Hi Matt,
Apologies for the confusion on the toast-bread deal...I don't know what kind of bread you usually eat (besides the baguette you mentioned), but depending on how many calories and nutrients it holds, there are many nutritious options available on the market today (even with other kind of bread). I am sure you can find a positive substitute if this is A MUST item on your diet, one that you have on a daily basis. I get Bauducco's toasts - they are only 35calories a piece and they have natural, integral, multi-grain, low-fat options...regardless, they are all 35calories. I do think that the small differences we make on the kind of nutrients we put in our bodies can affect our scale results...this is food for thought! ;-)
Like I said, I wouldn't cut out entirely beloved items...but if you do want to see what kind of results you can get on the scale maybe cut out a little (half of bread consumption, half on cheese amount and soda), then if you must have...try to substitute for healthy - perhaps not so yummy, but still filling versions of the items you love, do a 2-3day experiment and see how it goes on the scale for you.
I sometimes make small changes on my diet and exercise routine and see a huge difference (sometimes a positive, sometimes a negative difference)...but I take it all as an opportunity that I am getting to know how my body works, and seeing also what doesn't work for me realistically. At the end of the day, if you want long-term changes, you will eventually find that at least some of the healthier options are doable, even if they don't make a huge difference on the scale...and that perhaps those healthier versions can be nutritious and actually taste good!
Hope this helps.