My Diary

Just checking in, Stingo, nice work. Way to lose the weight. You can do 10 pullups unassisted? With hands forward (i.e., pronated grip)?
Just checking in, Stingo, nice work. Way to lose the weight. You can do 10 pullups unassisted? With hands forward (i.e., pronated grip)?

I wish... Sadly, no - I used the assist machine but don't know how much assistance was provided since my trainer dialed in the weight.
Another update

Came in at 215.8 this morning, however waist size is still 44.25" - I can't really complain as weight has been decreasing constantly, but I would like to see some downward movement in the waistline. Ah well I just have to be patient.
Hey, I really like the new pic :)

I still maintain the fat around the middle is the last to go ... I'm not sure there is any science to back up my theory, but it seems to like to hang on FOREVER :p
Hey, I really like the new pic :)

I still maintain the fat around the middle is the last to go ... I'm not sure there is any science to back up my theory, but it seems to like to hang on FOREVER :p

I think for most people that's true - that they store fat in their midsection. And the first on/last off rule applies.

And thanks for noticing the pic. :)
Strength Training - 12/22/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@55

B Chin-ups - 3x5@-55

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@30

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 23, 15
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@55
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 11, 8
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@55

A DB Power Clean and Press - No screwups today, but I think I need another session at 55 to lock that weight in.

B Chin-ups - For whatever reason I decided to try all three sets at -55, and was just able to make it.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - Balance was a little iffy on the left, but I was able to do the 30's (as the 25's were taken). I'll try the 30's again on Wednesday to secure.

D Circuit - Push-ups were feet on bench again, with a little improvement in all 4 sets. I kept the rows the same as the power clean and press for the symmetry's sake.

Overall - A good workout here. I know for a fact I'd not have been able to do any of these exercises at this level when I started, so the progress is obvious, even to a doubter like me.
Christmas Eve 2008

Wow, it's here already - December 24th, Christmas Eve. I'll be spending it at one of my aunt's houses as we stand watch with the traditional Wigilia dinner. It's customary for the dinner (as we've celebrated it) to be eaten by candlelight, with a variety of meatless dishes (seafood however is ok), including scallops, shrimp and of course pierogi. However, prior to the meal itself is the breaking of the wafers. Each participant has a rectangular wafer at their table, which they will take to everyone at the table, so that each will break off a piece of the other's wafer, wishing them the best of the season and for the New Year. An extra setting, symbolic of the Christ child is also set. For me, this is what Christmas is, not really the 25th, as there is the excitement of anticipation.

And speaking of anticipation, I plan on picking up my winter selection of beer after work. (Yay!) My distributor was able to secure a sixtel of Troegs' Mad Elf, which, to my mind, is a real coup, because most places want the sixtels, not the half barrels. (For those new to this log, a sixtel is a sixth barrel, or the rough equivalent of 2 cases.) It's a great beer, but at 11% abv (alcohol by volume) a maximum of 1 in a night is probably a good idea.

Although I'd seen their products, it took listening to a great review on a podcast (Should I Drink That?) to get me to get some for myself. (Apparently I was ahead of the curve, one of the Philadelphia Inquirer's food writers gave it a nod, and the stuff disappeared from the shelves near Philly.) The beer would be Shmaltz Brewing's Jewbelation 12, and from the sounds of it it's quite the taste extravaganza. With 12 different malts and 12 different hops, and 12% abv, it'll definitely light anyone menorah. The brewery is proud not only of its beer but also of its shtick - they have one line of beers called He'Brew - The Chosen Beer, one of which is called Messiah - The Beer You've Been Waiting For, among other creative names. They also make and market the Coney Island Lager line which has some interesting labels and names on its own.

Since their Kaiser Pils was SO good, I decided to, (if it's still in stock) to get a case of Pennsylvania Brewing's Saint Nicholas Bock. I've heard good things about it, but have yet to try it myself. Since I've had and enjoyed their Oktoberfest, Pilsner and Kaiser Pils, I doubt I will be disappointed.

Going back to that one in a night, I plan to have a pint of the Mad Elf tonight as I listen to my all-time favorite Christmas CD - Christmas Night, by the Cambridge Singers with John Rutter conducting. All of the Cambridge Singers CDs are top notch, but this one is the jewel in the crown. As such, it has the pride of place for being played on Christmas Eve.

So, in that vein, I want to wish all of my readers/supporters/encouragers the very best and happiest of holidays. Whichever ones you choose to celebrate, it still comes down to family, friends, food and fun. May all four find their way to your door this season.
Strength Training - 12/24/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@55

B Pull-ups - 3x5@-55

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@30

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 25, 15
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@55
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 13, 9
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@55

A DB Power Clean and Press - These were more difficult today, especially on the left side. Not sure why, but I'll be pushing 55 again on Monday.

B Pull-ups - All -55 again. I've been mistakenly calling these Chin-ups when they're actually pull-ups.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - It's a sad commentary on one of my workouts when the BSS turns out to be one of the best exercises in the workout. A minor tip aside, these felt good.

D Circuit - As before, feet on bench with a little improvement in the reps for the push-ups. Rows were as before, to be inline with the presses.

Overall - Didn't have the mojo today, but I'm glad I got the workout in and done. (I can usually tell when the mojo is absent - it takes me forever to get the workout started, and such was the case today.)
Strength Training - 12/27/08

A Circuit x 3 - 18 reps each exercise (9 each side for A1 and A6) with a single 25lb plate, rest at end of each time through the circuit.
A1 Plate Lunges
A2 Overhead Plate Swing
A3 Pullover
A4 Squat + Push Press
A5 Upright Rows
A6 Bicep Curls
A7 Reverse Woodchopper
A8 Weighted Push-ups

B Treadmill - 8 minutes, 10.0 incline, 3.0 speed

A Circuit - The circuit seemed well designed/thought through, though 18 reps of anything is a lot.

A1 Plate Lunges - past the first the time through, these weren't all that bad.

A2 Overhead Plate Swing - I learned just how much the core is used in this exercise.

A3 Pullover - A different exercise for me, which felt a bit awkward, but I think had the technique better at the end.

A4 Squat + Push Press - A favorite in the Tim arsenal of exercises.

A5 Upright Rows - These proved more difficult than I thought they would be. Of course, at 18 reps that might have something to do with it.

A6 Bicep Curls - First time I've done actual bicep curls in a long time. My left arm wasn't quite with it (in fact Tim had me do some exercises to help loosen it up and hopefully work out the tendonitis that seems to be there).

A7 Reverse Woodchopper - This was another one that got me winded, but it was good to try something different for a change of pace.

A8 Weighted Push-ups - Between the added weight due to recent festivities and the 25# plate, these were the toughest exercise in the workout. I'm not sure I had good form throughout (not going all the way to the floor or close to it) but I did what I could and managed to complete each set.

B Treadmill - Because we had some time left, Tim had me hit the treadmill for some high incline walking. My calves were freaking out something fierce as they were cramping a lot in the first half of the walk.

Overall - I think I did pretty well. I was certainly tired after finishing, but not totally exhausted. Tim had told me when we were starting that this was going to be a plate workout, and I said that the irony wasn't lost on me, going on to explain that I'd had a few plate workouts in terms of holiday eating, so hopefully this would be a step in the right direction again.
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sorry i couldn`t log in on xmas eve i wanted to say happy xmas to u but couldnt,i got Malaria:( i am recovering now. hope u had a wonderful day,and 215lbs is awesome.!!!
Came in at 215.8 this morning, however waist size is still 44.25" - I can't really complain as weight has been decreasing constantly, but I would like to see some downward movement in the waistline. Ah well I just have to be patient.

I was at another forum and they are talking about Napalm which is a topical cream that melts the fat. It's made by Avant which is a very well known and respected company. I'm going to try it and it seems I don't have to worry if it works or not by what I'm reading. I can't wait to get it and try it out. Good luck to you. :)
Is your tendonitis in your elbow? I got a nasty case of elbow tendonitis (tennis elbow) from doing bicep curls, so make sure your trainer is aware of that and drop that exercise like third period French if the problem persists.
Is your tendonitis in your elbow? I got a nasty case of elbow tendonitis (tennis elbow) from doing bicep curls, so make sure your trainer is aware of that and drop that exercise like third period French if the problem persists.

That was the first time we've done a bicep curl in ages. I'd felt a tweak there while holding (ironically enough) a case of beer (Penn Brewing's Saint Nikolaus Bock), and it seems to have persisted.
Strength Training - 12/29/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 1x2@60, 3x5@55

B Pull-ups - 1x5@-55, 2x5@-70

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@30

D Circuit x 2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 10, 8
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@60
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 8, 4
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@60

A DB Power Clean and Press - I tried the 60 as the 50's were in use when I was ready to start. Got about 2 reps in on the left hand, then I couldn't control the weight, so did 2 on the right and did my normal set.

B Pull-ups - This was difficult today - so not happening.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - This was halfway decent actually.

D Circuit - Very weak in the push-ups this time, but upped the weights on the rows (which I probably should have done a few workouts back).

Overall - Between the additional (water) weight, and fighting off what's looking like an infection, my body did well, all things considered. Had I not realized the latter, I probably would be upset, but now I understand a bit better what's going on.
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Strength Training - 1/3/09

A Circuit x 2
A1 Mountain Climbers - 1 minute
A2 T Pushups - 1x10 (5 each side)

B Circuit x 3 (Left Side then Right Side counts as one time through the circuit)
B1 Lunges - 1x5@40
B2 DB Press - 1x5@40
B3 DB Row - 1x5@40

C Circuit x 3
C1 Squat w/Overhead Press - 1x5@30
C2 DB Pullover - 1x5@30
C3 Prisoner Squats - 1x15@BW

D V-ups - 5x10

A Circuit - This proved the most difficult of the three circuits, particularly the first time through. I was surprised at how weak I felt doing the T pushups, but I hope that goes away with time (and bodyweight).

B Circuit - Again starting out was difficult on this one, especially the lunges.

C Circuit - Going from C3 to C1 is a difficult transition, and I felt it each time I had to do it. The pullover was much easier by comparison.

D V-ups - Still can't do these properly - my lower body comes up fine, but my upper body doesn't.

Overall - I'd requested another 3x5 protocol, but the spin this time is that I'm to do the circuits without rest between, which is why I said that the C3 to C1 transition is so difficult. This will be the workout I do when I don't work with Tim.
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I was just reading your entry about beer. I love HeBrew! You should see the beer store next to my apartment. It's really kinda scary looking but they have a sign outside says largest beer selection (what distance that covers I'm not sure) We didn't go for awhile, because it was creepy looking with bars on the windows but I'm really glad we did eventually because it's great! It's huge inside and they have beers from all over the world. Plus the owners are really nice, and they know me, which makes me look like an alcoholic but hey, I live next door.
Anyway good to "see" you!