Random Question ...... (Game)

No (I don't have anyone to love)

What animal, bug, bird, creature would you choose to live off of if it were the only thing left in the world to eat & why?
hmmm.....not sure. Probably cows.....I like beef (sue me!)...*shrug*

Staying on topic - if there was one drink you had to drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm, probably chocolate milk. Apparently, I'm an 11 year old boy.

I have to go spend the day with some terribly boring and uninteresting people. Plus, I have a 2 hour car ride to endure just so I can experience their suckiness. So, here's my question...

I currently have $7 in my wallet - if I let you have it, would you beat me with a recently purchased tire iron that I got at Home Depot?
Uhm...nope, wouldn't do that. But I could smother you with a pillow until you pass out...does that count? Or I could think of a few other ways of making you pass out.....;)

What was first, the egg or the hen?
Uhm...nope, wouldn't do that. But I could smother you with a pillow until you pass out...does that count? Or I could think of a few other ways of making you pass out.....;)

Do any of those ways involve whipped cream, duct tape, buckets of minnows or shag carpeting?

Egg. It was a double yolker ;)

What would be your ideal bachelor/ette party?

My bachelor party would boring. I'm not a strip club kind of dude, so I'd just want to hang out at my house, grill some food and drink a lot of alcohol with my friends - like A LOT - just hanging out for a while. I just...eh, I just don't like strip clubs. I mean, I've never been and I don't ever want to go. Although, I "have" to go this Saturday for my friend's bachelor party. SIGH...poop.

What's your favorite number?
I use to be a hardcore number 7 lover - but these days I'm leaning towards the neverending number 8.


Have you ever had a broken heart ?
Do any of those ways involve whipped cream, duct tape, buckets of minnows or shag carpeting?

Duct tape....yepp. Whipped cream....yepp. Shag carpeting....can do. Bucket of minnows.....dunno, can we leave that one out? I'll throw a set of handcuffs, wax and a blindfold into the mix though. And ice cream...ever tried ice cream?? ;)

What color are your eyes?

Green. Depending on my mood, apparently. I've been told that if I'm in a good mood, they are grey-ish green, if I get angry, they are apparently a brighter shade of green - go figure....lol

Staying on topic:

Have you ever worn contact lenses to change the colour of your eyes?
In some aspects, yes. In some aspects, no. I'm courageous in an "I'd put myself in harm's way to help somebody", but I'm a pansy when it comes to talking to girls sometimes. But, I'm so awesome that it doesn't matter. Yeah, awesome.

When was the last time you peed your pants?
But, I'm so awesome that it doesn't matter.
Damn straight Chef. You're a winner I tell'ya. An absolute go'er.

Pee'd my pants (a tiny little bit) yesterday when I was cracking up at a funny bastard at work..

C'mon it's happened to us all at least once.


Have you ever thought someone was pregnant and congratulated them - only to find out that they're not.
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No, but I always wonder. Usually if I am with someone else I ask them what they think, I don't think I've ever in my life congratulated someone on their pregnancy (the actual women)

If you get ink on your clothing what method do you use to get it out?

a) Hairspray and than throw it into the wash but not dryer?

b) Use bleach and than throw it into the wash but not dryer?

c) Use another product (such as?) and hand wash it?

d) Do nothing, :willy_nilly:??

lol, D! I just throw it out if its bad enough

Have you ever made a list of life goals, aka, the bucket list?

Well I haven't seen The Bucket List - but I write as many goals as I can think of on a large A3 size sheet of paper simple everyday things - like cleaning out the pantry - right down to more challenging life changing things - like quitting smoking - etc. Then I stick it up on my kitchen wall where I can always see it.

Once I achieve them I cross 'em out. When I get to the stage that most of the items are crossed out, I'll write a new sheet adding the old uncompleted goals to it and then think of another bunch and begin again.

I've found this helps me with procrastination issues.

Before I did this I would get down on myself for not achieving things and forgetting stuff - but now I just R-E-L-A-X because I know I'll get it done sooner or later and I don't have the pressure on my mind of having to remember everything.. :smash:


Have you ever read any David Gemmell books ????
Umm, not that I know of.

If you buy 10 new pairs of socks today, how long before you'll have to buy new socks again because you've lost them all? (I lose socks all of the time, which is why I'm asking)
With 10 new pairs, I would say roughly two weeks. My washing machine keeps eating socks and I end up with piles of single ones.....

What is your favourite time of the year and why?
Summer, because we're boating ppl (family), and we love HOT weather, the beach, the boys (me ;) , mini's, bikini's, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, bare footing, air chairing, solemn skiing, basking in the sun, fresh fruit, Poker speed boat races, wake surfing, wake skating, kite surfing, carefree times, Chillaxing, Cherished Memoirs, on and on and on and on, oh green grass, green leaves, :hurray:

What song were you just listening to?