I need this!
Staying motivated
Don't use the cold weather as an excuse not to exercise. Use these motivational tips to help keep you on track.
Stay close to home. Choose a place to exercise that is comfortable and close to where you live or work. Lack of time has been identified as the number one barrier that stops people from exercising, so it makes sense to minimise your travel time.
Train with a friend or partner. Finding a training partner with similar goals to you can add enjoyment to your exercise routine, and serve as an additional source of motivation. Having someone else depending on you can make the difference between a pre-breakfast workout and a morning on the couch.
Expect setbacks, and learn from them. There will always be times when things don't go your way, or you have a little less time. It's easy to find excuses not to exercise, and sometimes they are genuine. Don't quit, just make adjustments and change your direction.
Just do it. Don't ponder your workout; just get started. The more you think about it, the more likely you will talk yourself out of it. Once you're in motion, you'll find it easier to continue. While it is admirable to think, talk and read about exercise, there is no substitute for actually doing it.