while i may do them at some point i dont seem to be flexible enough to go down very far.
Probably your gag reflex.
while i may do them at some point i dont seem to be flexible enough to go down very far.
Lei's Big Huge Log
I wouldn't know I don't use the balls
There has been no proof.
Probably your gag reflex.
Let's see soem pictures of you doing a snatch!
The better a person is behind you, the more motivation you get
Just wait FF and Chillen, Ill get you guys back for this.
We dont encourage adult pictures here buddy.
joking? I AM posting under the influence! I just got back from a party with some university folks. We met some English dudes, it was awsome!
i didnt think dave was like that either!bring them over my head and down to my butt.
Believe it or not, As soon as I had posted that
I regretted it...
quite posting behind people, geesh.This may stop the regretting.
We have two simular statements from you?
Meh, probably exactly what I'm going to do when I get older.