Personal Training Session
A Swiss Ball Plank 2 warmups, 1 set 30 secs
B1 Pullups AMRAP, 10, 8, 7
B2 Bosu Shoulder Press AMRAP, 3x20@12
C DB Squat to DB Snatch 2x10@25, 1x10@30
D Renegade Row w/Pushup AMRAP 1x7@15, 2x5@15 (1 rep = both sides)
E Step-Ups (on Bench) 1x20, 1x15, 1x10
Swiss Ball Plank - We kicked it up a notch today. My feet were on a bosu ball (on the dome side), and my forearms were on a stability ball. Tim (my trainer) held the ball for me so I wouldn't fall right off.
Pullups - I'm so glad I added these to my regular workout, as I'm a bit more comfortable with doing them at the Y too. Still, it seems I wasn't getting full extension, which Tim pointed out to me, so will be on the lookout for that in the future.
Bosu Shoulder Press - Another abdominal worker... sitting on the bosu ball with legs straight but not touching the floor, doing shoulder presses.
DB Squat to DB Snatch - My first snatch! Joy! I was glad to be taught this one as I'd heard about it but never attempted it.
Renegade Rows - Not much to tell here, but for a cute aside... While I was doing my first set of these, a woman and her little girl (age 5 to 7?) came to the workout area. I had just finished my set, and Tim pointed over to the little girl who had these tiny (neon green) weights set up, and she started to do renegade rows, with the pushup. After doing one set each side, she went back to put the dumbbells away only to come back with larger purple dumbbells to knock out a few more reps. lol I had to smile, even though I was in the midst of the 2nd set, especially when Tim began to encourage her.
Step-ups - Dang these were hard, I'd've preferred the stairs (who would've thought I'd be saying that...?), since at least there I could alternate legs. Here though, I did 20 on the left, then 20 on the right etc. I'm not sure how my form was, but Tim didn't mention anything, so I can only assume I was good.
Overall - A very good workout. As always when I train with Tim, it's challenging, but not impossible, and I do feel worked out by the end. He's going to give me a new workout on Friday - which will be what I do on the days I don't see him.