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what is the deal with this 'draft' ? is it to see which team has the best overall improvements? like weight loss or power gains? If thats the case what if you are already exceptional like myself. Im down to 5% bf and almost benching twice my body weight, not much room for improvement and any further gains will take alot of time. I guess its a good thing im not on anyones team, or in it to begin with :/
Anyone that complains about it is silly. It's something someone made up and invited others to participate. It would be like if you joined in a game of dodgeball and then complained that you aren't allowed to throw the ball at your own team members.
I think people are just confused as a lot don't know how the draft work and someone started saying drafters and draftees have to train each other or something.
You gotta do something about an 18 hour time limit. Can I pre-rank my draft picks so that I don't have to be present shortly after Focus chooses his? I know I won't be online Friday after 5pm.
what is the deal with this 'draft' ? is it to see which team has the best overall improvements? like weight loss or power gains? If thats the case what if you are already exceptional like myself. Im down to 5% bf and almost benching twice my body weight, not much room for improvement and any further gains will take alot of time. I guess its a good thing im not on anyones team, or in it to begin with :/
Waiting in the wings...... tho' I've no idea when my 18 hours will be up (what time is it in World Fitness land -am going to sleep through my deadline, I know it!!)
FF - am watching you! Ha ha
Waiting in the wings...... tho' I've no idea when my 18 hours will be up (what time is it in World Fitness land -am going to sleep through my deadline, I know it!!)
FF - am watching you! Ha ha
incessantmace;309180If thats the case what if you are already exceptional like myself.[/QUOTE said:bahahahah...people that ARE exceptional don't have to proclaim this.
Im down to 5% bf and almost benching twice my body weight, not much room for improvement and any further gains will take alot of time.
Sometimes thinking of oneself highly is not always the best quality.
what is the deal with this 'draft' ? Is it to see which team has the best overall improvements? Like weight loss or power gains? If thats the case what if you are already exceptional like myself. Im down to 5% bf and almost benching twice my body weight, not much room for improvement and any further gains will take alot of time. I guess its a good thing im not on anyones team, or in it to begin with :/
for christ sakes
i just wanna get started no cnfusion please...
did the first pick, pick her pick?
all i see is "draft" in my email with no explanations. I asked a simple question, and still haven't gotten an answer. If this was or is? a competition then how the hell do you expect an advanced person to compete against a fatty or someone who has never lifted a weight...their gains are going to be astronomical in comparison. There are alot of stupid people on this site, so why don't you get bent, ill keep my own **** to myself because obviously you're not man enough to handle a question, and god forbid someone makes a declarative statement. So here it is one last time for you, get bent, and im out of here.
This is simply a situation where people team up to be workout partners, via the internet. Same as if you worked out with someone at your current place. You dont have to change your routines if you dont want to. We are all humans and can make our own choices on what to do. If two people get together and want to pursue the same routine, thats fine.
Its really up to you guys how you want to workout. This is mainly for motivation, but the draft concept is just a fun idea I had. Later on I will implement the ability to change/trade/draft new people. However that will be saved for later, as that will probably cause heads to explode.
This is not a competition. There is nothing to win by losing the most weight, or gaining the most muscle. This is simply a way for all of us to band together and use our collective energy to keep each other on the right track.
Like the editing Evo ^^
And man some sh1t has popped off here! I dont see the big deal and confusion!
EITHER WAIT PATIENTLY OR PICK! Thats all we have to do people
Now........who loves sheep?
I love sheep...but I don't LOVE sheep.