Weight-Loss Road Trip Challenge: FAT to SLIM

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I ran 2 miles last night

New totoal 128.5 Miles
well totally forgot to add my exercise for the last today's to the miles here so i'm adding it right now. 5 miles for tuesday and 2.5 miles today for me so a total of 7.5 miles.

New total: 1,039 miles

Keep up the great work everyone.
6 hours of rearranging and moving very heavy funiture today plus 30 minutes of strength training exercises. so that makes it a total of 13 miles today. Ok boy am i tired.

Keep up the great work everyone

New total: 1053.5 miles
2 Mile run last night and 45 mins of lower body lifting gives us a new total of....

1057 Miles
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Do I have to have joined this thread to add my miles, or can anyone add?

If I can, then +11 mile run today:

New Total = 1075.75

If not, then it's still 1064.75...
I know I've been out of pocket for a little while. I can only add 12 miles to the total for now. Super busy right now.

New Total = 1090.75

Everyone is doing great - keep it up.
so far today i have done 60 minutes of cardio burning a total of 617 calories. anyways that means 2 miles to add to the total. I'm also planning on doing some strength training tonight but not sure how much or how long so i'll add that later.

New Total: 1109.75 miles
7 miles for me last night.

New Total = 1129.75
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