please help with my supplement setup

I know their arn't a lot of muscel tech fans out there but here are the supplements im taking and are going to be taking, please offer any kind of advice i would greatly appreciate it, im not sure if no explode and anator is good together or what but any information will help me tremndously. Thanks guys.

Currently taking: GNC Multi Vitamin Sport
Currently taking: 3- 1000mg Flaxseed oil
Currently taking: hydroxyct hardcore - to burn off any remaining fat
Thinking about taking: Pre workout; No Explode
I don't exactly want to take another shake 1 will do fine for me so is their anything else anyone would recommend for an energy pissed preferably a pill.
Thinking about taking: Post workout; Anator p70- i dont beleive the hype but i need a decent shake after my workout

Looking to get really cut up im 5'8 170 right now, im not looking to go much over 170. Im trying to turn everything into muscel
NO2 and Anator are not necessary.
for your post workout nutrition use some maltodextrin or dextrose mixed with some protein (and creaine if you are on it)
the only things in anator that you really want in your PW shake are Maltodextrin, dextrose, and whey concentrate anyhow.. So why not buy it yourself and save yourself the dough.

Do yourself a favour and put that money towards good quality food, and not over-hyped, over-priced junk.
I don't think much about the anator. Rather than taking a straight NO2 like NOXX, you might want to look at a pump supplement, like PowerPump or SuperPump. It includes NO2, but a lot other supps - you'll notice a huge difference as far as energy levels, etc.

Also, you don't necessarily need a shake unless you're replacing an entire meal with it. If you're just looking for a little extra something to build muscle, find the purest protein you can (80% purity, at least, if possible)
You are on the right path with the multivitamin and flaxseed oil... make sure you are taking a really good multivitamine like Activite by MHP, contains Anabolase and is both a vitamin and muscle builder... no need for the NO products.

You really need to add a good protein blend to your supplement plan as well as a creatine.... the Hardcore is a waste in my opinion.

"Committed to Your Health"
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what do u recommend for protien or ceatine? i just dont wanna get bloated so would u recommend a creatine pill, im on anator right now and im not gonna take the no products i thought that anator would be enough but im not an expert so what would u recommend, and what about creekic? i know its over priced but im just throwing **** out there
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Any 100% whey protein will work, along with any creatine that has the creapure label. Doesnt have to be expensive.
I've had excellent response to Pro Labs Creatine Monohydrate.
I would basically go for a Monohydrate with a trusted brand name backing it up.

If you buy yourself one of those mixtures you are really going to drop bucks on the transporters and helpers. Generally the additional crap is not even a high enough ratio to be beneficial. you can buy 220 servings of monohydrate for 30 some odd bucks here in Canada, I imagine it is similar in the US or other parts of the world.

Some people are not monohydrate responders.. But there is only one way to find out.
Type Of Creatine / Protein

For a creatine, I would actually recomment a Kre-Alkalyn product which has a lot better absorbtion rate into the bloodstream than with Creatine Monohydrates. Also Kre-Alkalyn does not turn into the toxin creatinine. I have taken a few different ones including SciFit, but settled on EDT Elite-K great price and I have had great results.

As far as a protein goes, pick a good blend like Labrada ProV60.

Let me know what you think about the Kre-Alkalyn if you try it out.

"Committed to Your Health"
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can I give you a little tip?
When a website claims really amazing stuff about a product and is selling it on the same page.. Don't always believe it.

I know Kre has all kinds of claims, but lets see some real studies.

Creatine levels in muscles are limited at the cellular level, for example how much you can transport into a cell in a given amount of time. NOT at the gut level.

Monohydrate is cheap (2 cents per g). Kre-alkalyn is 6-7 cents per gram. 1 serving creatine is 10 cents. 1 serving of kre-alkalyn about 15 cents. there is ZERO Research backing up their claims of 100% absorbtion. There is, however, an abundance of advertising bs to back up their claims.

Sure, regular monohydrate converts to creatinine, its been studied ad nausea. We KNOW what happens to creatine monoydrate in the human body.

Show me some concrete research that all Kre-alkalyn creatine survives without turning into creatinine while somehow being entirely absorbed into the muscle tissue.
You can't.

There is no peer-reviewed data behind the CONCEPT of Creatine buffering.
Im not saying that Kre does not work at all. Im just saying it does not work better than monohydrate, and you are paying for something that is better than monohydrate.

Save your money.
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I can't believe you actually bought Anator. I won't rag since you haven't been around supplements a lot. If you'll look at the claims of Anator-genetic manipulating, etc etc etc it just looks like a crock to begin with. Nevermind that the ingredients are a couple of amino acids with a bunch of esters and crap attached to them and some creatine monohydrate. There are no products that will have genetic manipulation capability save that in a badass lab with badass scientists. Not to mention that even if a product were capable of that, it's not like anyone could just take it and that's that.

Next they'll be putting pictures of animals on their products and depending on what attribute you want (strength of a gorilla, speed of cheeta, jumping ability of a kangaroo) you'll just pick the animal you want.

Some monohydrate studies.

Regardless of the creatine formula, (Krea, CEE, CEEM, etc) once out of the gut its just creatine... the ester gets whipped off during uptake.
Whoah, back it up there, that's kinda harsh. I've always been a big supporter of Kre-Alkalyn, as you know, and there is research out there. Peer reviewed, no, but there's no supplementation that's had an actual extensive clinical trial. There's not enough money in it with the establishment drug companies have set up (paying up to $15,000 per test-subject prices out supplement companies from hiring clinics). Zyflamend is the first supplement to have a complete clinical study done for it - and I don't need to remind people again that NO supplement is FDA approved, so all you're ever going to get is what supplement manufacturers (and mfg sponsored studies) make available to you.

there is ZERO Research backing up their claims of 100% absorbtion.
Patents aren't granted on zero research. There are plenty of manufacturers selling lots of creatine buffered with sugars, different kinds of delivery systems, effervescence (what a mistake THAT is), and so forth - but they don't have knowledge or research to back it up, so they can't patent their formula.

Show me some concrete research that all Kre-alkalyn creatine survives without turning into creatinine while somehow being entirely absorbed into the muscle tissue.
You can't.
Of course you can. First off, they received a patent because they were able to show how it does it. You can review the patent here ()

The reason creatine turns into creatinine is because of low pH. Kre-Alkalyn increases the molecular pH of the creatine. It's as simple as that - and it's a sound "concept" that requires no peer review, it's a given. We know how creatine breaks down in the body and the speed at which it does it.

Im just saying it does not work better than monohydrate, and you are paying for something that is better than monohydrate.
Finally, they don't claim it works better than creatine monohydrate. It's still creatine monohydrate in the pills -- it's just better absorbed because it doesn't turn into creatinine - and the mechanism by which is does this is well understood.

The key advantages of Kre-Alkalyn:
- No dehydration
- No bloating
- No GI tract irritation
- No kidney stress
And this is all a result of better absorption. The research (and again, yes, it's out there) claims that 1.5g of Kre-alkalyn is as effective as 5g of regular creatine -- because it's not destroyed on the way.

If you read the patent, it references all of Jeff Golini's research, but I'll repost some of it here:

1) NIR Analysis of Stomach:

*1.5 grams of creatine monohydrate mixed with water and added to
stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.5, with remainder of
creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of effervescent creatine mixed with water and added to
stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.9, with remainder
of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of creatine fruit flavored powder mixed with water and added
to stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to pH 3.4, with
remainder of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn® mixed with water and added to stomacher
at pH 3, buffered stomach pH level to 9, keeping buffered creatine stable
with ample time for absorption, with no conversion to creatinine.

2) Arterial Blood Gas:

*A low HCO3 level detected on a SMA (Sequential Multiple Analyzer)
was the first clue to metabolic acidosis.

*A further and more accurate test can then be performed with an ABG
(Arterial Blood-Gas Analyzer), which measures based on the Henderson-
Hasselbalch equation.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation mathematically describes
the relationship between blood pH and components of the H2CO3
buffering system: pH = 6.1 + log (HCO3/H2CO3)

We use the following equation to calculate H2CO3:

H2CO3 = PCO2 x 0.03

3) Serum Chemistry:

*This type of test was used to detect elevated creatinine levels in uremic
acidosis, resulting from increase ingestion of creatinine and kidney
failure to excrete this waste product.

4) Complete Blood Count:

*Checking WBC (White Blood Cells) and finding elevations in the total
count, also shows a serious consideration septicemia, which causes
lactic acidosis.

5) Urinalysis:

*A low pH was a quick detection method for acidemia.

Research References
(Note: NOT supplement manufacturer research)

1) Wendy Lou Jones, MS, BA, "More Bio-Fuel", 2001

2) Integrated Bimolecular Corporation, Tucson, AZ

3) Karen L Stavile, MD, Associate Director at State University of New
York Health Science Center at Brooklyn, “Metabolic Acidosis”,
Research 2001.

4) Stephen W Borron, MD, MS, Associate Clinical Professor, George
Washington University Hospital, “Lactic Acidosis”, Research, 2001

5) BioCeuticals Research & Development Laboratory, 2001. Creatine-vs-
Kre-Alkalyn® upon ingestion, Jeff Golini, Executive Scientist
& Charles Burchell, Associate Director of Chemistry.

6) Adrogue HJ, Madias NE: Changes in plasma potassium
concentration during acute acid-base disturbances. Am
J Med 1981; 71(3): 456-67.

7) Adrogue HJ, Madias NE: Management of life-threatening acid-base
disorders. New England Journal of Medicine 1998; 338:26-34: 107-11.

8) Emmett M, Narins RG: Clinical use of the anion gap. Medicine
(Baltimore) 1977 January; 56(1): 38-54.

9) Fulop M: Serum potassium in lactic acidosis and keto acidosis.
New England Journal of Medicine 1979; 300(19): 1087-1089.

10) Richardson RM, Halperin ML: The urine pH: Am J Kidney Dis 1987;

11) Muller-Plathe O: A nomogram for the interpretation of acid-base data.
J Clin Chem 1987; 25(11): 795-798.

12) Fulop M: A guide for predicting arterial CO2 tension in metabolic
acidosis. Am J Nephrol 1997; 17(5): 421-424.

13) Kwong SC, Brubacher J: Phenformin and lactic acidosis: a case
report and review. J Emerg Med 1998 Nov-Dec; 16(6): 881-886.

14) Mitchell JH, Wildenthal K, Johnson Jr RL: The effects of acid-base
disturbances on cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Kidney Int
1972;1(5): 375-389.

15) BioCeuticals Research & Development Laboratory, 2000. Various
Creatine vs. Kre-Alkalyn® studies upon ingestion.

16) Kellum JA: Metabolic acidosis in the critically ill: lessons from
physical chemistry. Kidney Int. Supp, 1998; 66: S81-86.

17) Mitchell JH, Wildenthal K, & Johnson Jr RL: The effects of acid-base
disturbances on cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Kidney Int.
1981:20: 799-809.

18) Grey’s Anatomy & Physiology, 1979
The key advantages of Kre-Alkalyn:
- No dehydration
- No bloating
- No GI tract irritation
- No kidney stress
And this is all a result of better absorption. The research (and again, yes, it's out there) claims that 1.5g of Kre-alkalyn is as effective as 5g of regular creatine -- because it's not destroyed on the way.

so wheres the reseach matching this vs monohydrate directly, head to head. sorry, but all that doesnt mean much at all. patents arent hard to come by and doesnt really mean much here. i havent seen ppl like roger harris or jeff volek give a thumbs up to this stuff and they are some of the worlds leading researchers on creatine.
Unbelieveable. A guy asks for advice on supplementation and it becomes a high school chemistry class brawl.

I am new to this forum, and I am new to the internet in general; but I have been in the natural supplement industry for over 13 years now. Safe to say I know more than a little about supplementation history, trends, practices, and products.

Nice one, niceone. Are you a web-luddite, or a non- supplementing supplement advisor? Next you're going to suggest we curl sacks of flour and bench press tree logs?!

Supplements are beneficial, and yes, there are unscrupulous companies out there; but that does not mean that every new product that comes out is 'hype'. Just becase YOU don't know about doesn't mean it isn't true. I know it may seem unbelievable, but new discoveries do still happen in the supplement world!

News Flash: the Sports Supplement industry is VERY fluid, and there are companies out there that take advantage of this. However, patents aren't "easy to come by" as some would have you believe.

Have you ever tried getting a patent abear? Probably not! If you have, you would know that it costs tens of thousands of dollars to get one; especially one based on scientific research.

Did you even read the post by fil? He spells out the direct comparison between monohydrate and kre-alkalyn. let me re-post it for your convenience:

1) NIR Analysis of Stomach:

*1.5 grams of creatine monohydrate mixed with water and added to
stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.5, with remainder of
creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of effervescent creatine mixed with water and added to
stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to 3.9, with remainder
of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of creatine fruit flavored powder mixed with water and added
to stomacher at pH 3, raised stomach pH level to pH 3.4, with
remainder of creatine being converted to creatinine.

*1.5 grams of Kre-Alkalyn® mixed with water and added to stomacher
at pH 3, buffered stomach pH level to 9, keeping buffered creatine stable
with ample time for absorption, with no conversion to creatinine.


Head to head enough for you?! Still think it's all lies? Try performing your own research before slamming something just because it hasn't graced YOUR eyes yet.

I have nothing to gain by telling you this. I sell over 16,000 supplements from over 400 manufacturers. There is no brand loyalty. some customers may respond to marketing, but the VAST majority rely on their own personal results. I'm here to tell you that 90% of customers that try Kre-Alkalyn NEVER SWITCH BACK TO REGULAR CREATINE! We sell 66 servings of Kre-Alkalyn for 17.99. Compare this to 50 5g servings of monohydrate (creapure) from Oprimum Nutrition for $21.99.

Point: learn about something before you steak your reputation on bashing it!
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funny stuff

again roger harris, jeff volek. how about will brink, alan aragon, alwyn cosgrove. ever heard of them? they're the ones who look at the research and thats who I go by. i just lift weights.

again, wheres the head to head? link it off of

personally, the majority of the ppl who buy this stuff read about it in a magazine in a supplement ad. thats no way to get information. ;)
Come on! PubMed?! Get your head out of those gloomy clouds as your picture.

If you are expecting a PubMed link, then you are going to wait for a LONG time. I know you 'just lift weights', but educate yourself before you keep going on like this!

Please look in to the FDA and their stance on supplementation. PubMed is a government resource. As a weightlifter, you must understand that the government has no interest in furthering muscular development beyond 'natural' means. They look at this as a danger for children who look up to athletes.

You will find PubMed links on Lycopene, Lutein, beta-carotene, vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidants; but that is because they are studied for their HEALTH benefits, not their ability to be ergogenic aids.

You also obviously don't understand the industry at all. Your giving bad advice to people about something you obviously know nothing about is just your ego talking.

Again, patents are not issued for nothing. It has to be novel and unique. READ the patent! If you understand science half as much as you pretend to, you will understand the DIRECT comparison made there, and copied on this blog.

Ever seen a patented monohydrate, serum, effervescent, or CEE? Nope. Why?! Cuz they can't prove that it is novel or unique in any way. Kre-Alkalyn is unique because it prevents Creatinine conversion. And it has the patent to prove it.

The 'funny stuff' is your lack of an educated reply to this fact. You think being a parrot, repeating someone else's opinion makes you an expert? Do your own research. You will learn a lot!

People may initially purchase a product because of an ad in a mag, but that only lasts so long. RESULTS are what makes or breaks a product. Remember Myostatin blockers?! What a joke! 'The proof is in the pudding', and I'm here to tell you that in my many years of experience selling creatine products (10+), Kre-Alkalyn gets the best consistent customer feedback ever. You may not believe it because of what some guy writes somewhere, but if you actually TRIED it, you may change your tune.
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After all those replies i still havn't really had any answers, like i stated before i don't beleive the hype over anator but it does require the amino acids ect that i need, furthermore i just figure id try it to see what happens, now would it be to much to take whey protein, creatine, or both with anator? im trying to get cut not add 2 much more wight.
Haha, sorry tgunz, this thread has gotten some new life. If you're trying to get cut, you probably want to look at your diet and MAYBE a thermogenic (pyruvate, synephrine, ephedrine, caffeine, etc.)

And regarding the creatine researchers, there's a backlash in the creatine industry because kre-alkalyn is patented. Why would they support something they have to pay more to sell?

And for the record, Jeff Golini spent over a million dollars and years of work researching and patenting Kre-Alkalyn. It did not come easy to him.
Hey, sorry too about the tirade. It's just hard to hear people talking as authorities when they are just repeating what they have heard instead of passing along some real experience.

As far as your supplementation, I believe you are on the right track. Be careful of taking too much stuff though. It isn't all necessary all the time.

First, consider your goals, short term and long term. Do you want to build, cut, or both?

No matter what your goal, it is always best to take it one at a time. So, if you want to build and cut, choose one to do first, and then do the other.

The reason for this is the diet requirements associated with each. Building requires a caloric surpluss by the end of the day while cutting requires a caloric deficit. You will notice much faster results if you focus on one at a time instead of trying to do both at a caloric equilibrium.

So, when you are building, take your multi, protein, Kre-alkalyn, Super pump, Noxx, or whatever else helps get YOU going. These are all good supplements and, while it is not necessary to take them all, they will help your performance/recovery. Adding Glutamine post workout with your protein isn't a bad idea either. OH! And dont forget to Eat Eat Eat (fish is great during this phase because it contains your omega-3's - cutting out the flax seed oil - and the extra fat calories won't hurt either).

When you want to cut, take the multi, protein, flax, and thermogenic. Make sure to be in a caloric deficit of about 500-1000 KCal a day. Switch your training to include more high intensity/low duration cardio, which preserves muscle while burning major calories.

Train for your immediate goal, and always have your next goal in mind so as to position yourself correctly for the transition. Remember, supplements are great at helping you get there, but diet is still 90%. Your body can only build itself from the raw materials you supply, so be good to yourself and your body will reflect it!