I second that. You're a man of a pretty impressive amount of patience.
its easy not to type certain things lol
I second that. You're a man of a pretty impressive amount of patience.
Cool whose spot do you want to take?
and since FF dropped out as well, we only need one more draftee to go to drafter mode.
I'll take the earliest draft position available
umm..i guess. but we now have an imbalance of drafters to draftees. we cant have a successful draft without an equal number. i think the one taking it too seriously was you.
I think this is a great idea and Tony I appreciate your patience and effort in everything you do for the site. But this will take more commitment then I currently have available right now and it would not be fair to my partner.
I have just been handed 37 million dollars worth of renovation work please understand that I feel I could not give my all to my partner thus giving them the short end of the stick if I continued.
Again thanks Tony, just the timing is off right now for me.
a whore!!! omgolly gee, she called me a whore!!
ummmmm OK, I kinda like that
Why did you sign up if you were just going to drop out?
Just not entering the draft; but will be actively participating, encouraging, or offering advice to others with their dual journals.
Best wishes,
It is going fine, if someone doesn't want to participate WHO GIVES A HOOT? I don't get why everyone is being so crappy and whiney!
i agree w/derwy. it's not the end of the world...hehe!
anyone want some cheese with that whine? :yelrotflmao:
i agree w/derwy. it's not the end of the world...hehe!
anyone want some cheese with that whine? :yelrotflmao:
You guys are right, but in Tony's (and the creators') defense, this was supposed to start out as a serious thing. The actualy draft was serious business. Pairing up, the timing of the draft, etc...a lot of work went into creting this. Once it actually got started, hells yeah it was going to be fun. But until then, we had to focus on the task at hand.
So when people drop out, and people go off on their own and pair off (after committing to the draft), then that's kind of like a slap in the face to Tony, the drafters (who may have wanted to work with people who dropped out or worked with others), and the other people participating.
[/end rant]
okay Lillian, we know where you stand and how you justify quitting to yourself.
The only whining I've seen is you whining about everyone getting your case.