New Year New Life for April


New member
OK, it's a new year and the last one really sucked. Except that I found this place and made so many amazing new friends. Now, I'm looking forward to creating a new healthy life to carry me into the future. Knowing there are so many people who care makes me feel that this time I will succeed! Now, I've had to change my goals a little. My original goal date was July 4th. Since I lost my willpower the past couple of months, that goal is no longer realistic. I still need to lose 94 pounds so at my "good girl" rate, I believe that I should reach my goal of 135 pounds by my anniversary which is October 1. I'm really thinking positive because it's going to take hard work to reach this goal AND to still be married by then. I have created new excercise schedules and menus that I believe I will be able to intergrate into everday life instead of becoming obsessed with calories and such. I don't want to spend my life dieting. I want to live!
That's why I luv ya! Of course I believe I've discussed the donut thing with you!!! I just know you and Julie are going to gang up on me for this challenge! (shake my head) It's okay! I'm strong. I'm determined. I'm unstoppable. I'm hungry!No, no! I'm healthy. that's what I meant to say!!
Hey there! Just wanting to see how your doing.. I believe in you sweetie! You should be able to reach your goal in no time!
ok, so far today has been really sucky! I got to work this morning and within a few miles I started losing parts off my bus. Literally had pieces of trim falling off the thing! Then, going down a dirt road, I looked up into my mirror and it cracked! Can you imagine me explaining that to my boss? "how did you crack the mirror?" "I looked at it!!" To top it off when I was turning into the bus barn, I hit the fence and drug it down the side of the bus about 10 feet!!! The only good thing I can say about the day is I had a good healthy breakfast and even though there were donuts in the breakroom, I didn't eat them! Believe me, the whole dozen looked really good to me today!!
Sorry about the bus April!! But congrats on your healthy eating choices!!! I know how tempting that is! ;) Way to go!!!
Hi April, its been forever since I checked in on your diary, and I'm sorry! I'll make sure to come back in here more often :) I'm also sorry to hear you had such a crappy day today; I bet tomorrow will be much better.
Hey sweetie! Well you took care of yourself today with your eating choices so that is all that matters! I am sorry about the bus though!
Omg what a day, it sounds like you still had a sense of humor about it though. Good going on not having the donuts that must have been a huge challenge.
G'day april, I recieved your card today, it was great, thanks. bad luck with the bus, it can only get better tomorrow :)
Sorry the cards were so late. I didn't get them in the mail until the 22nd! I didn't think it would take that long though! Today was much better but I'm really exhausted. We were up late fighting with the demon child! Grabbed a package of trail mix for breakfast. Not realy good on the calories but I'll count it as breakfast and snack so I'll be okay!
Hi Sez!!! Long time no see! Well, I'm working on trying to get my house cleaned up! The plans to have everything done for the new year didn't exactly work out. We got about half way through the house doing closets, cabinets under and behind everything. Then school started and there just hasn't been any time. So, we are working on getting it done this weekend. One of my resolutions this year is to become more organized and neat. I admit it. My name is April and I'm a Slob!@! Ok, I did the trail mix thing for breakfast, lunch was a sandwich made with turkey ham and cheese. Dinner spaghetti and meat sauce (homemade leftovers!) I promised hubby I'd have alot done before he gets home tomorrow afternoon, and I've got very little done so far. I guess I should be doing that but I miss you guys!!!
i know exactly what you mean there april - my house is a tip and hes home tomorrow - it will be a mad rush just before he comes home to clean the house as usual lol

dom was sposed to be doing some jobs too on the hosue over the xmas period but it went so quickly and he has done naff all lol grrrr he is useless!
My husband threw in his job on wednesday!Was I mad!I said why couldnt you find a new job first!
He aplied for a new job at another place,after he left there,and got it!But,he doesnt start until monday.Leaving us tight for money over the next few days.
I have to pay/pick up my step sons BMX racing bike on tuesday,but with only 3 days pay!I have to pay $300 left owing as the layby is due and BMX training starts on monday,racing wednesday!
He couldnt have picked a worse time to have 3 days off!
He usually works Mon to Sat,and this was planned as a go without things for a few weeks thing to pay for it!
No beer for him for a while then!
We will see how much his pay is and when he gets his first paycheck from the new job!
Im sure we will survive!
Been cracking the whip to try and get some things done around here while he is home!Well I tried and hoped,but it didnt happen,too busy sitting on his butt!
Anyway how are going april?Sorry about the bus,sounded like one of those days!Keep up the good work!:)
Slap him silly! John has done that a couple of times! Then again, I've done it too! I'm sure you'll be fine. Just tighten the belt a little for the next week. John was out of work all October and we're just now getting caught back up!! Well, I only had a few minutes to say Hi so I've got to go make dinner now!
See everybody tomorrow!
Good morning! Well, the weekend went okay! Around here if there's not a BIG fight it's been a good day! ok, breakfast was pop tarts. Not a good breakfast but I'll balance it out through the day!
big fight eh?

sounds like you have your work cut out lol