Cate - it's DEFINITELY better drinking more of it earlier!!! I won't get to comment on your diary tonight - will try and catch up Sunday - but hope you can hang in there till your son is in a better frame of mind. It's always "push, pull" with these kids I think. I know just where you're coming from!
Sam - have to admit that before doing Cohen's I probably drank very little water. We've now got spring water, so I haven't got much excuse, and once I get used to it, I start to enjoy it - but the prospect in advance always seems a little hard to get used to. Feel much better when I do just retrain myself though!
Jim - whatever happens, and whatever life throws at you, you will ALWAYS know what to do with this diet to get back on track. I've always ended up giving in in the past. Now, I make the weekly weigh a part of my life. Even if I've had a bad week, I weigh, because it's hardly ever as bad as I think it's going to be. When I've gone wrong before, I've refused to face up to the "bad week" or "bad choice", and derailed myself mentally. I now try to take it in my stride and just deal with it. Remember - nothing gets "broken" except your mind - if you let it. Just hang in there, keep on going, and eventually the weeks pass and the weight continues to go down. Even with this little crisis of mine, 2.8kg is really nothing much in the big scheme of things, and whilst I wish it wasn't there, it's not going to stop me getting back to what I know I need to do. All that said, DON'T DEVIATE if there's any way in heaven and earth you can avoid it, because you do change your body chemistry back to its old ways and it makes it very tough to go through that whole process of detox and commitment again. Take it from me, it ISN'T WORTH IT!!!
Well, I must admit to having a rotten day today. The training was great, but unbelievably this cold has freshened up over the past two days, and today I was absolutely streaming all through the course. Most embarrassing. Either it's a continuation of what I had or, more likely, I picked up something new at the ED last Monday. Hope it's not YKW. I came home feeling completely wretched and just wanting to go to bed, but can't because I'm doing a dinner tomorrow night. I agreed to go ahead Wednesday because I was feeling much better, and have 12 people to feed. I still have a fair bit to do tonight. It's a fund-raiser so has to be a bit "tizzy". I've done the mains - it's the "everything else" that I have to conquer. On top of that, the sleep wasn't too crash hot last night, and I woke early again.
So that means tomorrow I will be completely out of action - will be late again tonight, busy all day and night tomorrow. So hope to catch everyone again on Sunday, and comment in diaries if possible.