New Years Resolutions

In retrospect, I would have put my first two goals of '08:

1. Survive open heart surgery
2. Recover from open heart surgery

So, I guess I feel okay about this year so far. I haven't accomplished any of the other goals for '08 but the year is still young:)
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Hey, poking fun is people is long as it isn't directed at me!!

And Tom, maybe my girlfriend doesn't think I bat hard enough; but your mum said my bat control is the best she's ever seen
and she's seen a lot of batters in her time! ;)
Jeebus this thread went WAAAAAYYYY bad in a short time.

I'm out before this turns into a war.

One last note, Resolutions suck, but the resolutionists are no longer in the gym. Time to get my squat on. wOOt!!!11!1!!!111
Hey big tom ...coming from yorkshire .you should know all there is to know about sheep:)

LOL, Quote from my late British step-father:

"The Irish are thick, the Welsh are too fond of their sheep, the Scots are alright, you just can't understand a bloody thing they say."