New member
Then what about Matthew Abbadon (the black guy who sent the "rescuers" to the island and visited Hurely at the asylum)? Is he Dharma then?
I'm pretty sure he's working directly for Dharma or he was contracted out by Dharma. I think the "rescue" team works for Dharma, and they've been sent to the island to reclaim it. Remember the gas mask in Daniel's storage chest? I think they've been sent to detain, interogate, and kill Ben since he helped the "original" others usurp the island from Dharma.
I loved the scene when Ben kills his abusive, alcoholic father.
Weren't you pissed when Ben said he didn't know what the smoke monster was?
I think there was some talk of Hollow Earth Theory, but I don't know if that idea has been debunked by the producers. If I find out that's what's going on, I'm going to quit watching.