Pssst! Fatty Doll!!!

Speaking of trainerdude, he has apologized immensely for his actions here on the forum. He admitted to acting authoritatively to compensate for his lack of knowledge with regards to training.

I've been communicating with him via email for a couple of days now.
Maybe if he's ever pardoned he can come back and be a contributing member of society.

Can't say I miss him though...

Whatever! You asked me why I limit my sugar and I told you why! Then you asked for a further explanation and I gave it.

Now how about you let me and Fatty_Doll get back to what we were talking about? You have been in this for about a year and with limited results (meaning I guess you were never severely overweight and now ripped Mr. Beach Body.)

I was obese and now I am a hot bikini body and I have been at it for almost 7 years now.

I started this thread for me and Fatty_Doll so please don't steal the thread!
Now how about you let me and Fatty_Doll get back to what we were talking about?

I started this thread for me and Fatty_Doll so please don't steal the thread!

Unfortunately that card is not going to work. You don't own this thread. It's a public forum where we're all free to exchange ideas and question what we read. That latter part holds more true for those putting themselves out there as an authority.

Secondly, I was asked to be a moderator on this forum b/c of my knowledge with regards to the relative subjects. Am I the almighty that everyone must answer to?

Of course not. I realize you have a very hard time separating yourself, emotionally, form ideas. Because of this, you're viewing this as some sort of attack on you personally.

This is unfortunate. Without all the drama, this could be a learning experience for you.
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You have been in this for about a year and with limited results (meaning I guess you were never severely overweight and now ripped Mr. Beach Body.)

My god, how many times are you going to make this a "me vs. you" thing. This isn't about me. It isn't about you. Detach yourself from the information... it would be very beneficial to the learning process.

In this for a year?

What on earth are you talking about?

I've been a fitness professional for just shy of a decade and training for over a decade.

I've told you once already, which was obviously glossed over, that I'm not doing this to step on stage... so I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say limited results.

The only thing I can think of is you might think a 30 lb gain in muscle while maintaining relative leanness isn't a lot of progress. Here's a newsflash for you: When your genetic proclivity is to be a scrawny ass, gaining 30 lbs is excrutiatingly hard.

Harder than losing fat when you're obese?

Who the hell knows. These aren't comparable. I've worked with more obese people than I have scrawny people trying to bulk up and I can assure you... they are both very difficult tasks.

You don't get to look at a 100 lbs fat loss and a 30 lbs muscle gain and say, "Well the person who lost fat had more success b/c he or she lost more lbs than Mr. Scrawny gained." That would be like eating an apple and saying, "This orange tastes good."

Doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense.

I was obese and now I am a hot bikini body and I have been at it for almost 7 years now.

I'm happy for you. I really am. Anyone who gets control of their life and body I'm happy for. It's life-changing.

This, however, doesn't make what you're saying right.
I'm happy for you. I really am. Anyone who gets control of their life and body I'm happy for. It's life-changing.

This, however, doesn't make what you're saying right.

I think more important than what the results of the people giving advice are, is the results of the people taking the advice. For example, Lyle McDonald has given his advice to a lot of people, and you can look at how they turned out after following his advice. Even if Lyle weighed 400 lbs that wouldn't mean anything about his advice - but the success or failure of the people actually following it would speak volumes.
J, where do you think this logic is going to get you? We don't like logic here. We like fallacious reasoning and nonsensical bullcrap.

And hahahaha @ you for bringing up Lyle McDoogle.

He's the scrawniest guy I know. He can't possibly know anything about nutrition and training b/c the only people who know anything worth listening to about nutrition or training look like bodybuilders.

You're just silly.
J, where do you think this logic is going to get you? We don't like logic here. We like fallacious reasoning and nonsensical bullcrap.

And hahahaha @ you for bringing up Lyle McDoogle.

He's the scrawniest guy I know. He can't possibly know anything about nutrition and training b/c the only people who know anything worth listening to about nutrition or training look like bodybuilders.

You're just silly.

This whole thread could die and I wouldn't mine. It started out interesting and a bit informative but has turned incredibly sour.

Guess who from what I understand was trying to give me some basic information on diet and stuff like that if I wanted to pursue bodybuilding.. which btw I had an interest in. He was giving a basic example of the 50/30/20 ratio (carbohydrates/protien/fat) which many body builders live by (however I took it up with my husband who said its not the only or best way to achieve desired results)

I like a good debate as long as it stays in the relm of debate and doesn't turn into an argument. This clearly went way past debate and into argument territory. Perhaps, Steve, since you're a mod you can delete this thread? Since it seems to have caused so much strife.
Perhaps, Steve, since you're a mod you can delete this thread?
I'm not a mod and I have no say in how this forum is run, but I find that deleting threads is incredibly counterproductive. Everyone's participation and history goes towards their credibility overall. When threads get deleted for no other reason than they got heated, then it's a loss for the whole forum.

Even though there were personality clashes in this thread, there was also a lot of good solid information exchanged. Removing that would be foolish, IMO.
I'm not a mod and I have no say in how this forum is run, but I find that deleting threads is incredibly counterproductive. Everyone's participation and history goes towards their credibility overall. When threads get deleted for no other reason than they got heated, then it's a loss for the whole forum.

Even though there were personality clashes in this thread, there was also a lot of good solid information exchanged. Removing that would be foolish, IMO.

Ya I understand that portion of it.. I've been posting on message boards for many many years. And no matter what the message board topic is the political side of it is always the same. Its sort of a debbie-downer feeling I get about it.

I just want us to all hold hands and sing kumbaya.