In this corner, the beautiful, the lingerie-challenged, the awe-inspiring... the pleasurable, REAL WORK SUUUUUUUUUKS!:
Weighing in at 177 lbs in the morning, this contestant is 22 years old, male, and towers at a staggering 5 feet 8.5 inches tall. He claims his body fat is at 13-16%. He is an experienced, committed and dangerous athlete with a penchant for extremes boasting a surprisingly pitiful squat.
Deadlift 280x3
Squat 185x4
Bench 230x1
Chin-ups (+50)x3
Military Press 105x8
Leg Sled 8 plates X 4
On the other side it's heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy that's not an undershirt GROSS fooooooooocusssss!:
Weighing in at 183.8 lbs in the morning, this marshmallow is 22 years old, male, and looms over rws at an imposing 5 feet 9.5 inches tall. He looks like a melted wax statue at a disgusting 21.5% body fat, but he's got a lot of heart, and the advantage of being a beginner. He's also clinically insane.
Deadlift 185x2
Full Squat 205x2
Bench 145x2
Pull-ups -110x16
Military Press 40x15
Comparison Pics
Can focus make like David and pop one in the giant's face? Or perhaps manage to bench more than the little girl he sometimes trains with? Will rws ever achieve a proportional squat? Does he even stand a chance against this manimal? Stay tuned!
The format will be one post per day each inclusive of everything, including smack talk. Weight, measurements, photos, etc. will be updated weekly, but not in this thread. Will put the link here once that's set up.
Contestants will be judged monthly, based on overall progress, and possibly random whim. To the loser goes shame by the fistful and a whole month to repent, to the winner, eternal glory!
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