Moma's Diary

Alright, i started a diary like way back when i first joined and never kept up, i think i posted like once, so this time im gonna keep to it.
last night i finally went to go take a dance class in the city after two years of not really dancing hard-core...and it totally kicked my ass, after thirty-minutes i was like drenched in sweat, and besides that i was slow too...ive never been behind on the music or was really disappointing...hopefully next time will be love to say that i will go every week but i dont know if i could afford that, since i havent been there in like forever prices have totally gone up...(class cost : $18; bridge toll: $6; parking: $15. plus gas not sure of the price.) :(

but in the mean time i have decided that besides going to the gym and trying to eat more protien, i have to eat even smaller meals than i have been eating...i just have a problem with eating a lot of small meals...i feel like whenever i eat a meal i eat a lot of food and not that many times.
Good job on the diary for the second time. Dance class sounds fun but white girl ain't got no rhythm for it. Eat when hungry..if not, don't eat.
~LV~ said:
You live with a very good source for information. Take full advantage of that and good luck.


haha, i wish you wouldnt have said that, coz now its given him a big head...and hes all walking around saying see i know what u need to do, so just listen to me...blah blah blah.
and about eating whenever im hungry...heres the deal thats what i want to do...except mr know it all, says that u have to eat all the time, just small meals...i mean has it been proven to work for everyone?
ok so yesterday at the gym i did like 20 minutes cardio
then weights
i did bench press with free weights on the ball (using one arm at a time 10 lbs 3x ea side) ,
and then i did this one i dont know the name of it where u hold the weights and just step up and down on a step. 20x 3
i mainly worked legs yesterday did the leg press 45lbs 3x
also did these new exercises tony showed me ...have to get back to ya with the names, but i really felt it on my outer thighs.
and finally another back/arm exercise (again not sure of the name..5lbs on each side 3x)
so that was it, and last night i ate a whole lot of protien: 2 cups of milk, soy chick'n breasts, and beans.
lol thnx shells.

ok found out the names...

one leg step ups
seated leg press
stability ball chest press
cable cross overs
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Must be great living with Tony, all the information and what Just don't let that give him a big head, which I have a feeling that it already has. Just remember to pop it now and then so he can come down to reality.
yeah living with him is cool, sometimes i like a second opinion, not because i dont trust him, but mainly coz i just like to hear it from someone else...i guess i dont always beleive him lol

but the reason i came to post on here right now is because ahhhh i just killed my newly started diet and i needed to confess...i just had an ice ream sundae :( ....prolly like at least 300 cals. ugh i dont know what i was thinking i am babysitting two boys this summer besides watching austin and they asked if we could make sundaes today so i agreed, and i gave in and had one too :( right after i finished i was like ugh why did i have to eat wasnt even that great,...way too much chocolate.

this sucks!

other than taht though the rest of the days were pretty good...lots of protien not very high fat either.

oh yeah and so far in the last three days ive lost a pound, not sure if its water weight or what.
Don't worry about the sundae. It was a cheat dessert, plus you were making it with family. Just start over tomorrow with your routine.
aww thnx a lot guys...yeah im really hoping that pound is real lol! and thanks for making me feel better about the sundae, i went and weighed myself after my last post and i didnt gain it back so i feel better:)
See upset over nothing, but it's major when someone slips up who tries to do it right. Been there and done that. We're all human, it happens. Don't stress, just go on.
I totally hear ya moma, needing a second opinion!! My husband can't stand that I have to hear things from others besides him!! I believe him, but for some reason I need to hear it from another source :p !!

As far as your goals are going, I'm noticing for myself that its a hard to change your lifestyle over night, but that doesn't mean your not going to. The good thing is your TRYING, you have GUILT, and as long as you don't give up completly...YOU"LL DO IT!!! It's just gonna take time! You CAN DO IT!! :D
yeah thnx for reading ladies...keeps me wanting to post yey! yeah thats good that u know how it is shells, and its good that tony will read this otherwise he'll get mad at me for saying that haha.

ok heres what i did at the gym today..
25 minutes cardio
3 sets of 10 seated cable rows (12.5 lbs)
3 sets of 10 seated lat pulldown (20 lbs)
3 sets of 10 on bent over rows (i think thats the name) (10 lbs)
3 sets of 10 (lifiting arms to the sides works upper shoulder muscle...dont know name) (5 lbs on ea side)
3 sets 10 cable curls (15 lbs)
then 5 minutes stretching
How was your eating?????;)