New member
I fancied the sausages - but knew that they would send the sodium to the limit as I knew that I was looking as 1200mg sodium in the sausages alone... I figured that I could have higher food if I fancied it because of the salsa exercise...
Like Sunday - I am going to have no chance of getting any sodium points today.
We are eating in a restaurant tonight - and I fully expect the meal to be high sodium... There is no way of knowing what the numbers are - but it will be high sodium and high calorie.
I am actually not in any mood to eat particularly healthily... I spent an hour yesterday in the dentist's chair getting my broken tooth drilled in preparation for a crown being fitted. There was a problem with the temporary crown (it broke while being fitted) so the dentist made another one that has since broken up too. I am currently trying to contact the dentist...
I have been taking prescription painkillers to try to numb the pain...
Add in the fact that I am full of cold and have been up half the night - and you will see that I am feeling pretty sorry for myself. We have to go out to dinner as it is a business meeting and needs to be done... At the minute - a high calorie soft meal like chicken korma sounds very appealing... I have pretty much settled on the notion that I deserve it...
I know how those crowns go, Omega. I had all my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago and the oral surgeon ended up breaking one of my back molars at the same time. It's called a "cap" here. I have relatively straight teeth (never needed braces, luckily) and the temporary cap I had shifted all my teeth because it was a little too big. You're lucky you have meds for the pain; I had to wait 3 weeks for the permanent cap and the entire time I had pressure on all my other teeth from that temp and it sucked. But trust me, once you get the permanent one on, you'll feel so much better without that ache in your mouth.