Weight-Loss New year, new challenge?

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I would like to sign up!!!! I definately need a little motivation to get closer to my gw!
I cant wait till the 1st, i love new starts, ive tried to get back into the swing of things, so it isnt like major shock on hte 1st. and am trying to replace my bordem eating with other occupations, like being on here, reading, music ect. Which will be tough as i have a week of school, all my mates are away on holiday, and the weathers bad, but so far so good, i tried all this yesterday, did well all day till 7. Then it was a total disaster, so i think that is going to be the hardest part of next month unless i start remedying it now, Anywho good luck
k everyone.
I am also trying to get it together! I just love the challenges,because, well they challenge you! LOL:D I do better that way than just on my own!!:)
So long as people dont pull out this time!

Please, to everyone in it, do not quit half way through and let the team down :)
WOO HOO !! this is going to be sooo fun ! I am also excited, kinda like sooo many others here !!

Thanks Wishes for the advice !! :) I do try and watch what I eat...but I think it's my portion size taht is doing it... I eat almost as much as my fiancee in a day !

All is well on my end, I bought an elliptical on boxing day !! yay !! it was regular $799 and I got it for $320 !! WOOO HOO !! But I am still working on this couch to 5k program ! I have slacked a bit due to Christmas...but today is my day to get back in to a routine !! So I will check-in in a few days !!
Good luck to Everyone with their challenge !!

Go Bonne Annee GO !!! (Team 2)
I'm excited about this challenge, but also a little nervous. I'm trying to break the pattern of being really gung ho for a few months and then reaching a mini-goal, celebrating and falling away from the lifestyle that I want. So, this challenge is a do or die kinda thing for me. Small steps! I'm kind of counting on these challenges to hopefully get me started in this coming year and keep me vested in changing my life for the better.
Anyway, blah blah blah, right? Sorry!

---I love a quote I saw in dariqueen's signature-----check it out!
Count me in I would love too participate! Sound like GREAT motivation.....soooo how does it work anyway???:confused:

Ok, ive added you to team 4, well, i will do in a minute. Basically, you make a post on your team thread, and copy the table thing that i posted, and then each week go back and edit it, adding your weight for that week, ect. Then the team that lost the biggest percentage of their combined target are the winnerrs. Hope that makes sense.
So long as people dont pull out this time!

Please, to everyone in it, do not quit half way through and let the team down :)

Yeh, please try and stick it out, if not for youselves for the team. I think if there are people who havent posted theyre chart after the first week, i will withdraw them , and as its about the pecentage, it should still be a pretty fair game.
so how do i know who else is on team 4....just curiouse! TEAM 4 ROCKS!:p
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