LOST--For fans of the show


New member
I'm so freakin' happy it's back on. :D Last night's eppy was rather interesting. So 6 people made it off the island, apparently. I wonder if the remaining died or were left there. We know that Jack, Kate and Hurley made it off. So who are the other 3 people? My guess is Sawyer's one of them, and that he and Kate are together--that's the HE I'm assuming she referred to at the end of last season's finale.

Is the dead man in coffin from the finale one of the 6? And who is he? My guess is Ben--but I doubt he'd want to get off the island, so maybe not.

The Oceanic commercial was interesting. Is the airline in on whatever's going on?

What is Hurley not supposed to tell?

So many questions. What do you fellow Losties out there think?
The Oceanic commercial was interesting. Is the airline in on whatever's going on?
I had JAG on this morning asi was getting ready to leave for work -and the airline they were on - was Oceanic..

The fictional airline that's been around for years :D

I haven't watched lost since the second episode..

carry on
I'm not even sure if JAG is still on - It was on one of the cable networks this morning..

OCeanic gets around :)
Oceanic Airlines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Media featuring Oceanic Airlines
The following sources contain Oceanic Airlines.
Executive Decision: Oceanic Flight 343 from Athens to Washington, DC was hijacked by terrorists.
Code 11-14: an FBI agent searches for a killer aboard Oceanic Airlines flight 816 bound for Los Angeles from Sydney.
Lost: The show revolves around the aftermath of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. The producers of Lost also created a website for the fictional airline, including clues and references to the show's mystery.
Alias: Oceanic's flight to Sydney is briefly mentioned in an announcement at LAX, when the show's main character Sydney Bristow is there. Alias and Lost were both created by J.J. Abrams.
LAX: Advertisements and computers in terminals in LAX feature the Oceanic Airlines name in the episode "Senator's Daughter".
Pushing Daisies: An Oceanic Airlines advertisement can be seen in the travel agent's office in the episode "Pie-lette".
Chuck: In the episode "Chuck vs the Helicopter", Chuck is viewing a series of photos when one triggers his recall of the secrets. He begins revealing apparently-unconnected secrets including, "Oceanic Flight 815 was shot down by a surface-to-air...", a different cause than what was revealed to have brought down the airplane on the ABC series Lost.

Reused footage
Oceanic Airlines, as it appears in the After the Sunset trailer.Stock footage from Executive Decision was also reused in the following:
After the Sunset: According to the trailer, Max and Lola fly on Oceanic Airlines to their retreat in the Bahamas. The footage does not show up in the theatrical cut of the movie.
Category 6: Day of Destruction: Flight 762, which had to make an emergency landing at O'Hare Airport because the plane was hit with lightning.
Diagnosis Murder: The Boeing 747 used with the route from LAX to Switzerland (Flight number 456) in the episode "Murder in The Air."
JAG: Uses stock footage featuring Oceanic Flight 343 in the episodes "Vanished" and "The Bridge at Kang So Ri".
Nowhere to Land: Oceanic Flight 762, also from Sydney to Los Angeles. Nerve gas onboard.
Panic in the Skies: Footage was used from the film Executive Decision except with "Royce Air International" logos instead of the original ones. (In some scenes however, the original unedited footage is used.)
The War at Home: Footage was used from the film Executive Decision in the episode called "The West Palm Beach Story"
JAG was cancelled a year or two ago.
I knew Oceanic had its own website, but I didn't know ABC was sticking it throughout its other shows...lol
Ok, so when Hurley came upon Jacob's cabin in the last epi, there was someone in the chair, and then the eye at the window. Then he saw Locke. So, I assumed Jacob was in the chair, and it was Locke's eye at the window. However, upon further investigation (yes, I go to the Lost message boards) the eye couldn't have been Locke's b/c the eye was clearly brown, and Locke's are quite blue. Also, it appears that the figure in the chair was Jack's dad (supposedly dead). The actor who plays his father is also listed in the show's credits for that episode. There was no other scene where he appeared in that epi.

So, what does Jack's dad have to do with all of this? And is he really dead? What's he (or his ghost) doing in Jacob's cabin? How can Hurley see Jacob when Ben apparently can't? :confused:
BB: Have you seen a screen cap of the Jacob from the last episode? I assumed the eye in the window belonged to Locke too. Thanks for cleaning that up. I don't have DVR, so we can't pause and replay.

I was really excited to see Lance Reddick in the episode. He was the tall, thin, dark black guy (bad guy from Oceanic or Dharma or whatever) who came to visit Hurley at the looney bin. I'm a huge fan of The Wire and was surprised to see him show up on Lost.

What the hell is up with Charlie's visit? Was that real? Was that all in Hurley's head? I also want to know more about the character who seems to never age, the one who prompted Locke to get Sawyer to kill his dad. You know, he's the one who looks like he's wearing eye makeup.

I used to visit the Lost board that was linked from oceanicflight815.com, but I can't get the board to come up these days. I get irritated with 'tards who include spoilers but don't warn about said spoilers in the subject lines.

I wish Kate would die, and Jack too. Even though I'm supposed to love those characters, I hate them both. Jack needs to grow a pair. I think Matthew Fox is wicked hot though. Anyway, the only characters I really find intriguing are Sayid and Locke.

I've never missed an episode and I used to plan my life around Wedneday nights; now I guess I'll be planning my life around Thursday nights.

I hope the Writers' Strike clears up soon. It really didn't affect me until now.

I missed half of Thursday's episode, but luckily I rewatched the whole thing on Youtube!

Jack is starting to get on my nerves too! I can't wait for next Thursday night to find out about the supposed rescue!!!
Me an hubby have had a standing date for the show since day one when it started. Last season however I missed a few but hubby did not he thinks that they are all dead Lock, Hurley, michael, (his son) Walt and that is their ghosts I told him he was crazy I cant wait till the next episode even though it has me "lost " a little bit what is with Charlie coming back? Also I think what they want to know from hurley is are "They" still alive maby meaning locke, and ben ? heck I dont know
Oh I love Lost so happy its back , I heard they only have 7 more episodes before the strike effects ( not sure if true). Jacks dad always seems to come up and I'm never sure why, he must be part of a bigger picture we haven't seen yet. On the lost boards they even discussed the part when Jack was caught stealing oxy pills he said to the boss
"go check my father upstairs if he is more drunk then me then you can fire me right now" but we later learned that was a flash foward and his dad should of been dead already.....
BB: Have you seen a screen cap of the Jacob from the last episode? I assumed the eye in the window belonged to Locke too. Thanks for cleaning that up. I don't have DVR, so we can't pause and replay.

The eye in the window was not the person in the chair. I'm pretty sure that Jacob was the eye, and Jack's dad was the man in the chair. The screen caps make it appear so.

I was really excited to see Lance Reddick in the episode. He was the tall, thin, dark black guy (bad guy from Oceanic or Dharma or whatever) who came to visit Hurley at the looney bin. I'm a huge fan of The Wire and was surprised to see him show up on Lost.

I had not seen that actor before. He sure looked scary. Someone on the message boards thought he looked Nigerian (ala Mr. Eko) and might be trying to get to the island to get the heroin that was on the plane that crashed.

What the hell is up with Charlie's visit? Was that real? Was that all in Hurley's head? I also want to know more about the character who seems to never age, the one who prompted Locke to get Sawyer to kill his dad. You know, he's the one who looks like he's wearing eye makeup.

I think it was "real" in that Charlie came to visit Hurley in his head. Kinda like a ghostly visit. I'm pretty sure he's dead. It seems the dead can appear in people's visions. Yes, it's curious how Richard Alpert (guyliner dude :D ) doesn't seem to age. There is a rumor on the message boards that he's indigenous to the island, and possibly hundreds of years old. The actor who plays him is apparently the one who suggested this.

I used to visit the Lost board that was linked from oceanicflight815.com, but I can't get the board to come up these days. I get irritated with 'tards who include spoilers but don't warn about said spoilers in the subject lines.

I like the spoilers..lol. But I agree that they should announce them before revealing so that people who believe ignorance is bliss can skip it. :D They have changed the message board format. I didn't visit it from last season's finale until last week, so I'm not sure when they changed it. I haven't had any trouble getting into it, however.

I wish Kate would die, and Jack too. Even though I'm supposed to love those characters, I hate them both. Jack needs to grow a pair. I think Matthew Fox is wicked hot though. Anyway, the only characters I really find intriguing are Sayid and Locke.

I don't want Jack and Kate to die, but they are getting a bit annoying. Locke and Sayid are two of my favs as well. :) Juliet annoys me, too. I think Jin and Sawyer are HOT.

I've never missed an episode and I used to plan my life around Wedneday nights; now I guess I'll be planning my life around Thursday nights.

I haven't missed one, either. It is by far my fav show. I think there are two new back to back episodes tomorrow night.

I hope the Writers' Strike clears up soon. It really didn't affect me until now.

Lol. I feel the same way.
I missed half of Thursday's episode, but luckily I rewatched the whole thing on Youtube!

Jack is starting to get on my nerves too! I can't wait for next Thursday night to find out about the supposed rescue!!!

You can also watch full episodes on abc.com--probably better quality.

I know, I'm dying to find out why those "rescuers" are really there. Maybe old Dharma people trying to find out what happened to the ones ben killed off??
Me an hubby have had a standing date for the show since day one when it started. Last season however I missed a few but hubby did not he thinks that they are all dead Lock, Hurley, michael, (his son) Walt and that is their ghosts I told him he was crazy I cant wait till the next episode even though it has me "lost " a little bit what is with Charlie coming back? Also I think what they want to know from hurley is are "They" still alive maby meaning locke, and ben ? heck I dont know

The only ones who are dead are the ones who actually died on the island. The producers have said repeatedly that they are not in purgatory or anything like that.

I think they want to know what happened to the rest of the Losties who didn't make it off the island. Hell, so do I!!

Apparently the Oceania 6 are Jack, Kate, Hurley, Jin, Sun and Sayid. I don't have 100% verification on this, though.
Oh I love Lost so happy its back , I heard they only have 7 more episodes before the strike effects ( not sure if true). Jacks dad always seems to come up and I'm never sure why, he must be part of a bigger picture we haven't seen yet. On the lost boards they even discussed the part when Jack was caught stealing oxy pills he said to the boss
"go check my father upstairs if he is more drunk then me then you can fire me right now" but we later learned that was a flash foward and his dad should of been dead already.....

Yes, I suspect jack's dad is still alive. How or why, I have no clue. :D
Oh My gosh! I found LOST friends here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the producers said that when people die, they are dead... but what about Christian Sheppards empty casket? Is Jacob using his body??

Cant wait to chat more with you all about my favorite show!!!!
the producers said that when people die, they are dead... but what about Christian Sheppards empty casket? Is Jacob using his body??

We never saw C.S. dead, so perhaps he isn't. I don't think Jacob's using his body b/c in the screen cap you could see the eye in the window and the man in the chair at the same time.
My hubby suggested that Hurley was looking back at himself thru the window.
He believed that it was Hurley's eyeball.
Some sort of parallel universe thing.
One thing is for sure whenever Hurley is "imagining people" he does it to such an extent for them to seem very real. As if they were really there.
On that note..........rememeber Dave. Hurley's friend from his first time in the nut house. How Dave started being like Hurley's imaginary friend on the island. And how Daves slipper actually showed up for real.
And top that off with the other crazy guy in last weeks epi telling Hurley to watch out for that guy over there staring at you.
How in the world does one crazy person know what is in the other crazy guys head?
So perhaps Hurley didn't "really" see someone looking out the window at himeself. Perhaps he was just so scared that his mind had a psychotic break.
I dunno.
Hmm..that is something to ponder. Here is a link to a slow mo of the cabin scene. You have to scroll down a bit. You can also vote as to whose eye you think it is. Right below the video is a pic of the guy in the chair--it looks like it's been brightened so you can see better. It doesn't really look like Christian Shephard to me, though. Hmm....

Dave's slipper is kinda like Kate's horse showing up. Sawyer saw it, too. There appears to be a very thin line between what is physically there and what is imagined. I can't help but think that the "imaginary" is actually "real."

Oh, I was wrong about two new episodes tonight. The first hour is a repeat of last week's.

Anyone watching the new Survivor on tonight?
Thursday's epi was pretty cool. It was over before I knew it. :(

Once again we have characters named after historical figures. Daniel Farraday is a physicist ala Michael Faraday (a 19th century scientist specializing in electromagnatism). How ironic. We all know the island has electromagnetic properties. One of the things I found on the message boards is a theory that electromagnetic waves can hide things. Daniel mentioned the light on the island was different. Perhaps this is why people have such a hard time finding it, b/c it isn't visible to the naked eye from most vantage pts.

Then there's Charlotte Staples Lewis. C.S. Lewis ring a bell for anyone? Lots of similarities between Lost and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. There is that travel to another world aspect--and something that would explain a few things--in Narnia, time moved faster than in our world. In Narnia years had passed and the kids had grown up, but when they came back through the wardrobe, they were children again and only a minute had passed. It seems time goes by much more slowly on the island than off.

Some there also mentioned that they suspect Miles (the Asian guy) could be the son of the Dharma doctor in the dharma videos. The one talking about the incident that took place, and pushing the button, etc. Perhaps Miles is out for revenge against Ben for purging the Dharma people. That would explain why they want Ben.

Then what about Matthew Abbadon (the black guy who sent the "rescuers" to the island and visited Hurely at the asylum)? Is he Dharma then?

So many questions and so few answers. Typical. :D