A little story today:
I don't think any of you know about my condition with my left ankle...I'll explain...
I have a chipped joint in the left ankle. This chip, or so I thought, caused me severe pain when putting a load on it. Basically, I was in pain all the time. Running/jogging/walking has been hurting me for 15 years. After seeing 7 doctors and doing about 20 follow ups I concluded that the pain was not the chipped bone for the mere fact that the pain I had was not present in the area where the chipped bone was.
I studied many things, all self-studied, things ranging from psychology to basic biology, human adaptions and even such things as stress, doubts, limiting beliefs, etc...
The pain I had in my left ankle was caused by two things. Stress and a bad Achilles tendon, I beleive. I have been doing a lot of meditation and other such things as doubt elimination and limiting belief elimination. In this process I managed to completely void myself of stress, literally. Negative thought patterns and any thinking that caused me internal stress has been mostly eliminated. It is nearly impossible for me to feel bad or negative now. This, is called enlightenment, it's not magic, but it's a damn nice thing. Merely, that I learned so many things regarding the human condition and life in general that I came to such conclusions that the only things that can truly stress us is our bodies and environments. Being mentally stressed, unless ill, is quite-literally impossible if one has the level of knowledge he needs to understand this. I'd like to point out it's not that much too...I plan on making a blog/website in the future to try and help people who wish to have such a thought process.
I am rambling now...point is after doing all of this I became highly intuitive. Intuition is, I consider, the highest form of intelligence on this planet. When you look within for answers, you ask your intuition and if you have enough knowledge you get a swift, concrete and valid answer. If you are stressed, highly doubtful about yourself, have limiting beliefs you can count this **** out completely because your thought process is so dragged down by these things that it slows you down, more than I ever thought possible. One morning I got up and started thinking with this featherweight thought process and came to conclusions with my ankle and stress manifestations and such things. After doing this (In my won bed before getting up) things became clearer regarding my ankle. You can say that I had limiting beliefs and doubts in regard to it. And that I know how to eliminate such things and did with my ankle.
All this to say: The pain in my ankle is still there but I do not have it anymore because of a simple load. I can sprint. I can job. And it's all pain free now. One morning I got up, did my usual "test my ankle" routine and went about my things. As I went about my things I stopped and was curious: "Why did I just not notice my ankle is fine just now?" The answer was, because it is fine. You thought your ankle was debilitating you so hard that it did. I conditioned myself over 15 god damn years to beleive that my ankle was somehow handicapped and it was all bull****. LOL
I started testing it. Slamming my entire weight on it. I started being agitated. Happy. Optimistic.
"Is this real?"
A reminder> I have been suffering because of this for over 15 years. I always told myself: "Man if I could use my damn foot, I'd run around the entire globe." Constant pain for 15 years and I get up and bam it's gone.
So, I started to turn my room upside down in a hurry to find some loose clothes to put on to give this god damn pain in the ass ankle a test drive. I'm not talking about a little walk or jog here people, I'm talking about a 10 second 100M dash intense enough to make me have the biggest asthma attack I've had in my life.
As I got dressed, I cried in tears: "Is this real? Can I finally run?" I was shaking so hard and was barely able to talk. As I got outside, I saw my father sitting at the summer table and told him: My ankle doesn't hurt anymore. He didn't seem to care much but his gf did. Then, I got my god damn running shoes on and tightened the laces firmly. I lined myself up with the farthest reach in the 2 acre yard my father has and told my soul to find it's way in my legs and show me what the **** is all this running about.
People, I ran so fast that I nearly swallowed a dozen flies. I kept going. I ran back and forth once with all the might of my quads, hams and upper body and when I ran out of yard to run I stopped and had an asthma attack. It was the most beautiful asthma attack I've ever had. I actually had a valid reason to have one now. I can run. I'm free. Faster than the wind.
I sprinted so hard, though, that my legs we're sore for about a week. When they got better I went for a 6KM jog/walk. It's a walk/job because my lungs can't keep up. My asthma has diminshed the adaptations I should have gotten in all my life and now I must make up for it with lots of cardio. At one point, I know that my lungs will become as efficient as normal lungs. All I need to do is make them condition to process large amount of breathing air.
I'll do this with jog/walk intervals. When I'm ready it will be a Job/Sprint interval.
In any case, my ankle is fixed now. Next thing to fix: The lungs.
After doing this test drive sprint and job/walk interval I already feel much lighter on my feet. It's pretty amazing how the human can adapt to such hardships.