Is that an hour total all week? Or each day? If all week, then this challenge may motivate you to get on an exercise routine. If each day, then you will already know you can earn all the points. Either way, I do not understand what there is to disagree with. You know the rule established in the challenge, you can choose to join or not.
^ you'll enjoy it!
bikinibound, if its no trouble, could you PM me when sign up begins? I don't want ot miss out!
I will pretend that Kimberly{BB} is Jillian!
Maybe its a silly idea, but would it be possible to have a winner of all the people who were kicked off of the main competition (like they have on BL). So as people are kicked off, they would join the second runner up competition and would keep their points in a different thread? I dunno, just a thought as I'm sure I'll be kicked off early considering I try to get all my points but I dont lose any weight..yet I've found this challenge so motivating (esp. the exercise component!).