Prefer Home Or Gym?

Yes, those are the balls... if you use one as a chair, go one size larger than you would use to exercise with.

As for the PT suggesting it, no... I did it all on my own. I started about 4 years ago and was on a ball for 3 of those years. Then the ball popped (I'd have loved to see my face as I fell down) and I just grabbed a chair. After a year, I finally got sick and tired of slouching and poor posture, so I just got back on the ball this past month and I feel much better.

O man! Haha! I'm not trying to laugh...but I's have loved to see your face when you fell too! :p So I take it you were working with the smaller size you worked out with? So if you are going to be sitting on it...recommendations are to get a size bigger? Thanks for that info!
Gym off course

Hello there,
I would definitely prefer gym. Doing in home can make us lazy by many means. Between exercise there would be a tendency for eating. And we may indulge in many other activities. So going to gym is better than anything.
I prefer the gym

When I go to the gym I have a plan in mind as to what I'm going to do. I can do it and go. Trying to get that done at home is not that easy for me. I find that I'm easily distracted by what's going on at home, or what other thing I should be doing. (I'm just going to switch over the laundry between sets) I could never get a really good workout at home.

Also, the gym has little TVs at all the treadmills and ellipticores and bikes. I don't watch TV at home (we don't get it) so it's kind of like a treat when doing cardio. I prefer to run on the street, though, if I can.

My gym also has babysitting. $1 for an hour and a half per kid. You can't beat that.
I don't think I've ever had a gym membership..and I don't think I ever will, unless my friends lure me into it
I really enjoy the outdoors so I do most of the exercise outside, I do a few workouts in the house with my DVD
I only work out at home for two reasons: soap operas and my dog. I'm completely addicted to General Hospital, and my rule is I can only watch if I'm on the tredmill or lifting weights. Thanks to Tivo, I've been going strong since November. and I'm not quite sure how it happened, but my bulldog also loves walking on the treadmill; his eagerness to exercise is another incentive for me to complete my routine so he can enjoy his. I absolutely love watching him work out!