Alright, so I've read a fair bit about working out, and done it in spurts before, am currently getting back into it and smartening up my diet, but am very curious about a lot of trends or rules of thumb that I've read about. Hopefully someone here can quantify or put an approximate number to these things.
1) Its always been said that 6 small meals are better than 3 regular meal is better than 1 huge meal by virtue of a varied matabolism. How much does it change? Let's say at 3 meals your daily calory requirement was 2000 cals, at 6 it would be what? 2500? 5000? and at 1 it would be what? 1500? 500? How much does it matter?
2) I've read its better to do cardio first thing in the morning since theres no food in your stomach to burn so it burns fat. If you do it at the end of the day, wouldn't your regular daily activity burn off the food, then for cardio go to fat? or vice versa? If you take in 2000 cals a day, and burn 2500, no matter when you exercise, doesn't 500 have to come from stores?
3)Exercise burns calories and raises matabolism. How much? Burning 500 cals 3x/week translates to how many fewer cals at the end of the week taking into account raised matabolism?
4)Food doesn't directly translate to less cals because of digestion losses, and lower matabolism. If you cut 500 cals a day for a week, 3500 gross calories off, how many net cals does that equate to?
1) Its always been said that 6 small meals are better than 3 regular meal is better than 1 huge meal by virtue of a varied matabolism. How much does it change? Let's say at 3 meals your daily calory requirement was 2000 cals, at 6 it would be what? 2500? 5000? and at 1 it would be what? 1500? 500? How much does it matter?
2) I've read its better to do cardio first thing in the morning since theres no food in your stomach to burn so it burns fat. If you do it at the end of the day, wouldn't your regular daily activity burn off the food, then for cardio go to fat? or vice versa? If you take in 2000 cals a day, and burn 2500, no matter when you exercise, doesn't 500 have to come from stores?
3)Exercise burns calories and raises matabolism. How much? Burning 500 cals 3x/week translates to how many fewer cals at the end of the week taking into account raised matabolism?
4)Food doesn't directly translate to less cals because of digestion losses, and lower matabolism. If you cut 500 cals a day for a week, 3500 gross calories off, how many net cals does that equate to?