Weight-Loss No binge, no purge - one day at at time.

Doing ok so far . Only thing is I was up super early so meals all eaten earlier . So will have some cheese and fruit and crackers for my snack this eve and I should be good .
Thanks for the helping hand, Rob :) I´m not bad at throwing but with the Atlantic in the way there´s no need to duck!
Petal we can do this and we CAN get back on track. Did not binge today.
Whew I got through the day without eating over on crap food and I planned everything. Here is hoping for another successful day today.

It's weird I feel really fat at the moment even though logically I'm 2 stone lighter than last year . I think getting back properly on plan and maybe some exercise will help that. Time still not my friend exercise way but it's coming !

Well done LaMa glad you did well and we will have a good Monday . Rob good luck on the trip and enjoy
Hey LaMa and Petal, great to see you doing well, good for you. LaMa, yes the Atlantic does offer some protection! I just saw it, I'm at Miami Beach, warm and windy.

Just a quick check in to say no binges here!
Good going Rob .
No binging here today but I don’t know whether it’s the 1.5 c weather the sleet and snow falls the wild wind or the crazy rain on and off but I’m really hungry today . Finding it hard
Cold, dark, wet weather doesn´t make anything easier. I think our bodies just want comfort atm. I´ll be out and about until 7:30 pm or so (leaving in 5 minutes so that´s over 12 hours. Fingers crossed I´ve prepped enough food and won´t fall into my binging ways!
Didn´t binge today. Sat on the couch for half an hour after getting home and now I´m getting UP to prep lunches for the rest of the week.
Doing ok here again thankfully. Concentrating on eating what I’m allowed like fruit and veg and protein yoghurt etc .
Let’s do well again today
Petal and LaMa, good to see you doing well!

No binge so far for me, but tonight's dinner will be a challenge, my cousin has been cooking for 2 days, it will be hard to say no to things. I just have to limit how many bites of each. I think I can do it.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Hope the dinner went well Rob and did not prove to be a big challenge .

no binging here . Focusing On Filling foods
I hope the dinner was fun and delicious and satisfying and peope didn't get upset over your small portions.
I did not binge today!
Hey Petal and LaMa, great news on the binge front!

No binges here, got though that dinner by taking small portions of everything except salad and green beans. And moving the food around a bit on my plate only taking bites slowly. And I managed to turn down the cake by saying I needed pictures and interrupting things a bit.

Let's not binge tomorrow.
Well done Rob . Thats a good avoidance technique.
No binging here but stuck in with the storm right now . Tempting
I did binge. On chocolate. Now paying the late night stomache ache price (almost 10 hours later!)