Not sure how I should loose weight

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imma just lol a little more at the post modernism of "well.. if might be proven in 2005, proven wrong in 2010.. and .. who knows.. proven right in 2015"

that made me laugh so hard, especially after a full day of debating ethics with a few of my very own interns! (aw they remind me of me).

Also, why did I miss this wonderful debacle? :(

edit: upon reading the entire thread I have to get this off my chest, I am, not on this board, bun in a medical and science perspective.. sick and tired of people being whipped by science and then going "well this we will never know, it will be debated forever" bleh bleh... SICK of it. I mean.. sure they "proved" that the earth is "round" but... we will never know for sure... we can debate this forever...
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lol Chi you do realize that you agreed with my logic in your previous post and now disagree with it in your new post....

I even posted documentation that eating 5 meals had no effect on metabolism. I must say this is a strange forum I don't see many people really trying to help just people bashing other people. Well guess what I got skinny I lost the weight what I did works and is working for tens of thousands why is what I did wrong lol

I was coming here to help others and to hopefully inspire instead I get bashing moderators and confused ninja turtles I'm out.

Yet another person who can't support their argument, so they run away? Imagine that.

And where exactly did I agree with your logic? If you would've read my post, you would've seen that I never once quoted the science as being wrong - only the people who report it to the public. Thanks, but try actually reading people's posts before you try and make them look stupid next time.


I am thoroughly convinced that a lot of the people who have been issuing public complaints on this forum, in regards to how 'no one helps', 'everybody argues' or how 'people get bashed for no reason', are nothing more than a small group of people who have opened up multiple accounts and have tried to pass it off as if there are a number of people who are displeased with the way things work around here. First of all, I find it hard to believe that someone who has supposedly only been a member for not even a few weeks yet can have such a good understand of how things work around here. You can't get a good read of a forums personality only after just a few days. So, I have a hard time believing that all of these "newer members" truly have such a big problem with this forum. In fact, they're probably not "new members" at all - more than likely, it's just the same small group of disgruntled members that are opening up multiple accounts and making complaint-ridden posts through many aliases. Nice try. But, personally? I'm not buying it.

Secondly, there is more help offered at his forum than I have seen on any other weight loss or health-related forum on the internet. And, trust me...I've looked. People just need to stop focusing on the very few moments of heated debate on this forum and realize that there is a plethera of beneficial knowledge, support and advice that's being given by these so-called members/moderators who apparently do nothing but 'start fights'.

But, I'm honestly not surprised that the few people with complaints are turning a blind eye to the unimaginably beneficial help that's being given on this forum. After all, if you read through all of their argumentative posts (for example - the ones in this thread), it's pretty clear that the people who complain about this website are just as narrow-minded as the people whom they have complaints against.

People in glass houses...
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Myth....stop smoking and you'll gain weight! Fact.....stop smoking and you'll regain your taste buds! Food tastes better so you tend to eat more. As both Kara and Mr Chef says, count and control your calories. Try, if it's possible, to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks (fruit, low fat yoghurt) per day at set intervals. Do not eat within 2 hours of bed time. If your target is say 1500 cals a day try 350 at breakfast, 100 mid morning snack, 400 lunch, 100 mid afternoon snack, 450 dinner and 100 early evening. This will keep your metabolism burning nicely and gaurd against hunger pangs. Include at least 3 relatively vigorous workouts a week (an hour at a time). Try this for 4-6 weeks and see how it goes.

Thank you fitness dave if you reading this!!!!!!! I REALLY appreciate the advice, although there seems to be alot of people here that want to argue and think they are right. I think you gave me some great advise and I am definatly going to try this! I do gorge out at dinner, and I think it would be easier to eat less calories if I knew I was eating more often! Im going do exactly the 350breakfast, 100 mid morning, etc...

As far as the debate goes, I gave up reading it at the top of page 3, just to much back and forth really. But my 2 cents is this, in nature most carnivores eat very large meals, but very spread apart, vegetarians eat small amounts all day long. Since we are omnivores I think either technique could work. I dont know much about the science behind it but just looking at nature, and knowing meat takes alot longer to digest, I would assume having meat farther apart and everything else in smaller amounts closer together would mimic more the way nature intended for us to live.

Thanks Dave!!!! :hurray:
Wow. What a firestorm of a thread.

Please note that NO ONE has said that eating multiple meals isn't effective. For many people the idea of eating frequently helps them to manage their hunger. For many people eating healthy snacks keeps them from gorging on junk at mealtimes. Eating frequently has many benefits for a lot of people.

What is being pointed out as FACT is that eating frequently does NOT INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM. Period. The end. That's not opinion. That's not "let's agree to disagree". That's not "I believe this is true". It simply is a cold, hard fact, measurable by science.

You can say you think it is true all you want, but you'd be just as wrong as if you insisted that the earth is flat.

That doesn't mean that eating frequently isn't a good diet plan for some. But it's NOT required (and several people in this thread *have* said that you "must" eat 5-6 times a day) and it's NOT going to increase your metabolism. You can whine about being slapped down all you want, but if you post wrong information on this site, you will get corrected. If you think it's rude to correct wrong information ... well, sorry. Not much I can do about that.
eating regularly may not RAISE your metabolism higher than normal, but it DOES keep your metabolism running higher longer. But, the whole idea of eating multiple meals in a day is not just to keep your metabolism higher, it's also to stop from over-eating. A major problem that people have is hunger. When they are hungry, they tend to eat too fast and then end up eating to the point of feeling full, which is actually unhealthy. You should never having the feeling of being full ... you should be "content".

I think eating 5-6 meals is one of the best methods for weight control. However, every diet has to fit the person and most people do not have the opportunity to eat 5-6 good meals a day. I do because I work at home and basically graze all day. I also subscribe to low carbs (basically follow a GI diet), with my largest meal being lunch. I rarely get hungry so I actually have a hard time when I go to my brothers place to even eat a full meal.

I do have to agree with Engage4Life and it seems like no one really understood what he was saying. He was simply saying that studies flip-flop around all the time. What is FACT now isn't going to be FACT necessarily fact tomorrow. And, if you actually look deeper into most of these studies, you will find that many of those studies are paid for by the people that are going to benefit most from them. It's not hard to create a study that will benefit, say, eggs.
but it DOES keep your metabolism running higher longer.
No, actually it doesn't.

Read the studies. Read the articles I've linked.

In fact there are studies that show that Intermittent Fasting (IF) actually does cause a minor metabolism boost at first (which quickly levels out). Eating frequently does not "maintain" your metabolism.
There's no guarantee you'll lose weight just through exercise. For some people it works, for others it doesn't.

One thing I notice though is that you're tracking the calories you burn through exercise, but you don't really seem to be tracking the calories you eat. You may consider using a site like to track your calories for a week and see exactly how much you're actually eating.

I agree with you Jeanette... you have no guarantee that loosing weight is through exercise only, From personal experiences some exercise works with other people and others it doesn't work... don't burn calories.... eat calorie efficient foods.
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I agree with you Jeanette... you have no guarantee that loosing weight is through exercise only, From personal experiences some exercise works with other people and others it doesn't work... don't burn calories.... eat calorie efficient foods.
Find out on a newsletter that relieved me from 160 to a 120

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Man... exercise is, weight-loss-wise the same for everybody, it makes your calorie usage go up and can therefore, and should, be part of loosing weight.

now... if person A has a daily caloric need of say... 2500 kcal, and eats 7000 kcal, then person A is not going to loose weight by being on the treadmill for half an hour every day.

If person B on the other hand has a daily caloric need of 2000, and eats 2000, then exercise will certainly result in weight loss.

There is no... "well... person A looses weight with pushups, but person B only looses weight with squats, tis very complicated", there is caloric usage and intake... end of story...

edit: oh and... really? kickstarting metabolism... really? to invoke science you can't just stick with something you read 10 years ago, you need to actually go read studies as they are published, also you need to understand the concept of the scientific method so that you can read and understand what a study actually means, not what the media reports it to mean. A lot of the old studies of metabolism, exercise, eating etc. failed to do well controlled double blind studies resulting in us now being unable to discern whether the measured increase in caloric usage was about an increased general activity level from having a good breakfast, whether it was due to such and such.. I mean.. go actually read the studies, not paraphrasing of them, and then you can invoke them. There is a reason that "new" science is generally moar-good than old science, this is because since the getting-your-study-published business is so damn cutthroat competitive, you have to kick harder and harder ass and be more and more scientifically stringent to get published in nature, the lancet (tho they do some piss poor meta studies and are such bitches when it comes to being honest about woo as to not loose readers), JAMA, NEJM etc. that.... the studies tend to be better and better, not more and more random or such... grarhrhghg...
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Actualy Engage was just pissed at me that I slapped his hand over wanting people to contact him so he can direct them to weight loss products and his personal weight loss program.

so..think how high I think of his opinion of me or this site right now.
holy cow!

Geeeze... what could have been a polite debate turned into a vicious debauchery.

If you believe fact or not, or think someday there might be flaws found within the latest studies... At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what works for you and your weight loss methods.

Can we all agree on that, at least?:smash:
Sure, the reason in your head might be on the level of the myth of Bigfoot, but if it works for you why quibble on science right? Ignorance is bliss.
Sure, the reason in your head might be on the level of the myth of Bigfoot, but if it works for you why quibble on science right? Ignorance is bliss.

I never said I disagreed with you. The only thing I had been explaining is why someone else might question the information you had put out. Maybe you should give modding up to someone who isn't going to be such an arrogant person.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Meaning, if someone wants to disagree with you, all you can do is provide them with the facts and then back away. By hounding people with evidence and snide remarks (who, btw aren't even disagreeing with you) you're only making yourself look like the fool.
Funny how that comment wasn't even directed at you. If you wasn't disagreeing and the comment was directed obviously at people who cling to a disproven reason the tell me..Why would you take offense?

I didn't mention you by name. I didn't even come close to directing that at you. I think you are reading way too much into it.
Funny how that comment wasn't even directed at you. If you wasn't disagreeing and the comment was directed obviously at people who cling to a disproven reason the tell me..Why would you take offense?

I didn't mention you by name. I didn't even come close to directing that at you. I think you are reading way too much into it.

A. you didn't quote the person you were referring to.
B. you've previously said snide things to me previously in this thread, I thought maybe you hadn't read what I previously said.
C. if you can't get someone to believe it, leave it. I stick to what I said about you only making yourself look bad by continuously coming back with snide/rude remarks. Even if its not directed at me, its still directed at someone. And not only are you making yourself look rude, but since you're a mod you're giving the entire forum a dingy undertone. New people may read this and say "damn, is that what the mods are like here?" If you're here to help people lose weight and be supportive, then do it. Don't get all antsy in the pantsy trying to explain something to someone who isn't going to understand it.
Well first, understand that being a mod doesn't mean I have to play nice and handle things with kid gloves.

Now, I believe the tone did get out of hand. I agree and I'll say sorry about the tone that was implied but I don't say sorry about my thoughts or words.
I just want to put my opinion into this party :party:

I dont claim to know who is right and who is wrong, Ive actually never read studies either way, only heard rumors. But what I do notice is that this debate is split up in the 3 different types of people, people who believe you should eat smaller more frequent meals, people who believe its a myth, and people who claim to not quite be sure either way. I am in the not quite sure category. BUT what I noticed is that the people in the not quite sure category and the people in the believe you should catagory seem like much more intelligent people based on the way their points are put across in non-offensive non-blaming non-self-righteous manner. The other side seems like very hostile people, I can see why alot of people would leave this board. Honestly I appreciate the advice I got from the first few posters, but I dont think I will be active in this forum after this. I dont want to be that person that posts something in the future trying to be helpful then suddenly gets treated like an idiot. I think its very sad that people like Kara and Jericho and the other offensive people think its OK to try to make other people feel stupid. Is that how you act in real life? You should be ashamed of yourself. I feel sorry for any kids/spouses/friends/neighbors you might have. Until you can begin to talk without insulting people, you can state your opinions in a non-rude manner, then your probably just going to have trouble in your personal life. Good luck! And have fun bashing me now cuz Im sure its coming!!
Sorry Melissa that posting facts in dispute of myth hurts your feelings.

I do love how you basicly called two mods stupid in so many words because you didn't like how we came across. See, instead of debating the FACT you are debating 'ow not so rough..mommy!'.

Kara posted facts. I posted facts. People posted myths and it's the fact posters are the ones who are rude and wrong. Not cause of the facts but because the 'tone' was rough.

Sorry but don't really care. If you came with an opposing fact, then that would be different but to hear people cry that we are too rough?


And yes. It was rude. It was smartass. And it was right.

Prove my FACTS wrong and I'll say I was wrong. Tell me you don't like my attitude and I could care less.

and I'm the fluffy fun one.
See, instead of debating the FACT you are debating 'ow not so rough..mommy!'.

I think you've got it backwards.. To debate something is to go back and forth with opinions based on fact. Fine, I think most of us can handle that. How you came with your facts was snide and rude. You see what I'm saying about how you represent the forum as a mod?? And how people will be less than eager to return or join? Take a chill pill Jericho. At this point, we're no longer debating fact--but your attitude. Which comes off quite adolescent at this point.
I'm sorry. At what point is my attitude even a subject for debate?

In fact, seeing how people are now debating my personality and attitude rather than the OP, I am closing this thread down. It ends now.
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