

New member
The following only, please post your info for the Make Memorial Day Memorable Challenge:

Starting Weight on 4/7/08:212
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: 199
Weigh in 04/14/08: 212
Weigh in 04/21/08: 211.5
Weigh in 04/28/08: 209.4(woohoo)
Weigh in 05/05/08: 209.8
Weigh in 05/12/08: 209.2
Weigh in 05/19/08:

------------------(Wt loss pts)+(Exer pts)+(Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08: -----0 .......+......5......+.....14 ----------19
Week of 04/14/08:-----5.........+......5......+.....10----------20
Week of 04/21/08:-----5.........+.......5.....+.....17----------27
Week of 04/28/08:-----0.........+.......5.....+.....22----------27
Week of 05/05/08:-----5.........+.......0.....+.....20----------25
Week of 05/12/08:----............+.......5.....+.....27.............
Week of 05/19/08:
Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =
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Starting Weight on 4/7/08: 174.40
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: 164
Weigh in 04/14/08: 175.0lbs
Weigh in 04/21/08: 173.4lbs
Weigh in 04/28/08: 172.0lbs
Weigh in 05/05/08: 172.0lbs
Weigh in 05/12/08: ?
Weigh in 05/19/08: 177.0lbs

FINAL WEIGH IN 5/26/08: 175.4lbs

------------------------(Wt loss pts)+(Exer pts)+(Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08: (0) + 125min(5) +(14/14) = 19pts
Week of 04/14/08: (5) + M45min,T45min,W45min,TH45min,F45minS45min=270min!(5) + (10/10) = 20pts for Week2
Week of 04/21/08: (5) + M45min,T85min,W45min,TH45min,F80min=300min(5) + (16/17) = 26pts for Week3
Week of 04/28/08: (0) + M45,T45,W70,TH35,F35=230min(5) + (20/22) = 25pts for Week4
Week of 05/05/08: (0) + 170min(5) + (15/25) = 20pts for Week5
Week of 05/12/08: (0) +(0) + (10)/32= 10pts for Week6
Week of 05/19/08: 0 + 0 + 17/42 = 17pts

Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points = 0
Total points for challenge=137 pts

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Go Stars!

Starting Weight on 4/7/08:163.2
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: (150lbs)
Weigh in 04/14/08:161.8 (1.4)
Weigh in 04/21/08:
Weigh in 04/28/08:
Weigh in 05/05/08:
Weigh in 05/12/08:
Weigh in 05/19/08:

------------------(Wt loss pts)+(Exer pts)+(Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08: 5+5+7=17pts
Week of 04/14/08:
Week of 04/21/08:
Week of 04/28/08:
Week of 05/05/08:
Week of 05/12/08:
Week of 05/19/08:
Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =

Total points for challenge=
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Starting Weight on 4/7/08: 150.5
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: 143.5

Weigh in 04/14/08:147.5---------------(-3.0)
Weigh in 04/21/08:147.0---------------(-0.5)=-3.5
Weigh in 04/28/08:145.5---------------(-1.5)=-5.0
Weigh in 05/05/08:148.5---------------(+3.0)=booooo
Weigh in 05/12/08:151.5---------------(+3.0)=double boooooo
Weigh in 05/19/08:151.5---------------(0.0)=
FINAL WEIGH IN 5/26/08:152.0--(+0.5)=TOM more booo

------------------(Wt loss pts)+(Exer pts)+(Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08: -----5-----------5---------12------=22 (5E(250)/7journal/5calorie)=
Week of 04/14/08:------5-----------5---------15------=25 (5E(225)/0journal/10xtraE)=
Week of 04/21/08:------5-----------5---------22------=32 (5E(400+)/5journal/5xtraE/7F&V)=
Week of 04/28/08:------0-----------0---------15------=15 (5E/0journal/0xtraE/5F&V/5H20)=
Week of 05/05/08:
Week of 05/12/08:
Week of 05/19/08:
Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =

Total points for challenge=

week1 1900+/-100cal (tracked in journal)
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Starting Weight on 4/7/08:190.7 lbs
Goal Weight by 5/26/08: (lose 10-14 lbs)
Weigh in 04/14/08: 187.4 (Yaay~ Still -3.3)
Weigh in 04/21/08: 185.2 (-2.2)
Weigh in 04/28/08: 185 (-0.2) ....well that sucked. I claiming that I'm a pree tom sponge though, so hopefully it'll go way down the next weigh-in.
Weigh in 05/05/08: 182.5 (-2.5) Yaaaaay~ Finally a bit of a more loss. Even with a bit of a stumble on the way.
Weigh in 05/12/08: 179.9 (-2.6) wery good cosiddering I didn't have the best of weeks. And I'm under 180 :D
Weigh in 05/19/08:
178.4 (-1.5)

FINAL WEIGH IN 5/26/08: 175.9 - 2.5 (-14.8 lbs lost total)

------------------(Wt loss pts) + (Exer pts) + (Bonus pts) =
Week of 04/07/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + --- (7+7) --- = 24 points. (-3.3 lbs/240min excercise/7journal/7calorie)
Week of 04/14/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + --- (5+5) --- = 20 points (-2.2 lbs/220min excercise/Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling)
Week of 04/21/08:---- (0) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+3) -- = 18 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus fruit and veggies)
Week of 04/28/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+7) -- = 27 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus Water)
Week of 05/05/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + -- (5+5+5) -- = 25 points (Bonus excerise/Bonus journaling/Bonus Water)
Week of 05/12/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (0)--- + --- (5+6) --- = 16 points (Bonus Water/ Bonus Kalcium)
Week of 05/19/08:---- (5) ---- + --- (5)--- + (5+5+5+5+6) = 36 points (Bonus Water/ Bonus Kalcium/Bonus excersise/ Bonus journaling/ Bonus Sleep 6) (166 points total)

Day of 05/26/08: Meeting Goal bonus points =

Total points for challenge= 186 points!
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yeah we're all here! I just logged on too Hikari-nice to 'see' you.

I am very glad this challenge lasts such a long time, I just realized if I loose one pound a week I will be in a spot I am VERY happy with by the end. Yeah!!

Ok off to count some calories

I dont know if we are to record it somewhere but my goal is 1900 calories a day +/-100 of course. I am breastfeeding and need the extra calories (plus I hate being hungry LOL), never fear if I stick to that range I will loose weight (I know it sounds alot compared to what some of you are probably doing).
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As most challenges on the forums, its all based on the honor system, so the journal/tracking does not have to be public. I know many tho keep an online diary and note the info there.

Gratz on the baby! How old?
Nice to see that the whole team is here.
I don't think that I personaly will have any problems with this challange because I count calories daily anyway.

I know I'm a bit of a lurker, but be assured I am around. ;)

Go team! :D
So far so good. I got my exercise in early and as of 830pm, I am close to my caloric target . . which is 1388 btw. I'm at 1182 atm, so I guess I need a snack before I go to bed.

Ran upstairs and grabbed a rice cake, and a fruitsnack:

Recommended calories: 1388
Calories consumed: 1322
Calories remaining for today: 66

How is everyone else fairing?
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I have done pretty well today myself. I am at around 1200/1500 calories as of 8:30 pm and probably won't be eating my 300 more calories unless I just get really hungry!! Might have a small snack before bed.

I did 1 hour 45 minutes of cardio today by taking a step class with abs and playing tennis after dinner and also wrote in my journal and counted my calories!
Doing well here I am at 1843/1900 calories and have had my evening snack (cottage cheese and pineapple--delicious!), I got in 95 minutes excercise today.

Keep up the good work ladies
I have had a good day. My caloric goal is 1400 per day. Today came out to 1307. It is plus or minus 100 right?? No major exercise from me today. I went bowling for 2 hours, but I got sick and went home.
sorry to hear you are not feeling well. And yes, the range is now 100- a bit more realistic and fair. And bowling is more exercise than folks realize- Im sure your shoulder and hand is telling you that by now!

Monday: 4/7/08
Calorie goal: 1400
Calories consumed: 1305
Calories remaining: 95

It was a very lazy day for me yesterday. I didn't do a thing... well I went to a meeting but that's it. Took the buss though because the weater was really horrid.

I'm doing good with my cals so far today. And I just finished an hour of DDR so I can get something extra to eat today. Dunno what it'll be though... Oh well.

Good to see that people are doing good so far. GO TEAM! :D
Hikari - for a snack, depending on my mood, I usually opt for air popped popcorn or a sugar free choc pudding w/ cool whip.
I havent tried DDR, tho the kids have it upstairs. I looks like fun tho!
christen- awesome exercise! tennis really burns
mom2-you inspired me to eat some cottage cheese doubles today- a really good snack having protein,fat and carbs
bmohearn-i'll repost the points for ya

As of lunch, I'm doing well:
Recommended calories: 1388
Calories consumed: 635
Calories remaining for today: 753

I use the selfdietclub site, its free if you get the magazine and makes tracking pretty easy.
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I don't think I've quite understood how the points work. Can someone please explain them again??

Hope this helps:

Points awarded weekly in 4 areas:
-a weight loss of at least .5lbs every week =5pts
-"formal" physical exercise* totaling min. 90 minutes each week =5pts
-completing the weekly bonus =points to be determined
-completing previous weeks challenges as build-on =5pts per week
And . . .
-meeting your weight loss goal for entire challenge =20pts

WEEK 1 Bonus:
Give yourself +1 point for each day you journal/track you food intake.
Give yourself +1 point for staying within 100 calories of your target calorie intake
[For a maximum of 14 points this week]
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Hikari - for a snack, depending on my mood, I usually opt for air popped popcorn or a sugar free choc pudding w/ cool whip.

I havent tried DDR, tho the kids have it upstairs. I looks like fun tho!

Sadly I don't have an airpopper... if I had one I would have popcorn for sure, I love popcorn! :D
...I think I need to do some shopping for good low fat snacks... at the moment I don't have any at home. I have fruits and carrots though. :D They're healthy! lol

And you should try DDR, it's fun, and you certanly work up a sweat while dong it. I jumped 5.5km today. :D The downside to the game though, is that I really don't like some of the songs on it, so I make a workout list of songs and use the same list over and over again. Some songs I don't even have to really concentrate to get through anymore. lol

I managed to get a like 1200 combo at some point.... it was last summer though.... and the comentary voice kept saying 'I can't even count that high' ever new 100 I goot. I shall see if I can acomplish that again someitme.

Yaay... I'm done rambling now. :)
Hakari, that is funny about DDR. I took dance classes for 10 years and I have so much trouble with that game! I have it here at the house but I put it away because I was so bad at it! Maybe I should pull it out and have another go at it :) It is definitely good exercise thats for sure!