Found this one and it is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
(...) The mind is the battle ground. It is the place where the greatest conflict is.
There are more people in this room having trouble in their mind than there are people having trouble in their finances.
The struggle is in your mind!
This is why we have people who go to bed tired and wake up tired. Slept 8 hours and you wake up still tired. The reason you wake up tired is that you got sleep but you didn't get rest.
Your mind has been in turmoil all night long. You been wrestling in your sleep. Have you ever woke up and your bed was wet, the bed is all tore up just like you been in a fight. Because your mind has not rested. Your body went to sleep but your mind is still caught up in a warfare.
Your mind is the battleground. Touch somebody and tell them the enemy is after your mind {Crowd: The enemy is after your mind}.
Out to worry you to death, out to stress you to death, out to break you down, out to make you quit, out to make you think that you can't get up, out to make you give up on your dream.
The warfare is in your mind, it's not in your checkbook, it's not in your savings account, it's not on your job - the fight that you got to fight is in your mind, and if you whip it in your head, you can whip it your checkbook, you can whip it on your job, you can whip it out of your children.
But you gotta drive it outta your head.