
YOU are awesome! Thanks, Chillen.

To say I love NPB, is a greatest understatement of the decade, lol. I could eat it all day for every meal, and not cry once, LOL. I have just come to personal terms with artificial sweeteners. I don't eat the above that often, I usually just scoop the reaaaaaaal shiaat, into something like Oatmeal, and power it down.

Your welcome, Def.

How things are well with you, young man.

Best regards,

Lonestar Steakhouse

8 oz sirloin
2 sweet potatoes

and yes, I'm a pain-in-the-ass and order everything with no butter, oil or even seasoning (I watch my sodium, so I just put some pepper on my steak-a good steak doesn't need much

Lonestar sirloin =\= good steak

However i totally agree with you on the "good steak doesnt need much" comment. :costumed5:
Today (as in as I'm typing)-
16 ounces skinnless grilled chicken, 2 carrots, 1 orange, 1 cucumber, 1 red bellpepper, romaine lettuce and green olive salad

I'll workout in about 45 minutes and for postworkout I'll have 1 cup of cottage cheese with 1 cup blueberries and a banana.
8oz grilled chicken
1/4 cup gorganzola cheese
1 cup green peppers
1 cup cucumber
2 fish oil caps

How do you measure one cup of cucumber? I can't figure this out and feel like I'm actually getting 1 cup because it doesn't "fill" up the measuring cup. It's the same with strawberries...because they're so bulky, 3-4 would fill up a measuring cup.
Homemade Beef and noodles...yes, of course whole grain noodles.

My wife is my secret weapon. She knows what my idea of clean food is, she's a good cook...and she even will work up excel spreadsheets for common dishes so all I have to do is load in how many ounces I ate and all the nutritional info is there.

The upside for her? As she says..."It's hard to get fat in this house" LOL
2 cups rice, 6 oz. teriyaki turkey, a banana, 2 oz. cheese, 4 g fish oil, an apple, 1 cup carrots, 2 tbsp PB...spread out over a few hours at work.
1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup oats, 30g vanilla whey, 1 scoop some nutrient mix (stole it from a retirement home), 6 tsp straw/bananna yogurt, water.

Leftover grilled onion, shroom, roast beef sub sandwich on wheat. (The last 4th of a french bread loaf)

Pack of peanut m&m's from the halloween candy stash.
Today for my lunch (1 of many meals) ill have chunky chicken & Veg soup plus a pint of skimmed milk.

Those two alone have 40g protein. Soup = full of salt though...
How do you measure one cup of cucumber? I can't figure this out and feel like I'm actually getting 1 cup because it doesn't "fill" up the measuring cup. It's the same with strawberries...because they're so bulky, 3-4 would fill up a measuring cup.

I chop them into slices and then into 1/4's.