The length of the digestive tract is not exactly a true statement the way it was worded. Digestive tracts are suited for what is mainly consumed...cellulose takes a lot longer too break down than animal products and so the digestive tract is longer, not because of the rancidity aspect. The fiber in plant materials is far harder on the system than animal products but I suppose that's a completely different argument.
I really think moderation is the key in ones's diet. I don't think strict vegan or a lacking of fruits and/or vegetables is the way.
Aside from the guys that Abear listed, I really really like Jack Lalane and the guy is super healthy. His diet is mainly of vegetable sources but he also consumes grass fed meats, free range eggs, and organic dairy products. Mike Mahler is another guy I respect who doesn't eat meat but he does consume eggs.
There are certain things that meat gives us that other products do not give us-lots of B vitamins and creatine.
I do my fair share of wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, organic fruits, and organic vegetables but I still love my milk, eggs, cottage cheese, and buffalo.
Also, the argument of this diet makes people healthier than diet is really hard to quantify. We could look at the Japanese peoples and say "look...they have so fewer incidences of X disease and live so much longer than X people and they eat this and so it must be the way!" Or we look to the Escimos and say the sam thing or we start banging the Paleolithic diet and start harping on evolution and how man wasn't meant to eat this or should eat that.
Moderation=teh win.
And Isopach...I'm not sure what prices for vegetables and fruits are in Canada but eating organic and vegetarian is very expensive in most of The States. I could live on crap food far cheaper than I could eating healthy. If the demand went up, the price would go down.
I really think moderation is the key in ones's diet. I don't think strict vegan or a lacking of fruits and/or vegetables is the way.
Aside from the guys that Abear listed, I really really like Jack Lalane and the guy is super healthy. His diet is mainly of vegetable sources but he also consumes grass fed meats, free range eggs, and organic dairy products. Mike Mahler is another guy I respect who doesn't eat meat but he does consume eggs.
There are certain things that meat gives us that other products do not give us-lots of B vitamins and creatine.
I do my fair share of wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, organic fruits, and organic vegetables but I still love my milk, eggs, cottage cheese, and buffalo.
Also, the argument of this diet makes people healthier than diet is really hard to quantify. We could look at the Japanese peoples and say "look...they have so fewer incidences of X disease and live so much longer than X people and they eat this and so it must be the way!" Or we look to the Escimos and say the sam thing or we start banging the Paleolithic diet and start harping on evolution and how man wasn't meant to eat this or should eat that.
Moderation=teh win.
And Isopach...I'm not sure what prices for vegetables and fruits are in Canada but eating organic and vegetarian is very expensive in most of The States. I could live on crap food far cheaper than I could eating healthy. If the demand went up, the price would go down.
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