Sport Raw Food for Complete Fitness

Sport Fitness
The length of the digestive tract is not exactly a true statement the way it was worded. Digestive tracts are suited for what is mainly consumed...cellulose takes a lot longer too break down than animal products and so the digestive tract is longer, not because of the rancidity aspect. The fiber in plant materials is far harder on the system than animal products but I suppose that's a completely different argument.

I really think moderation is the key in ones's diet. I don't think strict vegan or a lacking of fruits and/or vegetables is the way.

Aside from the guys that Abear listed, I really really like Jack Lalane and the guy is super healthy. His diet is mainly of vegetable sources but he also consumes grass fed meats, free range eggs, and organic dairy products. Mike Mahler is another guy I respect who doesn't eat meat but he does consume eggs.

There are certain things that meat gives us that other products do not give us-lots of B vitamins and creatine.

I do my fair share of wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, organic fruits, and organic vegetables but I still love my milk, eggs, cottage cheese, and buffalo.

Also, the argument of this diet makes people healthier than diet is really hard to quantify. We could look at the Japanese peoples and say "look...they have so fewer incidences of X disease and live so much longer than X people and they eat this and so it must be the way!" Or we look to the Escimos and say the sam thing or we start banging the Paleolithic diet and start harping on evolution and how man wasn't meant to eat this or should eat that.

Moderation=teh win.

And Isopach...I'm not sure what prices for vegetables and fruits are in Canada but eating organic and vegetarian is very expensive in most of The States. I could live on crap food far cheaper than I could eating healthy. If the demand went up, the price would go down.
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That is because meat cannot stay in the digestive system very long without causing problems, because it rots very quickly.

This old myth is still floating around? Wow, I thought people had grown out of believing this one. Yes, meat rots in your digestive system - and so does all other food you eat. That's how the digestion process works. Meat doesn't stay in your system any longer than any other food type - have a look at an anatomy text book one day; your digestive system is essentially a tube - there's nowhere for any food to be overtaken by another food. Everything you eat just flows through this digestive system, and comes out the other end fully processed.
And finally, if we aren't supposed to eat the animals, why are they made of meat?

LOL, I just wanted to qoute that cos I thorght it was funny.

Hey Chris, you're missing something. I've already made it very clear that I offer no advice. Just telling you about what I do.

To be honest, its a good thing most people disregard this. If too many caught on to the truth, demand for the best food would skyrocket, and I'd be in trouble!

LOL, if everyone turned vegan the demand for veagan food would rise yes. However it would only become cheaper. Anything in high demand gets cheaper due to competitive marketing. There is no way that the food industry would let current busnises monopolize the market. Everyone would want to cash in on it.

For most people, going vegan is not a requirement for health. It is necessary if you want to live exceptionally long.

The highest life expectancy worldwide is in the mediterranean. They don't eat a massive amount of meat and fish but they consume a very high amount of unsaturated fats from dairy. However their vitamin and mineral comsumption is quite low.
Next is Japan, who eat a lot of sea food and meats.

I think you are very mis-informed and I dont want to sound insulting but your view on this matter seems slightly brain-washed.

I'd like to know who told you that this diet would make you live a long time and if you have any information to back it up. At the moment its just what you have said.
Of course my argument of life-expectancy isn't easy to validate because this way of eating is very rare. The studies done are largely unknown to most people. The only evidence that I go on is changes that people have experienced from it. Not a lab study.

I'm just fortunate enough to have run into such an example. This guy is 2 years into it, and already is excelling. He's in his early forties, and is very healthy. Very alert, energized, clear skin, and muscular. Doesn't even lift weights, just rebounds a lot and does a few bodyweight exercises. He's put on 20 pounds of muscle since he started. Before he started, he was a body abuser. Drugs, booze, and chemicals at his work. Almost all of his health problems are now gone, and he had lots.

Thats good enough proof for me. Doesn't matter that there isn't someone with a degree to qualify this guy. He's just living proof, and he didn't tell me about it because of a hidden agenda. He doesn't make any money from telling me, because I grow my own food, just like he does. He just passed on the knowledge.

As for my own experience to back up my claim, I have already enjoyed:

- clearer skin
- less phlegm
- more regular

Thats just after 5 months. As far as my musculature goes, I've kept all that I had before I started, because I kept on exercising. My 'limited' diet has provided all the energy I need to continue my heavy workload without going catabolic.
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I've just fortunate enough to have run into such an example. This guy is 2 years into it, and already is excelling. He's in his early forties, and is very healthy. Very alert, energized, clear skin, and muscular. Doesn't even lift weights, just rebounds a lot and does a few bodyweight exercises. He's put on 20 pounds of muscle since he started. Before he started, he was a body abuser. Drugs, booze, and chemicals at his work. Almost all of his health problems are now gone, and he had lots.

Thats got nothing to do with the diet, it cos he stopped taking drugs and drinking.

You are brainwashed and for your own health you need to do some real research in to healthy eating. Sure the foods you eat are good for you but with out meat and dairy you wont be getting everything your body needs. You will get away with it for a while but thats only because you have good genetics. This way of eatting will limit your potential and slowly destroy you.

As for being a veggie - fine, if its because your against killing animals. but dont think for a second thats its a healthy option.

As for being a veagan - Why? If a cow has a happy life with its family and is well looked after, being given medical treatment when injured, why is it so bad if a farmer comes and takes some milk every day and gives its a tasty snack?

Plus, Cows enjoy being milked. The milk builds up pressure and it is a pleasent feeling for them. Also, that cow wasnt kept for milk it would not have even been born, so by eatting natural dairy products you are giving life to animals that otherwise wouldn't exist.
There is no point to arguing vegetarian vs. meat eater. Everyone will just keep on believing what they believe.
This I know. I didn't start the thread to argue. Only to share some info on food. The negative response is unfortunate.
Isopach I know you didn't! :) I was just making a general statement. Seems people are still trotting out the same silly arguments...
The negative response is unfortunate.

The negative response is essential to stop other people from trying this.
Your argument for this raw veagan diet has no scientific fact to back it up.

How many books with scientific evedence have you read on this subject? (please name them)

And how many books have you read on sports nutrition?
Sea Energy Agriculture, by Maynard Murray, M.D.
The Sunfood Diet, by David Wolfe

For sports nutrition/exercise:

Static Contraction Training, by Peter Sisco & John R. Little
(He doesn't support vegan diet, but bashes the use of supplements)

Don't waste your time. Its not for you.
Sea Energy Agriculture, by Maynard Murray, M.D.
The Sunfood Diet, by David Wolfe

Firstly, Sea Energy Agricultue was writen 30 years ago and is very out of date. There were scientific studies to support raw food intake, but only as part of a balenced diet.

David Wolfe - Is a con man who has used this new dietting idea to his advantage. He is considered a nutritionalist, however he is just abusing his education to make money out of other peoples stupidity. Again, no scientific studies to support a raw food only diet.

For sports nutrition/exercise:

Static Contraction Training, by Peter Sisco & John R. Little
(He doesn't support vegan diet, but bashes the use of supplements)

Bashes supplimets eh? - well David Wolfe makes most of his income selling suppliments.
Ask a question about our diets and we will be able to answer it, and back it up with a refference.

This thread has intrigued me. So I'll bite. What does the food you eat have that Isopach doesn't? In other words, what does a standard North American get that say, a vegan doesn't? I'm a vegan also, but if I'm missing out on something, I'd like to know so I'm not putting myself in any danger.

As to whether we're omnivores or not...if we weren't meant to eat meat, why do we have teeth designed for eating meat? A digestive system designed to digest meat?

* Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

* Stomach acidity. Carnivores’ stomachs are 20x more acidic than the stomachs of herbivores. Human stomach acidity matches that of herbivores.

* Saliva. The saliva of carnivores is acidic. The saliva of herbivores is alkaline, which helps pre-digest plant foods. Human saliva is alkaline.

* Shape of intestines. Carnivore bowels are smooth, shaped like a pipe, so meat passes through quickly — they don’t have bumps or pockets. Herbivore bowels are bumpy and pouch-like with lots of pockets, like a windy mountain road, so plant foods pass through slowly for optimal nutrient absorption. Human bowels have the same characteristics as those of herbivores.

* Fiber. Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts. Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.

* Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a problem for a carnivore’s digestive system. A carnivore such as a cat can handle a high-cholesterol diet without negative health consequences. A human cannot. Humans have zero dietary need for cholesterol because our bodies manufacture all we need. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods, never in plant foods. A plant-based diet is by definition cholesterol-free.

* Claws and teeth. Carnivores have claws, sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, and no flat molars for chewing. Herbivores have no claws or sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, but they have flat molars for chewing. Humans have the same characteristics as herbivores.

However, regardless of that fact, some people won't agree with these things. So what if we were to look at anatomy and taxanomy?

And despite this even, people don't want to be vegan. That doesn't matter to me really, each to their own. Just don't try to make it seem like the body is built for animal protein. It's quite obvious our bodies can handle it, but mere behavior doesn’t indicate suitability.

Plus, Cows enjoy being milked. The milk builds up pressure and it is a pleasent feeling for them. Also, that cow wasnt kept for milk it would not have even been born, so by eatting natural dairy products you are giving life to animals that otherwise wouldn't exist.

Did you know that cows only lactate once they've had a calf? The calf drinks the milk and will go from 60 pounds to 300 pounds in less than a year. I think it needs the milk alot more than us.
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* Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

All that says to me is that herbivores intestinal tracts are long enough to process meat and plants.
You only say carnivore or herbivore...why are you leaving out OMNIVORE...the union of the two...which is what people it because facts about omnivores ruin your whole argument?
so we agree on something then :):)..l-).

..Anyway, I'm a pretty firm buddhist as most ppl are aware and I've actually been predominanty vegetarian myself for yrs and yrs.. and still now unless i have loads of carbs every 4 days or so to stop myself fading away to a shadow, exist mainly on fruit and veg and egg whites, milk, protein shakes, teas and juice 99.9% of the time myself .. it's a buddhist thing where we kind of understand that we 've all commited to taking the best care of our health and fitness as information we currently have and are always likely open to upping that anti at every convenience should we find a way to it ..

So during some research for something else, I came across some information saying how without animal enzymes and animal fibred proteins in our diets we were comprimising health and immunity and so forth.. I think it was in a med enclyclopedia but i can't remember exactly where I saw this .. if i find it I'll try to post you either a reference to check out or a link... I think the tangent at the time was the endorine system ??..

Anyway.. regarding the raw foods thing.. the chinese have really strict ideas about the health related to that. .. they believe that it 's really important to incorporate hot foods and fluids into your diet.
I think the reason for thaat is , when you do live greatly on raw foods or even just fruit and veg in general ( as you might if you lived in China where not much else but rice and hand picked noodles were affordable and available for most of the population) your thyroid function changes.. it speeds up and when you're short on grains and dry carbs , which alot of ppl doing his regime are extremely suseptible to.. you put yourself at risk of thyroid hyperactivity and renal troubles and more seriously again heart murmurs..
without anything else to support nerve stabilzastion but the complex carbs from fruit and veg .. particularly when you're exercising, you can get yourself into serious trouble.. and without a heavier or more substantial source of protein .. the same again and all the worse for the sulfur deficiency no doubt your immune system will eventially notice aswell..

If you 're sincerely intersted in employing some good sense and taking care of yourself within your ethical boundaries.. i highly recommend you read a feew more things oon the topic and make yourself some informed decisions.
raw foods diet causing hyperactive / slow thyroid function - Google Search

long term medical problems associated with raw food diets - Google Search

tcm and raw food diets - Google Search


Blooming Lotus
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* Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

All that says to me is that herbivores intestinal tracts are long enough to process meat and plants.
You only say carnivore or herbivore...why are you leaving out OMNIVORE...the union of the two...which is what people it because facts about omnivores ruin your whole argument?

Actually, I left that out, because if you had followed the link, you would've seen that they brought it up there. If you're not willing to visit the link, let me know, and I'll post the bits and pieces of the articles that pertain to the discussion next time. Also, I may not have said "OMNIVORE" in my previous post, but, I did lead on to that by saying:

Just don't try to make it seem like the body is built for animal protein. It's quite obvious our bodies can handle it, but mere behavior doesn’t indicate suitability.

The second link I posted actually compares Carnivores, Herbivores, Omnivores, and Humans. Showing their characteristics, and if you'll notice, the Humans fall into the Herbivore section 100% of the time, while omnivore only applied to human one time, and that was because all 4 types shared that characteristic.

and without a heavier or more substantial source of protein .

That's interesting. Alot of people worry about where we're going to get our protein from if we don't get it from animal flesh/products. I found that grains and grasses are an excellent source of protein. Granted, we, being human, lacking digestive enzymes to break down cellulose, cannot just chomp on grass and consume like a cow.(Although I've done that before, and just extracted the juice from it, and spat out the pulp.) So, there is protein out there, available to you, completely from plants, and actually complete, contrary to popular belief that you will be lacking protein if you're vegan/vegetarian.

So during some research for something else, I came across some information saying how without animal enzymes and animal fibred proteins in our diets we were comprimising health and immunity and so forth.. I think it was in a med enclyclopedia but i can't remember exactly where I saw this .. if i find it I'll try to post you either a reference to check out or a link... I think the tangent at the time was the endorine system ??..

I think you meant endocrine. The endocrine system provides an electrochemical connection from the hypothalamus of the brain to all the organs that control body metabolism, growth and development, and reproduction. Now in terms of enzymes, what Isopach is going on about with his Raw lifestyle is that it's important because when you cook food, it destroys 100% of the enzymes within the food. So unless you eat the flesh/milk/etc raw, you'll be missing out on those. For immunity purposes, I've heard a great deal about alkalinity vs. acidity, and this ties again, into the raw thing. There has been quite a bit of research and study, which concluded that illnesses happen in acidic environments, and cannot dwell in alkaline environments. So if you consume alkaline foods, your immune system would be boosted already. I'll have to get those books names again, because it's been a little while if you need to hear more.

Also, this raw thing, it's important to understand balance. Think of what your body is comprised of. ~70% water (alkaline), ~30% matter (acidic). Imagine what would happen if you lived your lifestyle, consuming MINIMUM 70% alkaline foods?
Okay so if your suggestion is that non-cooked fruits, and a diet without meat is best. Then explain how we came about? Meaning the evolution from Homo habilis to Home erectus? Considering all of the studies and research point to one aspect.
Most observant of you. :D

@mreik. That only has possibility to hold water if one is a darwinist and/or evolutionist. Creationists don't view homo erectus or habilis to be human like homo sapiens are. I, being a religious person, don't believe in evolution, nor the theory that we came from monkeys, fish/ameoba, or what-have-you being the many other theories out there. Perhaps instead of looking at our supposed roots, why don't we look at the now? If we were to simply look at all we ate as biochemical molecules that have no differentiation between plant and animal, because really, it's all periodic table of elements matter, then the body could handle what it could handle regardless of its origin. However, it's not that simple. We aren't sitting at the table, eating raw nitrogen, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and all the other very necessary things our bodies use; because that'd be inoraginc, and our bodies, not being plants are unable to absorb/use inorganic minerals. So, we consume plant matter, or predigested plant matter from animal flesh/products. If you consume pure plant matter, then you don't get the animal flags that attach to the plant matter when you consume the animal flesh/products because they've changed chemical states. Simply put, yes, our body can survive on animals, but really, from a taxonomy and anatomy point of view, not from an opportunistic point of view, the human body is not meant for animal flesh/products, yet it can handle it as it has been shown to be thus for the past thousands of years the humans have been on this earth. But this does not indicate biological suitability or desirability.