiled a lot and especially at the camera! :D
Excellent job. :cheers2: