Sport Raw Food for Complete Fitness

Sport Fitness
We look where we came from (not just the 'now') because it tells us where we're going. I too am religious but if you choose to be in denial about evolution, that's for a different discussion. It's easy to say that our body can't handle it, yet it spurred one of the biggest changes in history. To result in a population that can have various discussions on a mechanical device. But you believe that we just appeared, so we'll move on.

You say the body can 'survive' animal meat etc, but it's not meant to? People don't change without a need to. So you're looking to be as nice/organic to your body as posssible. So why would you put a stimulus such as lifting or running? If you follow your idea, you shouldn't. We're devolving, with all the things to make life easier today we don't need half the things we have. And the last thing we need is to back off our immune system, and watch these sicknesses spread. I know eating 2lbs of meat a day isn't ideal, but if proper precaution is taken, and enough exercise is performed then people can be just as 'healthy'.

IMO (next paragrapgh full of opinions), I don't want to survive, I want to thrive. I'd put money that I've got as much or more energy as the vegans here.. The only other thing you say is your skin is better, and you feel 'great'. Feeling 'great' is only a little normative(sarcasm, sorry I had to). I've got scientific studies saying that animal meat, along with other COOKED sources of protein are next to essential in pursuit of goal (mine). I assure you that I could not be where I am now with these grass-type drinks and other small meals.
I eat my veggies raw because that's the only way I can take them. No other reason other than I don't like mushy veggies.
Actually, I left that out, because if you had followed the link, you would've seen that they brought it up there. If you're not willing to visit the link, let me know, and I'll post the bits and pieces of the articles that pertain to the discussion next time. Also, I may not have said "OMNIVORE" in my previous post, but, I did lead on to that by saying:

The second link I posted actually compares Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, and Humans. Showing their characteristics, and if you'll notice, the Humans fall into the Herbivore section 100% of the time, while omnivore only applied to human one time, and that was because all 4 types shared that characteristic.

That's interesting. Alot of people worry about where we're going to get our protein from if we don't get it from animal flesh/products. I found that grains and grasses are an excellent source of protein. Granted, we, being human, lacking digestive enzymes to break down cellulose, cannot just chomp on grass and consume like a cow.(Although I've done that before, and just extracted the juice from it, and spat out the pulp.) So, there is protein out there, available to you, completely from plants, and actually complete, contrary to popular belief that you will be lacking protein if you're vegan/vegetarian.

I think you meant endocrine. The endocrine system provides an electrochemical connection from the hypothalamus of the brain to all the organs that control body metabolism, growth and development, and reproduction. Now in terms of enzymes, what Isopach is going on about with his Raw lifestyle is that it's important because when you cook food, it destroys 100% of the enzymes within the food. So unless you eat the flesh/milk/etc raw, you'll be missing out on those. For immunity purposes, I've heard a great deal about alkalinity vs. acidity, and this ties again, into the raw thing. There has been quite a bit of research and study, which concluded that illnesses happen in acidic environments, and cannot dwell in alkaline environments. So if you consume alkaline foods, your immune system would be boosted already. I'll have to get those books names again, because it's been a little while if you need to hear more.

Also, this raw thing, it's important to understand balance. Think of what your body is comprised of. ~70% water (alkaline), ~30% matter (acidic). Imagine what would happen if you lived your lifestyle, consuming MINIMUM 70% alkaline foods?

..likely.. I've investigated a bit about the ph playoff myself but imo it's a totally different approach altogether where the idea is to keep that system at 'newbornbaby' fresh at all times..
Because of the way the environment's changed and the serious nature of the chemical influence atm and likely for some time to come, i alsoo think it's a fast track to an immature system that copes less well than say a system run on a regime where you're not so much immediately sett ing the body to negate the higher ph's so much as assimilate and maximise them and develop a more sturdy effective and resilient machine.. .. slightly contraversial stance..but goodknows whats coming in those terms.. I'd rather just be able to deal with it personally..

as far as immunity goes though.. we are welll aware that thats greatly impacted by our sulfur intake.. coming greatly from protein.. and when you're on a serious workout regime and reeally rely on that extra protein.. it becomes extremely difficult to be able to consume as much produce as you need to gett enough and then have it broken down and metablise/catabolise and imo ideally have its waste elimated or whathaveyou in enough time to continue your workout.. and clearly I Am talking about on best health and professional athlete fitness regime.. no waay in criminey i could .. god bless supplements btw;).

While we're on the elimination and catobilising and supplements and ph though.. what do you think you could come up with if you threw a protein to dry red wine ratio intake .. a fibre activating fruit.. hot water or a hot veg and protein ..some lemon juice ( hot or cold) some soda water for the nitrogen counter to lvl off the ph and a regular several X daily glycolic reaction an effervencent B/C/ guarana , some black artificially sweetened coffee morn and preafternoonWO, a zinc and magnesium supplement and some black hot and cold green and milked ceylon teas maybe??..?

Try the math on it if you like and yoU tell mee if and what difference that might make .;).


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