Sport Official World Fitness E-Partner Lottery Draft

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The Official World Fitness E-Partner
Lottery Draft

If you are looking for a training partner, but don't have one in person, then this is the moment you've been waiting for.

What Is It?
Just like the NBA, NFL, etc, one person (ex:team) will select another person (ex:draft pick) based upon criteria they feel is important. The team will review all draft pick information (stats, goals, etc) and when it is time for their pick, they will make a selection for their e-training partner.

What Can You Expect?
The two individuals will then create a journal together with the title “username 1 & username 2: Insert own text here”. The first post should be by the “team” with all pertinent information. Second post is by the draft pick with all of their pertinent information. These first two posts will get edited when new goals are achieved or to show progress on stats (ex: Starting Weight – 190 Edit: Weight as of Aug 1 – 175) or whatever valuable information is warranted.

The two people are responsible to each other for motivation, adherence, and companionship. Reaching one’s goals is much easier when there is a friend who shares the same mindset. Keep each other on track!!

What Happens First?
In this thread you need to post some vital stats and info. Be thorough, not brief. Based upon what you say has a huge impact on the drafters and your draft position.

Bodyfat %: If known
Current Program: (brief)
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter
Partner sex preference (if applicable)
Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months)
Long term goal: (within 6 months)
Why are you looking to join?
What can you contribute?
What do you hope to receive?

Things To Know
This will run just like a real draft. There will be a draft order, each person selects in their order. The next person selects after the current person has posted who they want.

Ok I guess we need a timeline right. The sign up period will last until Friday July 12th. The Draft will begin promptly on Monday July 14th and hopefully not last more then a few days.

I hope we can get at least 30+ members signed up. Also to anyone not registered reading, get in on the action. It doesnt matter if we dont know who you are now, everyone is invited and encouraged.

Trades? Free Agency?
This will become available after 2 months.

Stay tuned to this post because I am sure I will have to make edits. Anything that’s added or changed will be italicized.

If you’re in, then signup and post all your info. This post is for signups and questions only. Do not chat between each other.

Let the games begin!!
Name: Typhon (Richard)
Age: 27
Sex: Yes please (damn I’m original) Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 227lbs
Bodyfat %: Above 20 and below 30
Current Program: (brief) In brief, it’s 10 times a week, AM sessions are heavy lifting, PM is more bodyweight/cardio based
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter: Don’t care
Partner sex preference (if applicable) I just couldn’t with a dude, sorry (I just kill myself) I don’t mind so long as they want strength

Short term goal: (within 3 months) Get rid of the imbalance between left and right shoulder and start DB pressing at 194lbs again
Long term goal: (within 6 months) Squat over 400lbs, OH press over 176 and get weight up to about 250lbs
Why are you looking to join? Extra motivation and accountability to keep me getting out of bed at 5.30 every morning and keeping an up to date journal (I know mine has slipped a lot this week
What can you contribute? A single minded, no excuses, gain at all costs attitude
What do you hope to receive? Extra motivation, someone to kick my ass if I haven’t pushed myself hard enough/have dropped weight etc
The same way as Typhon has estimate. Im sorry if this sounds stupid. But I dont know what a draft is. I googled it and still dont understand. Anyone care to elaborate.
Name: JDie2033 aka Justin
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 240lbs
Bodyfat %: Roughly 28-33% :mad:
Current Program: A clean diet, Bodyweight FBW M, W, F and cardio days in between that and Sat.
Drafter, Draftee: Draftee
Partner sex preference: Either or.

Short term goal: To lose at least 24lbs
Long term goal: to lose at least 48 lbs (all in all, to lose between 70-80lbs)
Why are you looking to join? Extra motivation, someone to help me when I'm confused about a couple things, and FUN
What can you contribute? Motivation and some of my short, growing knowledge.
What do you hope to receive? Motivation, and someone to help me when I have a couple questions on my regimn.
The same way as Typhon has estimate. Im sorry if this sounds stupid. But I dont know what a draft is. I googled it and still dont understand. Anyone care to elaborate.

There will be a set of drafters, and a set of draftees. A drafter will look through all of the draftees, and determine who is best for them, and with their selection, select a draftee. This draftee will then be taken off of the draft board and the next drafter chooses from the remaining draftees.
Name: Tom
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225lbs (give or take a 1lb)
Bodyfat %: Unknown but may edit this.
Current Program: (brief) 4x Weekly split routine - lacks cardio.
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter Dont matter.
Partner sex preference (if applicable) Male
Short term goal: (within 3 months) Realistically lose weight down to 15 stone (210lbs) And become physically fitter.
Long term goal: (within 6 months) Increase as much mass as possible whilst staying as lean as possible and keeping up a level of fitness.
Why are you looking to join? Motivation/ Help.
What can you contribute? Well im here often so always here to discuss the goals etc.
What do you hope to receive? My GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Name: Dave
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 180
Bodyfat %: Unknown
Current Program: Cardio and resistance, fairly evenly split, 4x weekly
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter: Draftee
Partner sex preference (if applicable): Doesn't Matter
Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months): Continue to strengthen core and develop lean muscle, improve diet, and to lose 5-10 pounds
Long term goal: (within 6 months): Lose 10-15 pounds, stay focused on diet, further develop core and lean muscle, work with doctor to reduce or eliminate BP/cholesterol meds
Why are you looking to join?: Motivation and Education
What can you contribute?: Motivation and Teamwork, and a strong desire to achieve my goals and to see others achieve theirs
What do you hope to receive?: Motivation and Education
Name: Kraken aka James
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 6'-3"
Weight: 215
Bodyfat %: right around 12%
Current Program: clean diet, FBW 3x a week, cardio 3x a week
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter: whatever
Partner sex preference: Hetero (LOL)
Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months): Lose the love handles
Long term goal: (within 6 months): More muscle definition everywhere
Why are you looking to join? sounds like fun
What can you contribute? I can kick someone's ass and keep them motivated, also can help with diet.
What do you hope to receive? acheive goals stated above
Name:Sorridere (Liz)
Bodyfat %: 20-25%
Current Program: M/W/F Run and upper body lift, T/T/S Lower Body Lift
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter: Draftee
Partner sex preference: Doesn't Matter

Short term goal: (within 3 months) Be able to run 3mi w/o stopping, increase muscle definition
Long term goal: (within 6 months) Increase cardio to 5mi, continue to increase muscle definition, work on diet
Why are you looking to join? Gain knowledge, support, and accountibility - someone needs to yell at me and tell me to get my butt in gear!
What can you contribute? A willingness to learn and try new things, encouragement, a little bit of knowledge
What do you hope to receive? Knowledge and my goals
Name: Dave

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 155

Bodyfat %: 15-16% though some of you have told me abot 12%... eh w/e

Current Program: Waterbury Method (a.k.a. Waterbury's 10x3)

Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter: Doesn't Matter

Partner sex preference (if applicable): Doesn't Matter

Short term goal: weigh 158 at least but with same BF% (at least in a visible manner) bench 185-190, parallel squat 250, deadlift 275 WITH a straight back

Long term goal: weigh 165-170 same BF% (at least in a visible manner) bench 200, parallel squat 260, deadlift 290

Why are you looking to join? Seems fun, but I'm sure I'd meet my goals anyway, I'm goal oriented. Though, having a kind of buddy seems like a good idea, and would probably make things easier.

What can you contribute? Advice on losing weight, I have some experience there. I'm also a decent person to have a conversation with I think.

What do you hope to receive? ehh encouragement I suppose.
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Bodyfat %:
Current Program:
WSFSB III, Velocity Diet
Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter
I would like someone... intense. :D Might edit this once more entries come in.
Partner sex preference (if applicable)
Doesn't matter.
Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months)
<15% body fat
Long term goal: (within 6 months)
<10% body fat
Why are you looking to join?
I heard evo was coming. <3
What can you contribute?
Excessive levels of enthusiasm and a moderate knowledge of nutrition and training principles.
What do you hope to receive?
Phenomenal cosmic power.









161 pounds

Bodyfat %: If known

7.8% (DEXA)

Current Program: (brief)

Upper/Lower Split

Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter

Drafter, Motivator

Partner sex preference (if applicable)

No preference

Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months)

Personally Met

Long term goal: (within 6 months)

Personally Met

Why are you looking to join?

To motivate and provide enthusiastic encouragement to all.

What can you contribute?

Knowledge of the circumference of nutriton and knowledge of fitness training.

What do you hope to receive?

Nothing personally, other than assisting others in realizing that they need no other person, but theirself to reach their goal dreams.

Best wishes to all,

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161 pounds

Bodyfat %: If known

15.2 (Digital Calipers)

Current Program: (brief)


Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter


Partner sex preference (if applicable)

No preference

Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months)

Compete November 8th at 117lb, 6-7%bf

Long term goal: (within 6 months)

Stay at ~9% year round

Why are you looking to join?

To see everyone reach their goals, and contribute any knowledge, help, motivation I may have

What can you contribute?

I have a thorough formal education in kinesiology (graduated 4 year program at a uni in Canada), I'm certified by the Canadian Society for exercise Physiology (governing body of 'kinesiologists' in canada), and I've been both super skinny and overweight, so I know what it's like to be in both positions.

What do you hope to receive?

Personal satisfactoin in seeing everyone do really well in this 'competition'. Maybe some kudos ;), but this is all about the participants.
Ok I guess we need a timeline right. The sign up period will last until Friday July 12th. The Draft will begin promptly on Monday July 14th and hopefully not last more then a few days.

I hope we can get at least 30+ members signed up. Also to anyone not registered reading, get in on the action. It doesnt matter if we dont know who you are now, everyone is invited and encouraged.

And to save space, please dont post in the format of Chillen and Jaim :p







5FT 10IN


~160 pounds

Bodyfat %:

10-12% (visual assessment by my expert eyes)

Current Program:

Lots of BW training two-three days a week (pushups and abs)
Grappling three times a week
Lifting once or twice a week. See log.

Drafter, Draftee, Doesn’t Matter
I don't give a ****

Partner sex preference (if applicable)

I don't know why I would care. I want my partner to have similar goals.

Be Throrough with next set
Short term goal: (within 3 months)

Become the greatest grappler on planet earth (or at least enough to win matches come tournament July 27th)

Long term goal: (within 6 months)

Get back up to 170-180 lbs at similar body fat. Maintain good conditioning. After August grappling training will slow down significantly. I will have time to focus on lifting again.

Why are you looking to join?

I have lost a lot of motivation to lift. Since my conditioning and strength is already pretty good. I have been focusing on learning the technique over other stuff. But more strength and explosiveness can't hurt. I find it difficult to maintain a balance recovering when lifting hard and rolling hard (and deep :cool:). I need help here. I will also be moving out of my house where I will have to cook all my meals, buy all my food...big kid stuff. It would be great to start my life away from my parents on a high note in terms of getting built and staying awesome.

What can you contribute?

Intensity, dedication, obsessiveness, trash talk

What do you hope to receive?

Gold medals, trophies, victories, personal development, growth, peace, and love

In order from least to greatest.
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Heres what we have as of posting time.

Jaim (F)

Sorridere (F)

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