Weight-Loss Road Trip Challenge: Chunky to Lean

1 mile walk and 5 miles elliptical=6 miles

new total 594.25 miles
Yesterday: 3 Miles
Today: 6 Miles

9 Miles of walking in total. I walked a lot today at work! I'm beat.

New Total = 630
I have been away from home for a few days. Now that I have my broadband once again - here are my pedometer readings for Thursday to Sunday.

11th Oct 8.00 miles (21,693 steps)
12th Oct 9.25 miles (25,009 steps)
13th Oct 8.75 miles (23,642 steps)
14th Oct 9.25 miles (25,091 steps)

my miles are 35.25

New Total = 672.25
Eliptical 4 miles
Weights 30 minutes

Eliptical 4 miles
Weights 30 minutes

NEW TOTAL:710.75
I went to the rec today for the first time in about a week. I could really feel the difference in my usual endurance. I guess no more breaks for me, it's just too difficult to get going again.

2.75 miles cross trainer, 30 min weights= 3.75miles

New Total= 714.5