
What's going on? Feeling the burn? Been a busy couple of days, but managed to get in my workouts both days. I just feel a lot better when I work out. Stress reliever.
Yea been going strong man got a new punching bag today legs are sore but still motivated
Oh yeah. Like punching bags too. Good for your core and stress relief. Keep pushing forward. Let me know if you need any info or questions. I will try and help you out as best I can. Focus on the end game.
Hi my name is Nathaniel I am 23. I have always been a big guy I have a 2 year old daughter and I am terrified that my life choices will cause me not to be the father I would love to be for her. Right now I weigh 370 lbs and it is at a point that I am disgusted with myself. I am not sure how to get the motivation I need to keep up with a diet and exercise plan. Iv started several times and I will lose the drive and I guess I'm just asking for any advice

Well, you've got all the motivation right there. Change yourself for your daughter. To keep up with the diet and exercise plan you need to start slow, you can't drastically change everything and hope it'll stick. Start by eliminating junk food from your diet first. A huge amount of extra calories come from soft drinks. THROW EVERYTHING SOFT DRINKY OUT of the window and burn it with fire. If you can't quit soft drinks just now, switch to a no calorie version. However, I highly recommend starting to drink just plain water, it's the best and most easiest way to start losing weight. Plus, you'll feel much, much, much better.

About exercise. You need to ease in into it, you're a big guy, which means you may get injured by your weight. So start by doing 30-40 minute walks at a steady pace every single day, without any excuses.

On motivation, you need to understand that motivation doesn't just come to you, motivation comes from progress, which will fuel your desire to continue. It's a 120% mind game. Whenever, you don't feel like it, try to force yourself. No matter how tired you are, or how many excuses your mind will come up with, force yourself to go for that walk. Shift your mind towards positive thoughts, how you'll be able to play and run around with your daughter, for example. I also tend to watch motivational videos like this one:

It gives me goosebumps every time.

Hope this helps.