My Diary

Strength Training - 11/15/08

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@45

B Chin-ups - 3x5

C Smith Machine Split Squat - 3x5@65

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups AMRAP
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@45
D3 Push-ups AMRAP
D4 DB Row (R) 1@15@45

A DB Power Clean and Press - An oldie but a goodie - left side was worse than right but I am hoping I can address this while training.

B Chin-ups - No idea what the assist was here but it was pretty low as I was struggling to make 3, let alone 5.

C Smith Machine Split Squat - For some reason Tim had me do this using the bar in the Smith Machine. Technique was a bitch for the first set, but by the 2nd I had managed to do ok, and the third I did well with.

D Circuit - This is a popular tool in Tim's arsenal - combining push-ups and rows in various interesting and uncomfortable ways.

Overall - Hard as it is to believe, this is going to be my new workout when I don't train with Tim. I'm happy to see that he has me working on strength AND that this is a much shorter workout than the previous one. (It seems Tim has been doing some looking at short and sweet workouts - I'm hoping this is a trend that continues.) I hope I make some good gains with it.
Strength Training - 11/17/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@45

B Chin-ups - 1x5@-145, 1x5@-130, 1x5@-115

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@20

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 21, 20
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@45
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 7, 6
D4 DB Row (R) 1@15@45

A DB Power Clean and Press - Right shoulder stability when holding the double at shoulder is much better than the left. Hopefully doing this exercise will help correct the issue.

B Chin-ups - I had no idea what to expect or do here, so I just kind of winged it.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - Again here, left side stability is noticeably inferior to the right hand side.

D Circuit - Some gains here - I think I did better with the push-ups and I think I can increase the weight on the rows.

Overall - Stayed basically the same as the workout with Tim, aside from figuring out weights for the split squats and chin-ups. I showed the gym manager the workout and she didn't seem to care for it, and suggested having this workout as workout A and getting another for workout B. But she did say she'd have to watch me go through the workout to know for sure. So we set up a time so that we could go through the workout together. She also mentioned that I have imbalances (which this workout is pointing out I might add) and suggested taking yoga classes to help find where they are to be able to address. them. We'll see.
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Strength Training - 11/19/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 1x5@45, 2x5@47.5

B Chin-ups - 1x5@-130, 1x5@-115, 1x5@-110

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 1x5@20, 2x5@10

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 25, 22
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@47.5
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 10, 7
D4 DB Row (R) 1@15@47.5

A DB Power Clean and Press - The left shoulder is coming along on this one.

B Chin-ups - Think I hit my working weights today.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - The suck - so much so I backed off to 10's in each hand. Not sure why holding dumbbells is that much different but apparently it is.

D Circuit - Nice addition on the push-ups I think, both sets. And a small upgrade for the rows too.

Overall - The good: chin-ups and push-ups. The bad and the ugly: split squats. More practice for the latter might be a good idea.
Strength Training - 11/21/08

Warm-up - Squat Thrusts 1x25

A Neutral Grip Chin-ups - Warm-up Sets: 1x5@-85, 1x3@-70, 1x2@-55, 1x2@-40
Work Sets: 2x5@-25, 1x5@-75

B DB Squats with Lateral Raise Drop Set - 1x8@15, 1x8@10, 1x8@5; 2x8@15, 2x8@10, 2x8@5

C Side Plank Row - 1x15@15, 1x15@20

D V-ups 4x10

E Complex 1x6@15, 1x6@20, 2x6@25
E1 Bent Over Row
E2 Straight Leg Deadlift
E3 Squat
E4 Push Press

Warm-up - Squat Thrusts - These are a bit more than warmup - but they are getting more manageable.

A Neutral Grip Chin-ups - The work sets were assisted by Tim, so there's real way of knowing how close I am to try a real chin-up. But I'm closer than I was previously.

B DB Squats with Lateral Raise Drop Set - These were tough toward the end, as even the 5 lbs were enough to make my shoulders burn.

C Side Plank Row - Had set up problems with this one for some reason, which is weird because I have done them before.

D V-ups - Doing better with these - even Tim said so.

E Complex - Not to bad with these. This sort of complex would've had me done in after the first or second set, so I was happy to extend it to four sets this time (even if the rep range was slightly lower (6 here, 8 previously).

Overall - Another good workout. I was happy to see my endurance holding up for the complexes and the improvement in the V-ups. The setup problems with the Side Plank and Row were a surprise and a little disappointing, but you'll have this.
Strength Training - 11/24/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@47.5

B Chin-ups - 3x5@-115

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@10

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 27, 22
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@50
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 8, 8
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@50

A DB Power Clean and Press - Roughly the same as last time. But a bit more secure on the left. Maybe I'll try 50 on Wednesday.

B Chin-ups - Definitely hit my working weight today of -115.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - I did better here on the left side, but it's almost ridiculous how much the right side is better than the left in terms of balance. Something to work on yet.

D Circuit - A little different distribution in the push-ups, and a little more for the rows.

Overall - I did this workout under the partial supervision of the gym manager, who apparently has some reservations about it. I think the fact that it isn't very long and also is kind of a hybrid (between strength (A, B, C) and low metabolic work (D)) were her main concerns. She suggested my adding on 20 minutes of cardio to keep my time spent working out roughly similar to what it was in the past. I think she was motivated to mention something because she did my ending evaluation for the weight-related program the gym was running. (Yup, I failed - more on that in another post.) Anyone have any thoughts pro or con regarding the workout?
Strength Training - 11/26/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@50

B Chin-ups - 1x5@-115, 1x5@-100, 1x5@-85

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@15

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 30, 23
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@50
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 10, 8
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@50

A DB Power Clean and Press - Tried the 50 and made it even though it was a bit iffy on the left hand side. I think my problem is that my stabilizers aren't as strong on the left hand side as they are on the right. When I clean the on the left side, the weight is a bit harder to control, and therefore harder to actually lift. The right side is much more solid. Any ideas for strengthening these stabilizers?

B Chin-ups - Wow - first time doing a set of any kind at -85... Finally out of the triple digits. I think this has more to do with dropping the water weight than actual strength gains, but I'll take it.

C Bulgarian Split Squat - Much better here... I'm not sure if there's a tipping point (pun intended) in my body weight which makes these all but impossible to balance, but today's session was much more secure than Monday's. I actually hit a nice groove with the left leg which surprised me - hoping that this holds true on Monday too. I also wonder if it's the same thing as with my shoulder - strength is there, but stabilizing strength is not.

D Circuit - A couple more push-ups at the front - bringing me to 30. Again, I think this is because of dropping the water weight, but it is awful nice to see that number considering 20 was a stretch a pretty short while ago.

Overall - I liked this workout today - it was a good one indeed. Felt tired at the end too, so I think I'm working myself adequately - it's just that I hope I don't lose endurance because of the 3x5 protcoal. Then again the squat thrusts and the circuit (D) probably mitigate that somewhat.
Strength Training 11/30/08

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A Superset x 2
A1 Lunge Pulse (L) - 3x10
A2 Pull-ups - 3x10
A3 Lunge Pulse (R) 3x10

B Plate Chest Press - 4x10@45

C DB Woodchops - 2x10@25

D Cable Row - 2x10

E Cable Squats - 2x10

F Split Squat w/Cable Row - 2x10

G V-ups - 4x10

H Unilateral Pulldowns + Shoulder Press - 3x10

I DB Clean -> Squat -> Press -> Push-up - 1x10@25

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A Superset - The chinups are what I've basically been doing, but the lunge pulses are new. They're basically a front lunge where you come down into a normal lunge but then do a little hop on the forward leg and come back down, then return to starting position. Balance was tested in this on the left to be sure.

B Plate Chest Press - I'm going to call this one the pizza or waiter's press, because it involves balancing the plate on the palm of your hand like a food tray. Tim helped with the balancing so I wouldn't drop it on my face, but otherwise it was a good variation on a tried and true exercise.

C DB Woodchops - First time in a long time, if at all that I've done this exercise. Very different and very good.

D Cable Row - Basic cable row, as a warmup for F.

E Cable Squats - Hold on to the cable of a cable machine like it was water ski handle and squat. Warmup for F.

F Split Squat w/Cable Row - Initially, do a reverse lunge, but then just come up in place (don't return to starting position until the end of the set. As you come up, do a row with the arm opposite the working leg. Took me a while to get the hang of this one.

G V-ups - Did surprisingly well with these, I was pleased.

H Unilateral Pulldowns + Shoulder Press - I haven't done these since I started working with Tim about a year ago.

I DB Clean -> Squat -> Press -> Push-up - Tim originally said I was going to do 20 of these, but then afterward said he was joking and said 10. I'm not sure if he really was joking, but I know my ass was going really slow toward the end of the set. But I did them all.

Overall - Lots of volume in this workout - didn't realize it til I wrote it all out here. Tim had pointed out I was getting some nice cuts in my left quad (I'm assuming the same is true of the right, since it's the stronger leg). So I was encouraged by that - maybe I'm finally setting myself back on the narrow path.
I still read it Stingo. :action11: Keep up the good work.

I also read your journal :)

Ok, just checking. I know I don't post more than workouts usually, but maybe I should start.

That said, I'm expecting a turn for the better this month - I've been thinking about working with a nutritionist to get a new and more optimized/efficient food plan - which I'm hoping will take me to 200 and lower. (I was 222 as of this morning.)
Strength Training - 12/1/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@50

B Chin-ups - 1x5@-100, 2x5@-85

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@15

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 32, 25
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@52.5
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 11, 6
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@52.5

A DB Power Clean and Press - Kept this at 50 and I think I made the right call. I got some good controlled reps in which is what I wanted to do. Even though the numbers haven't changed, the way the exercise felt did, so that's an improvement.

B Chin-ups - Having done chiinups (though with a neutral grip) yesterday I expected to hold steady, but I made a nice little improvement. Yay!

C Bulgarian Split Squat - I really think that when I'm above 230 my left leg really has a problem with balancing, as today I was feeling pretty solid, and able to do these without much problem balancewise.

D Circuit - Again, a few more pushups in the first set and the same amount (though redistributed) in the second set means a little progress here too. And of course, the 2.5 extra on the rows was a nice little increase too.

Overall - I think I'm getting back into the groove after November. Though I was hesitant about back to back strength workouts, this one went quite well, and is restoring my confidence is doing well in the workout department again.
Strength Training - 12/3/08

All weights (except for B) are listed per hand.

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts

A DB Power Clean and Press - 3x5@52.5

B Chin-ups - 3x5@-85

C Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x5@17.5

D Circuitx2
D1 Push-ups - AMRAP 35, 25
D2 DB Row (L) 1x15@52.5
D3 Push-ups - AMRAP 11, 7
D4 DB Row (R) 1x15@52.5

A DB Power Clean and Press - Moved up to 52.5 today and my shoulder stability seemed better today. I'll keep it at the same weight for Monday as my left side needs more strength.

B Chin-ups - My first full set under triple digits! Yay!

C Bulgarian Split Squat - Moved up a little on these too to 17.5. Balance was pretty good today, so I'm hoping this is the way of things to come.

D Circuit - A little improvement in push-ups and held steady with the rows.

Overall - Another good workout. I'm pleased about the chin-ups and split squats particularly.
Strength Training - 12/5/08

Warmup - 25 Squat Thrusts, 10 Step-ups@BW each leg

A DB Clean Squat and Press - 1x8@35, 1x8@40

B V-ups - 5x10

C Chin-ups (Neutral Grip) - 2x8@-55

D Reverse Lunges - 1x6@BW, 1x(5 to 1)@15

E Push-ups - (1x10@20 + 1x5 Plyometric)x2, 1x10@20 + 1x6 Plyometric

F Cable Rows - 2x20@27.5

G Squat w/Lateral Raise (for speed) - 2x15@10

A DB Clean Squat and Press - I probably could've gone to 40 and 45, but at that hour of the morning that was pretty good.

B V-ups - While I still struggle with these in terms of making a V, they aren't as terrible as they once were.

C Chin-ups (Neutral Grip) - Got some assistance from Tim at the end of each set, but I was able to complete them.

D Reverse Lunges - In this exercise, I did one set of 6 reps for each leg at body weight, then Tim handed me two 15lb dumbbells, and I did 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 reps for each leg. I was thankful when that one was over.

E Push-ups - A mix of weighted and plyometric push-ups here - did pretty well I thought.

F Cable Rows - Good weight for 20 reps.

G Squat w/Lateral Raise (for speed) - This was more for speed of completion rather than how much weight I moved.

Overall - A good workout today, and better because now I have the weekend to rest, as well as not having to worry about having to do my workout today.
Hello Tom!:)
how are u?
seems like u are in best shape ever.i have been pretty busy,i have joined my son`s school and i am teaching grade 1.its so much fun.i am getting paid enough aswell,this 1st dec i got my first ever pay cheque,made me feel so proud of myself and i went shopping and it was so satisfying experience and ego boosting aswell that i am spending my money,my own:).
just wanted to share wid u
Hello Tom!:)
how are u?
seems like u are in best shape ever.i have been pretty busy,i have joined my son`s school and i am teaching grade 1.its so much fun.i am getting paid enough aswell,this 1st dec i got my first ever pay cheque,made me feel so proud of myself and i went shopping and it was so satisfying experience and ego boosting aswell that i am spending my money,my own:).
just wanted to share wid u

Hi Sadie,

Long time no read. Sounds like you're doing quite well - congratulations on your job and your paycheck. It's a big thing normally but for a woman in the country you're in it's an even bigger deal.

Keeping up with workouts, but nutrition's been lagging, so I'm working with an online nutritionist for a food plan, which I started today.

Online Nutritionist

Hey Stingo ~

When you get things figured out with the nutritionist, let us know how that's working out for you. Sounds super interesting.

Thanks Codi,

Not to jinx anything, but so far so good. I've gone through breakfast and lunch along with two of my snacks and it has gone well. I'll probably post my day's eating (or a link to my nutrition log) at the end of the day.