Cohen's Lifestyle Mee Two Too

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
I just heard back from organiser's wife and she has it all organised for me! Won't be utterly perfect, but at least I'll know there are some choices - AND YOGHURTS - there for me!
That was good thinking Niyah! You asked the right person! xo Cate
Thank you everyone for the messages and hugs!

Last night I really had the vomits. Yuk!!! Very sore stomach. I didn't think I had anything in there that could possibly still come up. Anyway, eventually after midnight it settled down and I was able to get a few hours sleep.

Still very sore stomach today, not daring to touch anything except a sip of water. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep my medications down - blood pressure etc. Think I might wait till lunch time and see how I'm feeling.

Food out of the question... wonder what this will do the scales this week? Then I'll have to remember the next week that I was probably dehydrated this week and will go UP then. Never mind, it will all sort out eventually.

I can't remember when I've had a wog like this - must be years and years ago. Even though kids at school not infrequently vomit, I don't usually get them - just the fluey things.

Well, back to bed, stomach is still hurting.

Hope everyone's having a better week than me! At least I'm not complaining of cravings now. Food is.... Y.U.K!!!!!
Hey Niyah,

Have a good rest. Definitely wishing u that it is the normal flu and not THAT. Anyway, don't think about food, just nurse yourself back to health in whatever way you need to now. In any case, you've done remarkably well already so 1 week shouldn't push things back too drastically. Take care lady!
Hi Niyah- Sounds like a nasty wog! No point worrying about not being able to eat & your plan for the moment. Getting better is what counts & your body is speaking to you. Food yuk? You must be very sick. LOL! Take care of yourself. This is a mere detour on your journey, xoxo Cate
Feeling a weeny bit better tonight. Managed a yoghurt, then picked at a bit of cheese later. Plus a few drinks have stayed down. I've been panicking about whether I'll get better to go away on Friday, but looks like things are turning the corner. Food's definitely attractive again this evening, but taking it VERY easy after that horrible evening last night.

GD came in tonight - they've been staying elsewhere for a few days. Her mum wasn't worried as they have apparently had a touch of this the last couple of days too. We watched "Wind in the Willows" together, and it was amazing how much better I felt at the end of it - something very therapeutic about grandchildren!
Hi Niyah- They are indeed a miracle cure for almost any ailment. Ahhh... Grandchildren!
Good to hear you're on the mend, xo Cate
Found out that particular wog seems to have come via the counsins GD has been spending a few days with - they had it last week. Oooooohhh, don't want that kind of wog again for a long time to come!

Back at work today, feeling very washed out, but not at all sick, no stomach cramps. Just feel like I could sleep the day away, but am totally bored after doing that for 2 days already and fretting about undone jobs here, particularly as I'm not in for the next few days, being in Adelaide. I've had the normal breakfast and drink, a couple of crackers, and will see how the day progresses food-wise. I'm not really hungry much, but trying to eat so I build up the appetite again.

Eldest son started the vomitting last night, so looks like he has the fun ahead of him still.

FlaMie - Xie Xie for the visit to my diary. You are looking really stunning, lady!! I still have no pix of me, just don't get around to it, but must ask husband to do so one day. I have plenty of me before I started, so should be interesting!

Cate - Yes, miracles indeed. When she's not around, I just can't wait to see her again... which reminds me, I have to duck out and get her from kindy right now!
Well, tonight I've gotta pack and prepare work for when I'm away, and clean up my desk here and so on. Then it's off tomorrow.

So, hope all you folks have a great weekend, and keep on the Cohen train! I'll do the best I can whilst away.

I won't be near internet, so will be thinking of everyone and wishing you all the best.

If I get a good result on the scales tomorrow, I might try and grab a minute before boarding to drop my weight back in, otherwise I'll update you all later! Really wanting to quit these 70's, but patience is always the virtue with this program! Once I get below 70, should have a whole new range of clothes to dig out - that shelf is staring at me, beckoning...
For the first time in days I was HUNGRY tonight, and totally disorganised - trying to leave work for tomorrow, get a few things ready to take with me and so on. I found a few bits and pieces in the fridge at school - meat still OK (surprisingly) and threw together something, but I BURNT IT! Uggghhh!! Charrred remains were not the most appetising return to normal eating, but it was that or nothing, so I've just eaten a fair bit of it. Wonder what those lumps of charcoal will do to my insides now?????

Poor husband is home cooking for himself before another late night - much as he promised me he's NOT staying, he just can't help it with so much to do.

So - magandang 'weekend', Hanggang sa muli and all that in whatever language you love!
Another 1.2kg down, so that's a relief. I'll have to savour this for a while, because next week I will surely be integrating some real fat changes, but it at least feels good for this week!
PS =this brings me tantalisingly close to a round 10kg left to go! Once I can drop into single digits for the remaining loss, that should be a real motivator!
Back on deck now after good weekend away and GREAT sleep last night. I didn't sleep so well away - different bed and all that, always find it hard in a new place. But got to bed early after plane trip home and slept like a log, so feel great today!

Enjoyed the weekend - catch up and chat with other wives particularly. Guys all had lots of laughs and good times together, even though sometimes I'm sure they feel like they could all cry together too. But you just have to make the best of all the circumstances we are all under.

Yoghurt and crackers were there, as were coke zero and apples, so that part was great. We had a couple of meals out - tried to do the best I could, but first night did eat a bit of bread. Had AWFUL reflux that night, so looks like that was a very bad move!!! (As I should have known!)

Well, I will just have to get right back on track now. It's a relief to be back in control of my food again!!!

Have a thunderous mountain of paperwork to get through today, plus a thousand email messages about this and that, so I'd be head down tail up for most of the day I'd say. It's cold and wet, so not much incentive to poke my head out of my office anyway.

I've been reading everyone else's diaries this morning, but I won't have a chance to catch up with you by way of comment until a bit later. Sounds like everyone is going great anyway!
Well so much for keeping my head in my office. I was on lunch duty for the WHOLE of lunch today and was the only one outside. Absolutely freezing - felt like it could snow at any moment! (OK I'm exaggerating, but for Perth - brrrrrrr!!!!!).

On the way back on plane last night, we found we had an "acquaintance" from Adelaide in the same row. He is ginormously fat, and I got LOTS OF REMINDERS about how good it is to lose weight! Normally I used to be darn close to the end of the seatbelt. This time it slipped on with acres to spare. He, of course, ho-ho-hoed about how he couldn't do it up and had to wait for an extender. Couldn't put his tray properly down to put his meal on - had a 45 degree angle between his stomach and back of other seat and then had to wedge tray awkwardly in there. Man it is so NOT WORTH BEING VERY FAT!!! He has to sit on aisle seat so half of him can kind of hang out there during flight. I feel sorry for him, but he's grossly overeaten since teenage years and absolutely refuses to do anything about it.

A good day so far. Now, if my husband will just bring the car back, I might be able to go shopping and continue the good day with a good tea! This seems to always happen - hard to GET TO THE SHOPS! Never mind, I'm sure there'll be something I can do. I couldn't find any nice little weighed bits of meat ready in the freezer this morning.
Wow Niyah! Arent you glad that you not the one with the extended seatbelt!? Im telling you reading your story about the man made me grindge!

Im happy that its not you in the story and that you are in A BETTER PLACE THAN THAT! MAN IM PROUD OF YOU! I do too, feel sorry for people like that, but sorry stops somewhere and then you also have to remember that change starts from within! That man will never change, nothing will make him change-- he has to decide! :toetap05:

I read on one of the post somewhere 'we are not weightloss robots' LOL! And today thats my antidote ! LOL! Its ok to be human and on diet!lol! HEHEEH

I hope you hubby brings the car! Im just as ampe to shop! LOL!

Have a fantastic day Niyah!
