Need more ab definition

Ok so some info first. I'm naturally really skinny. Up until a month ago I ate fast food few times a day without ever gaining a pound. I'm 5'7" and I weigh 100lbs. No matter how much I eat, my weight never changes. I figured of course my eating habits were bad, so now I try to eat healthier. I turned to fruit and vegetables and the only kind of meat I eat is chicken (dont like anything else). Thing is, I really really want my abs to look good. I want a six pack. Now, Im NOT familiar with exercise at all. That's a foreign word to me, but I wanna change it. I need some advice on how to get my ab muscle to show. I want those six little squares to be really visible :D Now, what should I eat? How can I just focus on my abs, AND see results? Im afraid if I do cardio, I'll lose weight, and that's definitely something I don't wanna do. Im skinny as it is. I just bought a pilates for abs workout dvd.. tried it, and boy does that hurt. Could that work? Anyway, please, any advice is welcome since I wouldn't know what to do myself..
Just to give u an idea, this is how they are now.. also, based on the pics, how long do u think it would take me if I was consistent with my exercises?
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I think you look amazing already. You are lucky enough to start out where most people hope to end up. I used to be really skinny too, ate like you then about 24-25 my metabloism started to slow down and I had to start to watch what I ate. You already seem to have figured that part out.

If you want to get more muscle tone without losing weight than I think that you need to start with resistance training. Abs are muscles just like all of the others, the recipie for getting them is simple, good muscle tone and low body fat. People say that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

This is a link to a "how to get abs article" that was started but not yet finished though.

Good luck, can't wait for the after pics!
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Great! Thanx so much for the reply. I just checked out the link u gave me and its def some useful info (esp considering my unfamiliarity with exercise). Thing is, Im very determined to get what I want, so I just need to be pointed in the right direction, and with some advice from here, I have no doubt in my mind that I could get to my goal.

What exactly is resistance training though? What kinds of exercises does that incorporate? Sorry, but again, Im not familiar with any type of training so I wouldn't know this :/
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Basically, resistance training means weigth training. You mentioned that you want to see your abs without losing weight, congrats for realizing that you are already at a good weight for your size! Many people just assume that if they starve themselves then their abs will look great, I know a lot of skinny people with no sign of abs whatsoever.

The way to get abs w/o losing weight is to build a little muscle to replace the little bit of fat you will lose doing cardio. Cardio itself will not build much muscle so you need to do a bit of both. Most people recommend a 3 day a week, full body workout for a beginner. You can do 1-2 days of cardio on your non weight training days to lose the very little fat that you have.

I would say that it should come very easy for you because I can already see your upper abs and obliques, your already half way there.

This link it to a pretty basic full body workout with pictures, it shoud be a good start
Yahalaa, my metabolism is responsible for my stomach looking like that up to now.. but, I just turned 25 and I think it's gonna take some work to keep it looking that way from now on (and hopefully even better)

jcbecton, thanx. I was just afraid that cardio would make me loose weight overall (and I certainly dont need that). Too bad u cant just target one area, cuz Im kinda concerned I might loose fat in other areas where I like it (ahem, like the bust area, which is all natural as well, and i wouldnt want the size of that to change :p ) Maybe some girls can tell me what happens there.
Anyway, will things like whey protein help me in building muscle?.. and eating chicken and egg whites.. and stuff like that?
I wouldn't think you would lose much size (if any) from cutting down a little. You don't have a lot of fat to lose anyway, so I wouldn't suggest you go into too much of a calorie deficit. I believe females are genetically predisposed to gain or lose breast size when losing/gaining weight, but I typically only hear of a significant reduction in size when a lot of fat is lost...

As far as protein sources, egg whites (occasional yolk), chicken breast, lean beef, cottage cheese, etc are all good sources. There's a really good grocery list here: Whey is a good way to get protein if you're not able to meet your requirements through whole food. It's a general rule that you should try to get .85 - 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight, depending on your goals. Check out:

FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal

It's a great way to track your calories and where your calories are coming from... keep in the mind the estimated maintenance calorie intake is usually a little high on fitday though.

Hope this helps...
Sounds like the advice here boils down to living a healthier lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising regularly with lots of variations. An all around approach to fitness will help you more in the long run than just concentrating on one area of the body since what you don't use you'll lose.
now tellme ayla what i got to do to looklike u?:D
u look great and i can see a very strong abs defination it wont take long to achieve your 6 pack goal
as far asthe cardio is concerned if u do cardio 3 timesa week your appetite will increase and u wont loose any weight but rather u will gain some lean muscles.just my 2 cents
Ayla, what you should be eating are complex carbs (brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, tons of veggies), lean protein, and fat. The fat I am talking about is not saturated fat (an easy way to determine sat vs unsaturated would be that sat fats are solid at room temp), but fats you'll get from fish, veggies, and oils like olive oil.

To see your abs better, you should typically shed the fat that's covering it. But that's kind of hard, because women have a higher body fat % then men, so don't expect to get the same kind of definition without loads of extra work and sacrifice. In your case I would actually train the muscles in hopes that greater size will lead to greater definition.

You should also give me your's easier if I can talk you through it. :p
Wow guys, thanx for all the info. Im learning alot here. I've checked out all the links u've posted. Very helpful.
Slimsadie, your avatar pic is EXACTLY what I want. I wonder if I could get there?.. and how long it would take me?
.. and LeiYunFat, if u can get me to look like sadie's avatar.. I shall think about the number :p
Slimsadie, your avatar pic is EXACTLY what I want. I wonder if I could get there?.. and how long it would take me?

Personally, I think that your stomach looks better than the avatar. Most guys like a little shake! The best though? Somewhere in between you and the avatar.
Personally, I think that your stomach looks better than the avatar. Most guys like a little shake! The best though? Somewhere in between you and the avatar.

and,Personally,i think, thats just u!

she wants a six pack,why would she change her goal for the guys who like a little shake??:confused: