You gotta do something about an 18 hour time limit. Can I pre-rank my draft picks so that I don't have to be present shortly after Focus chooses his? I know I won't be online Friday after 5pm.
I was under the impression that there weren't roles like this that the two were just partners or whatever
I am making an official declaration of trying to steal a draftee. A pox on your rules!
I'm lost.
I think we really had two different ideas going. There's always the possibility that after we kick this off, we can then pair people who will motivate each other. We'll then make a second journal for the motivating pairings.
So each pairing will have a second journal in addition to the drafter/draftee journal. How awesomely confusing will that be?
Me too.....
So a drafter and draftee do have different obligations?
After the draft is over, they are both obligated to motivate one another to reach their goals. Nothing more, nothing less. They are equals, both to feed off one another and share their knowledge and experiences along the way.
The ony reason for the drafer / draftee title is in fairness in choosing a partner for this event.
I was kidding about a second journal.