Random Question ...... (Game)

Umm, probably sleeping.

What are you doing on September 19, 2009 at oooooh, let's say between the hours of 12PM and 2AM?
Since that's a saturday, I'll probably be in front of my computer, playing WoW.

If there was one historical figure you could talk to, who would it be and why?
Athena, because she's awesome and I find a lot of inspiration from her story - yes, I know she's fictional.

What's the longest book you've ever read?
Hm. Which is longer .. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Either way, I think one or the other of those counts as the longest book.

If you had to give up one food forever, what would it be?
well, lol, if its ANY food, i'd say tomatoes, b/c i rarely eat them! but if its a fav. food, i'd say..um, pasta dishes?

Whats your favorite childhood memory??
Christmas with my grandparents. ANYTHING involving my grandparents really.

If you could go back in time, knowing what you know now, and live your life again, would you do it?
Are frogs reptiles? No, they're amphibians. Damnit. Umm...no, I don't think so.

What are you wearing right now? :crosses fingers: Please let a man answer, please let a man answer...
okay for the moment, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Black & White Photography!!!

If you were going to bake me a Birthday cake, what would it be & why?​
A round one ????
Because ..... I can ??

If you could go back in time to a specific event: Where would you go?
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A little over a month ago, when I went to my *student hairstylist* and got my whole head from roots to tips re-bleached and toned.

I wouldn't have, I would have just gotten the roots re-touched and toned. I am currently losing most of my hair, which took me about 3 years to grow out to the length it is at now. Very Frustrating, plus now I have unhealthy, scarggly (sp?) thinning hair. I know my hair doesn't make me, but sometimes in dealings, appearance is all you have. I am just bummed and sad. I fear I may lose it all together. But since I cannot change what has happened, I will never be re-bleaching my hair over and over and over again. It's not worth my money, my worth, and my hair. *sniffleish*:conehead: lol Oh dear.

When you were little (child) what did you want to grow up to be?
Okay I have two:

Tiger Tiger
Chocolate & PB

Noo wait.....I LOVE THEM ALLLLLLLL! OMG!:hurray:

What was the closest distance you were to a wild animal?
Once - and I froze my ass off.


Have you ever had a dream you were getting around naked and there was nothing you could do about it - Then once you woke up you felt all vulnerable and coy because of it ??

.... hmmm ..... anyone ??
Umm, I have A LOT of dreams where I'm naked. But, to answer your question...yeeeeeah, kind of.

If you had to trade your own life for the happiness of the one you love the most, would you do it?