Weight-Loss Ok Newbie Challenge For 2 Weeks 3/27 -4/10

elizab3th said:
Okay well we just might do it that way because there's not many people! :) Here's my list so far just to make sure I'm right:
What does everyone think about a weigh in halfway through? Maybe little daily challenges? Like no pop on Wednesday or something like that...

Ahem *cough*cough*
OH I'm SOrry!!!! :D IMAFATASS is in it too :) any suggestions there guy?
aww man.. my weigh in is the day after! I don't go by my scale it's always off between 10 pounds when I get on it... hmmm. I don't know what I should do...
ummm well, explain first is it always +10 pounds or just off by up to ten pounds...? Your weigh in.. is that with a doctor so it's accurate? We can change the date - or well you can weigh in the next day if that's the case. let me know what works for you
Oh, I mean I weigh in with ww on tues. evenings. My scale is just bad... it's electronic and everytime I step on it, it's different. :( Whatever works for everyone else, I don't want to be a thorn.
No no that's no trouble at all :) If you like you can weigh in on Tuesday. But when is your next weigh in? Will it make it for the 10th? Anybody else joining? Or have any other suggestions? We'll do the competitions but we need to know what would be good for everyone.
Well, April 10 is a Monday as well. If at all possible to shift everything down by one day, I would be good to go! My weigh ins are every tuesday at 7 pm CST.
Hey Sara - course you are in! :) Okay well we'll shift everything one day over .. is everyone okay with that? Tomorrow (friday) we have to come up with some ideas for daily challenges!! Here are some of mine:
- who can walk the most steps (involves pedometer)
Okay I'm so tired I can't think of any more.. haha I have to get rest.
Yay! Thank you so much for accomodating me! Is it ok, if we are unable to participate in all the challenges?

How about
-getting your 5 fruit and veggie servings ( I know I don't always, but am trying so hard! lol)
Oh yeah - it's not a big deal if you aren't in the daily challenges.. they're just for fun - if you think of any good ones along the way we can trhow 'em in last minute haha... Other than that - my list is now in stone! Hehe -
I will need starting weights for everybody on Tuesday March 28th That will be our first day, then as I said before last day is now the 11th of April so that we can get an accurate measure from Astigmatistic. Our first daily challenge will be on Wednesday.... I'll try to plan them out in advance so if this plan is okay with everyone then it will go as follows:
Wednesday 29th - Drink 8-10 8oz. glasses
Saturday the ? - Walk the most steps
Tuesday - Eat 5-10 Fruits and Vegetables
Friday - ....
That's how it'll go if everyone's okay like every 3 days... or should it be four?
I need your help! Haha.. Thanks guys :)
ah bummer.. ive just reaslied im not going to be here for the final weigh in. :( I go on holiday on the 8th of April... Can i still participate but let you all know what my final weigh in is on the 8th.. meaning i cant 'win' the challenge but i will still be winning coz im *hopefully* looseing weight? can i?
Sorry ... Thought I was gonna be able to be in the challenge but I'm not.. I'll cheerlead though!!
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u can be in the challenge christinanva Pinky
abfijlmnopqruvz r the only workin letter on my keyboard so i hav to fik-s it :)
post ur weyt on tuesday
ill have it fik-sd by then :)

Hey sorry ive only just read this post - but i'd really like to be in on it! dont worry if not though - i understand!
Sophia xx
okay it's up and running and because i'm such a sucker and I want lots of people to be part of this challenge - it's the first challenge that i get to head :) - so all the members are here :
Jelly_Belly88 Pinky
SaraNoh ImaFatass
Elizab3th Amunet
Astimatistic Sophia Sara06
and christinanva... no more because I don't have any more time... our first daily challenge will be on Wednesday - it can be who eats 5 - 10 veggies/fruit or who walks the most steps - what would you guys like to see?
Pinky - you can weigh in late, it's okay... just I need it as soon as possible.
Everyone ready to go? More questions? Only one more day left until the starting weigh in!!! :D
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You for got me in the final list:(