Hello Cate
How are you keeping these days?
Is the weather warming up a bit for you?
We had a few days of really warm weather and now the rain has come and it is cooler...sigh!
Thanks again Cate for your on going support through the years....
Your commitment to living a healthier lifestyle and maintaining your weight after refeed is a real accomplishement and credit should also be aknowleged to your on going support for others who are starting Cohens (Newbies) on this forum
Do remember how this use be a real busling forum with us all.....it was great

And it was a very motivating time of my life too, to know that I actually reached my goal here before letting myself go "again".
Anyway I have posted in my diary about myself, so will not go on about it here.
I am aware strongly that life is not all cotton candy and roses ( not sure if this is a saying?)..but this year has been a real eye opener to what the flip side of this picture is. Tragedy and unhappiness has been words that have been in my vocabulary alot this year.
I know I am not alone either in saying that 2010 and has been a year of lows for alot of people I know as well. Anyway I suppose if we can get through these times it will hopefully make us stronger..for when the next wave hits us. But unfortunately for me life has not been so generous in giving me time to build up this strength quickly enough before the next hit!!!!!...as you will read in my dairy.
I hope this post does not make you feel sad Cate that was not my intention, I only wanted to shed some light on what has been occurring in my life these 12 months. It's been the School of hard knocks, as my mother used to call it

I am really hoping and thinking positively for next year to be a better one. I am also going to see a counsellor as suggested by yourself, Nikki and a few other friends. I already have a referral which I've had since August, so it's time to do something about it.
Thanks again Cate - Samx