Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

If ever I can afford regular therapy again without feeling guilty about the expense I'm going to try and at least understand where that nonsense is coming from. The urge to stuff my face until incapacitated is sick.
Hey LaMa, you know my unscientific take on this. For me anyway I believe its natural, in my genes. We evolved in a time of food shortage and only intermittently available food. So for our ancestors eating everything they could lay our hands on made sense, binges of the sort we do today just were not possible. Not for 99+% of human existence. Like all inherited traits some of us have more than others, some folks are taller or blonder or whatever. I think I just have more of the binge urge gene than most of the population, if the same were true of height genes I would probably have been a professional basketball player. Think about it, you might be the same, or then again maybe I am completely wrong... And you ain't no failure girl, you are coping with the problem as best you can. And trying to find ways to do it better, that's not failure its just doing your best to find success. That's all any of us can do.

No binge here today and urges were not too bad, managable.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today, and no unmanageable urges. Not a bad day.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today and did not have bad cravings most of the day, but tonight as I get ready for bed I sure would like to eat something... guess it will never really go away, hopefully I can just manage.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today, and even though my calories were a bit low I felt no strong urges. I need more days like today.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today and no real strong urges. Though I did knowingly go about 50 calories over my current unofficial goal. But that was not a binge. Knock on wood I have not had strong binge urges for a few days, hope it continues.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Thanks LaMa, and it was another not bad day. I have lowered my expectations a bit, any day without strong urges qualifies as good, I have no days without some desire to over eat, and don't think I am likely to.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
It was shortly after posting last night that I rolled off a bit and ate 3 unplanned cookies. Not really a binge, but the first step towards one, did not feel good. It reminded me how quickly a binge can start... Today was better, and without any binge or binge beginnings.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I could see it being like "mom isn't looking, this is my time to sneak a cookie". What you eat after writing might feel like it doesn't really count. Like some of my old WW group members binging after each group meeting.
I could see it being like "mom isn't looking, this is my time to sneak a cookie".
Yep, that is how I feel too often. Years of sneaking food I guess, pretty irrational but that is me... I have to remind myself that what you write doesn't really matter, not unless its what you actually eat. Too easy to get taken up with the process and loose track of the why.

No binge today and thankfully no strong urges. However it was hard to stop at the end... I often get this feeling that if I eat just one more thing I will be satisfied. Experience has shown me it doesn't work, but that doesn't stop the thinking.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I often get this feeling that if I eat just one more thing I will be satisfied. Experience has shown me it doesn't work, but that doesn't stop the thinking.
I get the same feeling about binges once I start: one more day of it and I'll be satisfied. It'll be easy to stop after that! It never is, of course.
I get the same feeling about binges once I start: one more day of it and I'll be satisfied. It'll be easy to stop after that! It never is, of course.
I guess a lot of us feel that way, its one of the things that keeps the bingeing going...

No binge today, I began limiting what I eat in prep for the colonoscopy, but it did not keep me from wanting more. We'll see what tomorrow brings, not looking forward to just clear liquids. But I cannot afford a binge, need to get this thing done and overwith.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today, the awful diet and meds helped with that, unfortunately it did not keep me from thinking of bingeing, not much does.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
No binge today, but after a couple of days eating lightly and all I sure was hungry. Had to watch things a bit but I stayed on track.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
I think that's a normal reaction to severe restriction. Good job not binging!