McDonalds Diet

I fyou have eaten a McRib sandwich you are alien infested. that is the way aliens get into humans.

Ah, McRibs!!! We haven't had those over here in years, I used to love them when I was a student, I used to buy 2 or 3 at a time, and that was back when I could run like a greyhound too!

Youth is (was) a wonderful gift :)
Nooooooo.....Jackie......! :)

Except for their black coffee, hehhe. And some of their carefully selected salads. My wife is a area manager for McDonald's in Kansas, so I have first hand knowledge of the nutrional attributes of their foods. Sometimes she brings home some left over cookies and stuff; bad girl, bad girl, but I just recall my intense willpower, and its over an out.....done. :)

How are you Jackie?


Sorry this is the first time ive seen this commment of yours chillen, tell her to change the name n stop selling s**t


Jackie xxxx